Research article

Generating new protein sequences by using dense network and attention mechanism

  • Received: 18 September 2022 Revised: 29 November 2022 Accepted: 29 November 2022 Published: 21 December 2022
  • Protein engineering uses de novo protein design technology to change the protein gene sequence, and then improve the physical and chemical properties of proteins. These newly generated proteins will meet the needs of research better in properties and functions. The Dense-AutoGAN model is based on GAN, which is combined with an Attention mechanism to generate protein sequences. In this GAN architecture, the Attention mechanism and Encoder-decoder can improve the similarity of generated sequences and obtain variations in a smaller range on the original basis. Meanwhile, a new convolutional neural network is constructed by using the Dense. The dense network transmits in multiple layers over the generator network of the GAN architecture, which expands the training space and improves the effectiveness of sequence generation. Finally, the complex protein sequences are generated on the mapping of protein functions. Through comparisons of other models, the generated sequences of Dense-AutoGAN verify the model performance. The new generated proteins are highly accurate and effective in chemical and physical properties.

    Citation: Feng Wang, Xiaochen Feng, Ren Kong, Shan Chang. Generating new protein sequences by using dense network and attention mechanism[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 4178-4197. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023195

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  • Protein engineering uses de novo protein design technology to change the protein gene sequence, and then improve the physical and chemical properties of proteins. These newly generated proteins will meet the needs of research better in properties and functions. The Dense-AutoGAN model is based on GAN, which is combined with an Attention mechanism to generate protein sequences. In this GAN architecture, the Attention mechanism and Encoder-decoder can improve the similarity of generated sequences and obtain variations in a smaller range on the original basis. Meanwhile, a new convolutional neural network is constructed by using the Dense. The dense network transmits in multiple layers over the generator network of the GAN architecture, which expands the training space and improves the effectiveness of sequence generation. Finally, the complex protein sequences are generated on the mapping of protein functions. Through comparisons of other models, the generated sequences of Dense-AutoGAN verify the model performance. The new generated proteins are highly accurate and effective in chemical and physical properties.


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