Research article

An enhanced whale optimization algorithm for DNA storage encoding

  • Received: 16 August 2022 Revised: 06 September 2022 Accepted: 12 September 2022 Published: 26 September 2022
  • Metaheuristic algorithms have the drawback that local optimal solutions are prone to precocious convergence. In order to overcome the disadvantages of the whale optimization algorithm, we propose an improved selective opposition whale optimization algorithm (ISOWOA) in this paper. Firstly, the enhanced quasi-opposition learning (EQOBL) is applied to selectively update the position of the predator, calculate the fitness of the population before and after, and retain optimal individuals as the food source position; Secondly, an improved time-varying update strategy for inertia weight predator position is proposed, and the position update of the food source is completed by this strategy. The performance of the algorithm is analyzed by 23 benchmark functions of CEC 2005 and 15 benchmark functions of CEC 2015 in various dimensions. The superior results are further shown by Wilcoxon's rank sum test and Friedman's nonparametric rank test. Finally, its applicability is demonstrated through applications to the field of biological computing. In this paper, our aim is to achieve access to DNA files and designs high-quantity DNA code sets by ISOWOA. The experimental results show that the lower bounds of the multi-constraint storage coding sets implemented in this paper equals or surpasses that of previous optimal constructions. The data show that the amount of the DNA storage cods filtered by ISOWOA increased 2–18%, which demonstrates the algorithm's reliability in practical optimization tasks.

    Citation: Sijie Wang, Shihua Zhou, Weiqi Yan. An enhanced whale optimization algorithm for DNA storage encoding[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(12): 14142-14172. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022659

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  • Metaheuristic algorithms have the drawback that local optimal solutions are prone to precocious convergence. In order to overcome the disadvantages of the whale optimization algorithm, we propose an improved selective opposition whale optimization algorithm (ISOWOA) in this paper. Firstly, the enhanced quasi-opposition learning (EQOBL) is applied to selectively update the position of the predator, calculate the fitness of the population before and after, and retain optimal individuals as the food source position; Secondly, an improved time-varying update strategy for inertia weight predator position is proposed, and the position update of the food source is completed by this strategy. The performance of the algorithm is analyzed by 23 benchmark functions of CEC 2005 and 15 benchmark functions of CEC 2015 in various dimensions. The superior results are further shown by Wilcoxon's rank sum test and Friedman's nonparametric rank test. Finally, its applicability is demonstrated through applications to the field of biological computing. In this paper, our aim is to achieve access to DNA files and designs high-quantity DNA code sets by ISOWOA. The experimental results show that the lower bounds of the multi-constraint storage coding sets implemented in this paper equals or surpasses that of previous optimal constructions. The data show that the amount of the DNA storage cods filtered by ISOWOA increased 2–18%, which demonstrates the algorithm's reliability in practical optimization tasks.


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