Research article Special Issues

Dynamics of a two-layer neuronal network with asymmetry in coupling

  • Received: 12 September 2022 Revised: 14 November 2022 Accepted: 24 November 2022 Published: 01 December 2022
  • Investigating the effect of changes in neuronal connectivity on the brain's behavior is of interest in neuroscience studies. Complex network theory is one of the most capable tools to study the effects of these changes on collective brain behavior. By using complex networks, the neural structure, function, and dynamics can be analyzed. In this context, various frameworks can be used to mimic neural networks, among which multi-layer networks are a proper one. Compared to single-layer models, multi-layer networks can provide a more realistic model of the brain due to their high complexity and dimensionality. This paper examines the effect of changes in asymmetry coupling on the behaviors of a multi-layer neuronal network. To this aim, a two-layer network is considered as a minimum model of left and right cerebral hemispheres communicated with the corpus callosum. The chaotic model of Hindmarsh-Rose is taken as the dynamics of the nodes. Only two neurons of each layer connect two layers of the network. In this model, it is assumed that the layers have different coupling strengths, so the effect of each coupling change on network behavior can be analyzed. As a result, the projection of the nodes is plotted for several coupling strengths to investigate how the asymmetry coupling influences the network behaviors. It is observed that although no coexisting attractor is present in the Hindmarsh-Rose model, an asymmetry in couplings causes the emergence of different attractors. The bifurcation diagrams of one node of each layer are presented to show the variation of the dynamics due to coupling changes. For further analysis, the network synchronization is investigated by computing intra-layer and inter-layer errors. Calculating these errors shows that the network can be synchronized only for large enough symmetric coupling.

    Citation: Sridevi Sriram, Hayder Natiq, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Ondrej Krejcar, Hamidreza Namazi. Dynamics of a two-layer neuronal network with asymmetry in coupling[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 2908-2919. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023137

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  • Investigating the effect of changes in neuronal connectivity on the brain's behavior is of interest in neuroscience studies. Complex network theory is one of the most capable tools to study the effects of these changes on collective brain behavior. By using complex networks, the neural structure, function, and dynamics can be analyzed. In this context, various frameworks can be used to mimic neural networks, among which multi-layer networks are a proper one. Compared to single-layer models, multi-layer networks can provide a more realistic model of the brain due to their high complexity and dimensionality. This paper examines the effect of changes in asymmetry coupling on the behaviors of a multi-layer neuronal network. To this aim, a two-layer network is considered as a minimum model of left and right cerebral hemispheres communicated with the corpus callosum. The chaotic model of Hindmarsh-Rose is taken as the dynamics of the nodes. Only two neurons of each layer connect two layers of the network. In this model, it is assumed that the layers have different coupling strengths, so the effect of each coupling change on network behavior can be analyzed. As a result, the projection of the nodes is plotted for several coupling strengths to investigate how the asymmetry coupling influences the network behaviors. It is observed that although no coexisting attractor is present in the Hindmarsh-Rose model, an asymmetry in couplings causes the emergence of different attractors. The bifurcation diagrams of one node of each layer are presented to show the variation of the dynamics due to coupling changes. For further analysis, the network synchronization is investigated by computing intra-layer and inter-layer errors. Calculating these errors shows that the network can be synchronized only for large enough symmetric coupling.


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