Research article Special Issues

Modeling-framework for model-based software engineering of complex Internet of things systems

  • Received: 20 August 2021 Accepted: 12 October 2021 Published: 27 October 2021
  • Internet of things (IoT) systems are composed of variety of units from different domains. While developing a complete IoT system, different professionals from different domains may have to work in collaboration. In this paper we provide a framework which allows using discrete and continuous time modeling and simulation approaches in combination for IoT systems. The proposed framework demonstrates on how to model Ad-hoc and general IoT systems for software engineering purpose. We demonstrate that model-based software engineering on one hand can provide a common platform to overcome communication gaps among collaborating stakeholders whereas, on the other hand can model and integrate heterogeneous components of IoT systems. While modeling heterogeneous IoT systems, one of the major challenges is to apply continuous and discrete time modeling on intrinsically varying components of the system. Another difficulty may be how to compose these heterogeneous components into one whole system. The proposed framework provides a road-map to model discrete, continuous, Ad-hoc, general systems along with composition mechanism of heterogeneous subsystems. The framework uses a combination of Agent-based modeling, Aspect-oriented modeling, contract-based modeling and services-oriented modeling concepts. We used this framework to model a scenario example of a service-oriented IoT system as proof of concept. We analyzed our framework with existing systems and discussed it in details. Our framework provides a mechanism to model different viewpoints. The framework also enhances the completeness and consistency of the IoT software models.

    Citation: Khurrum Mustafa Abbasi, Tamim Ahmed Khan, Irfan ul Haq. Modeling-framework for model-based software engineering of complex Internet of things systems[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(6): 9312-9335. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021458

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  • Internet of things (IoT) systems are composed of variety of units from different domains. While developing a complete IoT system, different professionals from different domains may have to work in collaboration. In this paper we provide a framework which allows using discrete and continuous time modeling and simulation approaches in combination for IoT systems. The proposed framework demonstrates on how to model Ad-hoc and general IoT systems for software engineering purpose. We demonstrate that model-based software engineering on one hand can provide a common platform to overcome communication gaps among collaborating stakeholders whereas, on the other hand can model and integrate heterogeneous components of IoT systems. While modeling heterogeneous IoT systems, one of the major challenges is to apply continuous and discrete time modeling on intrinsically varying components of the system. Another difficulty may be how to compose these heterogeneous components into one whole system. The proposed framework provides a road-map to model discrete, continuous, Ad-hoc, general systems along with composition mechanism of heterogeneous subsystems. The framework uses a combination of Agent-based modeling, Aspect-oriented modeling, contract-based modeling and services-oriented modeling concepts. We used this framework to model a scenario example of a service-oriented IoT system as proof of concept. We analyzed our framework with existing systems and discussed it in details. Our framework provides a mechanism to model different viewpoints. The framework also enhances the completeness and consistency of the IoT software models.


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