
Deep learning-based small object detection: A survey

  • Received: 18 October 2022 Revised: 21 December 2022 Accepted: 26 December 2022 Published: 02 February 2023
  • Small object detection (SOD) is significant for many real-world applications, including criminal investigation, autonomous driving and remote sensing images. SOD has been one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision due to its low resolution and noise representation. With the development of deep learning, it has been introduced to boost the performance of SOD. In this paper, focusing on the difficulties of SOD, we analyze the deep learning-based SOD research papers from four perspectives, including boosting the resolution of input features, scale-aware training, incorporating contextual information and data augmentation. We also review the literature on crucial SOD tasks, including small face detection, small pedestrian detection and aerial image object detection. In addition, we conduct a thorough performance evaluation of generic SOD algorithms and methods for crucial SOD tasks on four well-known small object datasets. Our experimental results show that network configuring to boost the resolution of input features can enable significant performance gains on WIDER FACE and Tiny Person. Finally, several potential directions for future research in the area of SOD are provided.

    Citation: Qihan Feng, Xinzheng Xu, Zhixiao Wang. Deep learning-based small object detection: A survey[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(4): 6551-6590. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023282

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  • Small object detection (SOD) is significant for many real-world applications, including criminal investigation, autonomous driving and remote sensing images. SOD has been one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision due to its low resolution and noise representation. With the development of deep learning, it has been introduced to boost the performance of SOD. In this paper, focusing on the difficulties of SOD, we analyze the deep learning-based SOD research papers from four perspectives, including boosting the resolution of input features, scale-aware training, incorporating contextual information and data augmentation. We also review the literature on crucial SOD tasks, including small face detection, small pedestrian detection and aerial image object detection. In addition, we conduct a thorough performance evaluation of generic SOD algorithms and methods for crucial SOD tasks on four well-known small object datasets. Our experimental results show that network configuring to boost the resolution of input features can enable significant performance gains on WIDER FACE and Tiny Person. Finally, several potential directions for future research in the area of SOD are provided.


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