Research article

China primary school students' STEM views, attitudes, self-concept, identity and experiences: A pilot study in Shandong province

  • Received: 06 May 2024 Revised: 02 August 2024 Accepted: 16 August 2024 Published: 06 September 2024
  • This article reports the survey findings of a pilot study on primary students' views, attitudes, self-concept, identity, and experiences toward STEM education. This survey was held in China Shandong Province. Applying a mixed-method approach, we administered the survey to 332 students and interviewed 8 students to learn about their views about STEM education after the activity. The survey data was analyzed using Rasch on five constructs, namely views, attitudes, self-concept, identity, and experiences in STEM learning. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using emergent coding. The findings showed that students generally responded positively to the five constructs. Students thought that problem-solving was essential, but it was still difficult for them to solve a real-world problem. They agreed that joining STEM activities could enhance their interest in STEM jobs, but they still had less confidence in pursuing a STEM job. The findings provide some insights into a pilot STEM curriculum work in a province and open up possibilities for broadening and deepening knowledge about STEM teaching and learning in China, which is at its nascent stages.

    Citation: Feiyue Wang, Tang Wee Teo, Shoubao Gao. China primary school students' STEM views, attitudes, self-concept, identity and experiences: A pilot study in Shandong province[J]. STEM Education, 2024, 4(4): 381-420. doi: 10.3934/steme.2024022

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  • This article reports the survey findings of a pilot study on primary students' views, attitudes, self-concept, identity, and experiences toward STEM education. This survey was held in China Shandong Province. Applying a mixed-method approach, we administered the survey to 332 students and interviewed 8 students to learn about their views about STEM education after the activity. The survey data was analyzed using Rasch on five constructs, namely views, attitudes, self-concept, identity, and experiences in STEM learning. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using emergent coding. The findings showed that students generally responded positively to the five constructs. Students thought that problem-solving was essential, but it was still difficult for them to solve a real-world problem. They agreed that joining STEM activities could enhance their interest in STEM jobs, but they still had less confidence in pursuing a STEM job. The findings provide some insights into a pilot STEM curriculum work in a province and open up possibilities for broadening and deepening knowledge about STEM teaching and learning in China, which is at its nascent stages.


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  • Author's biography Feiyue Wang is currently a graduate student at the Shandong Normal University. Her research interests include design and evaluation in STEM education; Teo Tang Wee is an Associate Professor in the Natural Sciences and Science Education (Academic Group) in the National Institute of Education. She is also the Co-Head of the Multi-centric Education, Research and Industry STEM Centre in NIE. Her research interests include inclusivity in classrooms and gender issues in STEM education. She is an editorial board member of Asian Women and an Associate Editor of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Science Education, Pedagogies: An International Journal, and the Cultural Studies of Science Education. She is also the Founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of Research in Integrated STEM Education Journal; Shoubao Gao is an Associate Professor in the School of Physics and Electronics at Shandong Normal University. His research interests include physics education and STEM education. He is a member of a council of Shandong Physical Society
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