Research article Special Issues

Advancing glioma diagnosis: Integrating custom U-Net and VGG-16 for improved grading in MR imaging

  • Received: 09 January 2024 Revised: 06 February 2024 Accepted: 13 February 2024 Published: 26 February 2024
  • In the realm of medical imaging, the precise segmentation and classification of gliomas represent fundamental challenges with profound clinical implications. Leveraging the BraTS 2018 dataset as a standard benchmark, this study delves into the potential of advanced deep learning models for addressing these challenges. We propose a novel approach that integrates a customized U-Net for segmentation and VGG-16 for classification. The U-Net, with its tailored encoder-decoder pathways, accurately identifies glioma regions, thus improving tumor localization. The fine-tuned VGG-16, featuring a customized output layer, precisely differentiates between low-grade and high-grade gliomas. To ensure consistency in data pre-processing, a standardized methodology involving gamma correction, data augmentation, and normalization is introduced. This novel integration surpasses existing methods, offering significantly improved glioma diagnosis, validated by high segmentation dice scores (WT: 0.96, TC: 0.92, ET: 0.89), and a remarkable overall classification accuracy of 97.89%. The experimental findings underscore the potential of integrating deep learning-based methodologies for tumor segmentation and classification in enhancing glioma diagnosis and formulating subsequent treatment strategies.

    Citation: Sonam Saluja, Munesh Chandra Trivedi, Shiv S. Sarangdevot. Advancing glioma diagnosis: Integrating custom U-Net and VGG-16 for improved grading in MR imaging[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(3): 4328-4350. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024191

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  • In the realm of medical imaging, the precise segmentation and classification of gliomas represent fundamental challenges with profound clinical implications. Leveraging the BraTS 2018 dataset as a standard benchmark, this study delves into the potential of advanced deep learning models for addressing these challenges. We propose a novel approach that integrates a customized U-Net for segmentation and VGG-16 for classification. The U-Net, with its tailored encoder-decoder pathways, accurately identifies glioma regions, thus improving tumor localization. The fine-tuned VGG-16, featuring a customized output layer, precisely differentiates between low-grade and high-grade gliomas. To ensure consistency in data pre-processing, a standardized methodology involving gamma correction, data augmentation, and normalization is introduced. This novel integration surpasses existing methods, offering significantly improved glioma diagnosis, validated by high segmentation dice scores (WT: 0.96, TC: 0.92, ET: 0.89), and a remarkable overall classification accuracy of 97.89%. The experimental findings underscore the potential of integrating deep learning-based methodologies for tumor segmentation and classification in enhancing glioma diagnosis and formulating subsequent treatment strategies.


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