
Integrative child psychotherapy: discussion of a common core and unified theory approach

  • Received: 10 March 2024 Revised: 21 May 2024 Accepted: 14 June 2024 Published: 26 June 2024
  • This paper explored significant advancements in integrative child psychotherapy in the UK, aiming to establish a common core and unified theory. Informed by infant-parent observations, attachment theory, neuroscience, and socio-cognitive developmental psychology research, the findings integrated clinical approaches from a developmental and family systems perspective. The objective was to provide a framework based on common factors and a unified psychogenesis theory, emphasising a therapeutic action model and understanding child development. The escalating prevalence and severity of mental health issues among children and young people (CYP) are highlighted, with factors like the COVID-19 pandemic, educational disruptions, increased digital reliance, and the current cost of living crisis contributing to the surge. The impact of these changes necessitates a holistic approach to mental health care, specifically by specialists in integrative child psychotherapy. Current data underestimates CYP mental health needs due to the absence of a national approach to data collection and analysis. Moreover, there is a lack of consensus on the assessment and case formulation in CYP mental health treatment. The diversity in practitioners' approaches, training, and understanding of child development, evidence-based practices, and CYP mental health support is noted. Critiquing the limitations of evidence-based practices, the paper argues for a systematic assessment and case formulation framework. It advocates for an evidence base that acknowledges the individuality of CYP, emphasising psychotherapy's dynamic, relational foundation. The proposed framework seeks to inform training and practice requirements, challenging the conventional mechanistic understanding of mental health treatment and promoting a more integrative and client-centred approach.

    Citation: Tracey Cockerton Tattersall, Nadja Rolli, Martin Butwell. Integrative child psychotherapy: discussion of a common core and unified theory approach[J]. AIMS Medical Science, 2024, 11(2): 181-209. doi: 10.3934/medsci.2024015

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  • This paper explored significant advancements in integrative child psychotherapy in the UK, aiming to establish a common core and unified theory. Informed by infant-parent observations, attachment theory, neuroscience, and socio-cognitive developmental psychology research, the findings integrated clinical approaches from a developmental and family systems perspective. The objective was to provide a framework based on common factors and a unified psychogenesis theory, emphasising a therapeutic action model and understanding child development. The escalating prevalence and severity of mental health issues among children and young people (CYP) are highlighted, with factors like the COVID-19 pandemic, educational disruptions, increased digital reliance, and the current cost of living crisis contributing to the surge. The impact of these changes necessitates a holistic approach to mental health care, specifically by specialists in integrative child psychotherapy. Current data underestimates CYP mental health needs due to the absence of a national approach to data collection and analysis. Moreover, there is a lack of consensus on the assessment and case formulation in CYP mental health treatment. The diversity in practitioners' approaches, training, and understanding of child development, evidence-based practices, and CYP mental health support is noted. Critiquing the limitations of evidence-based practices, the paper argues for a systematic assessment and case formulation framework. It advocates for an evidence base that acknowledges the individuality of CYP, emphasising psychotherapy's dynamic, relational foundation. The proposed framework seeks to inform training and practice requirements, challenging the conventional mechanistic understanding of mental health treatment and promoting a more integrative and client-centred approach.


    1 The use of the terms “children” and “young people” covers the age range from birth to 25 years. We use the term “children” to refer to younger children who do not have the maturity and understanding to make important decisions for themselves.

    2 We use the term “young adult” and “young people” to refer to those aged 18–25 years old and more experienced children who are more likely to be able to make these decisions for themselves.

    3 In this paper, the terms “child psychotherapist” and “child psychotherapy” are used to refer to ACP and UKCP-accredited psychotherapists trained to work with infants, children, adolescents, young people, and parents, individually and within the family. UKCP child psychotherapists are integrative in their approach as reflected in the Standards of Education and Training.

    4 The term “child” is used throughout this paper when referring to children and adolescents up to their 18th birthday, unless additional or specialist emphasis is required. “Young people” refer to clients aged 18–25 years old. “Young clients” refers to children, adolescents, and young people who work with child psychotherapists.


    Conflict of interest

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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