Research article

Functional differential equations of the neutral type: Oscillatory features of solutions

  • Received: 27 February 2024 Revised: 24 April 2024 Accepted: 30 April 2024 Published: 13 May 2024
  • MSC : 34C10, 34K11

  • This article delves into the behavior of solutions to a general class of functional differential equations that contain a neutral delay argument. This category encompasses the half-linear case and the multiple-delay case of neutral equations. The motivation to study this type of equation lies not only in the exciting analytical issues it presents but also in its numerous vital applications in physics and biology. We improved some of the inequalities that play a crucial role in developing the oscillation test. Then, we used an improved technique to derive several criteria that ensure the oscillation of the solutions of the studied equation. Additionally, we established a criterion that did not require imposing monotonic constraints on the delay functions and took into account their effect. We have supported the novelty and effectiveness of the results by analyzing and comparing them with previous results in the literature.

    Citation: Osama Moaaz, Asma Al-Jaser. Functional differential equations of the neutral type: Oscillatory features of solutions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(6): 16544-16563. doi: 10.3934/math.2024802

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  • This article delves into the behavior of solutions to a general class of functional differential equations that contain a neutral delay argument. This category encompasses the half-linear case and the multiple-delay case of neutral equations. The motivation to study this type of equation lies not only in the exciting analytical issues it presents but also in its numerous vital applications in physics and biology. We improved some of the inequalities that play a crucial role in developing the oscillation test. Then, we used an improved technique to derive several criteria that ensure the oscillation of the solutions of the studied equation. Additionally, we established a criterion that did not require imposing monotonic constraints on the delay functions and took into account their effect. We have supported the novelty and effectiveness of the results by analyzing and comparing them with previous results in the literature.


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