
Perspective on utilization of Bacillus species as plant probiotics for different crops in adverse conditions

  • Received: 23 November 2023 Revised: 21 February 2024 Accepted: 22 February 2024 Published: 13 March 2024
  • Plant probiotic bacteria are a versatile group of bacteria isolated from different environmental sources to improve plant productivity and immunity. The potential of plant probiotic-based formulations is successfully seen as growth enhancement in economically important plants. For instance, endophytic Bacillus species acted as plant growth-promoting bacteria, influenced crops such as cowpea and lady's finger, and increased phytochemicals in crops such as high antioxidant content in tomato fruits. The present review aims to summarize the studies of Bacillus species retaining probiotic properties and compare them with the conventional fertilizers on the market. Plant probiotics aim to take over the world since it is the time to rejuvenate and restore the soil and achieve sustainable development goals for the future. Comprehensive coverage of all the Bacillus species used to maintain plant health, promote plant growth, and fight against pathogens is crucial for establishing sustainable agriculture to face global change. Additionally, it will give the latest insight into this multifunctional agent with a detailed biocontrol mechanism and explore the antagonistic effects of Bacillus species in different crops.

    Citation: Shubhra Singh, Douglas J. H. Shyu. Perspective on utilization of Bacillus species as plant probiotics for different crops in adverse conditions[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2024, 10(1): 220-238. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2024011

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  • Plant probiotic bacteria are a versatile group of bacteria isolated from different environmental sources to improve plant productivity and immunity. The potential of plant probiotic-based formulations is successfully seen as growth enhancement in economically important plants. For instance, endophytic Bacillus species acted as plant growth-promoting bacteria, influenced crops such as cowpea and lady's finger, and increased phytochemicals in crops such as high antioxidant content in tomato fruits. The present review aims to summarize the studies of Bacillus species retaining probiotic properties and compare them with the conventional fertilizers on the market. Plant probiotics aim to take over the world since it is the time to rejuvenate and restore the soil and achieve sustainable development goals for the future. Comprehensive coverage of all the Bacillus species used to maintain plant health, promote plant growth, and fight against pathogens is crucial for establishing sustainable agriculture to face global change. Additionally, it will give the latest insight into this multifunctional agent with a detailed biocontrol mechanism and explore the antagonistic effects of Bacillus species in different crops.



    We would like to thank Mr. Liyu Chiang for his assistance.

    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    Author Contributions

    S.S.: Conceptualization, Investigation, Data Curation, Validation, Writing – Original Draft Preparation. D.J.H.S: Conceptualization, Supervision, Project Administration, Suggestion, and Writing – Review and Editing.

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