Research article Special Issues

A PDE-ODE model for traffic control with autonomous vehicles

  • Received: 12 November 2021 Revised: 10 May 2022 Accepted: 08 July 2022 Published: 07 April 2023
  • We consider a partial differential equation - ordinary differential equation system to describe the dynamics of traffic flow with autonomous vehicles. In the model, the bulk flow of human drivers is represented by a scalar conservation law, while each autonomous vehicle is described by an ordinary differential equation. The coupled PDE-ODE model is introduced, and existence of solutions for this model is shown, along with a proposed algorithm to construct approximate solutions. Next, we propose a control strategy for the speeds of the autonomous vehicles to minimize the average fuel consumption of the entire traffic flow. Existence of solutions for the optimal control problem is proved, and we numerically show that a reduction in average fuel consumption is possible with an AV acting as a moving bottleneck.

    Citation: Thibault Liard, Raphael Stern, Maria Laura Delle Monache. A PDE-ODE model for traffic control with autonomous vehicles[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2023, 18(3): 1190-1206. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2023051

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  • We consider a partial differential equation - ordinary differential equation system to describe the dynamics of traffic flow with autonomous vehicles. In the model, the bulk flow of human drivers is represented by a scalar conservation law, while each autonomous vehicle is described by an ordinary differential equation. The coupled PDE-ODE model is introduced, and existence of solutions for this model is shown, along with a proposed algorithm to construct approximate solutions. Next, we propose a control strategy for the speeds of the autonomous vehicles to minimize the average fuel consumption of the entire traffic flow. Existence of solutions for the optimal control problem is proved, and we numerically show that a reduction in average fuel consumption is possible with an AV acting as a moving bottleneck.


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