Research article

Optimal channel-based sparse time-frequency blocks common spatial pattern feature extraction method for motor imagery classification

  • Received: 21 March 2021 Accepted: 10 May 2021 Published: 17 May 2021
  • Common spatial pattern (CSP) as a spatial filtering method has been most widely applied to electroencephalogram (EEG) feature extraction to classify motor imagery (MI) in brain-computer interface (BCI) applications. The effectiveness of CSP is determined by the quality of interception in a specific time window and frequency band. Although numerous algorithms have been designed to optimize CSP by splitting the EEG data with a sliding time window and dividing the frequency bands with a set of band-pass filters, simultaneously. However, they did not consider the drawbacks of the rapid increase in data volume and feature dimensions brought about by this method, which would reduce the classification accuracy and calculation efficiency of the model. Therefore, we propose an optimal channel-based sparse time-frequency blocks common spatial pattern (OCSB-CSP) feature extraction method to improve the model classification accuracy and computational efficiency. Comparative experiments on two public EEG datasets show that the proposed method can quickly select significant time-frequency blocks and improve classification performance. The average classification accuracies are higher than those of other winners' methods, providing a new idea for the improvement of BCI applications.

    Citation: Xu Yin, Ming Meng, Qingshan She, Yunyuan Gao, Zhizeng Luo. Optimal channel-based sparse time-frequency blocks common spatial pattern feature extraction method for motor imagery classification[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(4): 4247-4263. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021213

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  • Common spatial pattern (CSP) as a spatial filtering method has been most widely applied to electroencephalogram (EEG) feature extraction to classify motor imagery (MI) in brain-computer interface (BCI) applications. The effectiveness of CSP is determined by the quality of interception in a specific time window and frequency band. Although numerous algorithms have been designed to optimize CSP by splitting the EEG data with a sliding time window and dividing the frequency bands with a set of band-pass filters, simultaneously. However, they did not consider the drawbacks of the rapid increase in data volume and feature dimensions brought about by this method, which would reduce the classification accuracy and calculation efficiency of the model. Therefore, we propose an optimal channel-based sparse time-frequency blocks common spatial pattern (OCSB-CSP) feature extraction method to improve the model classification accuracy and computational efficiency. Comparative experiments on two public EEG datasets show that the proposed method can quickly select significant time-frequency blocks and improve classification performance. The average classification accuracies are higher than those of other winners' methods, providing a new idea for the improvement of BCI applications.


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