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Well-posedness and order preservation for neutral type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps

  • In this work, we are concerned with the order preservation problem for multidimensional neutral type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps under non-Lipschitz conditions. By using a truncated Euler-Maruyama scheme and adopting an approximation argument, we have developed the well-posedness of solutions for a class of stochastic functional differential equations which allow the length of memory to be infinite, and the coefficients to be non-Lipschitz and even unbounded. Moreover, we have extended some existing conclusions on order preservation for stochastic systems to a more general case. A pair of examples have been constructed to demonstrate that the order preservation need not hold whenever the diffusion term contains a delay term, although the jump-diffusion coefficient could contain a delay term.

    Citation: Yongxiang Zhu, Min Zhu. Well-posedness and order preservation for neutral type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 11537-11559. doi: 10.3934/math.2024566

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  • In this work, we are concerned with the order preservation problem for multidimensional neutral type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps under non-Lipschitz conditions. By using a truncated Euler-Maruyama scheme and adopting an approximation argument, we have developed the well-posedness of solutions for a class of stochastic functional differential equations which allow the length of memory to be infinite, and the coefficients to be non-Lipschitz and even unbounded. Moreover, we have extended some existing conclusions on order preservation for stochastic systems to a more general case. A pair of examples have been constructed to demonstrate that the order preservation need not hold whenever the diffusion term contains a delay term, although the jump-diffusion coefficient could contain a delay term.

    In [1], Asker studied well-posedness for a class of neutral type stochastic differential equations driven by Brownian motions with infinite delay; Bao et al. [2] also investigated the exponential ergodicity, weak convergence, and asymptotic Log-Harnack inequality for several kinds of models with infinite memory. So far, there is no order preservation available for stochastic differential equations with infinite memory. Moreover, the order preservation theorems play an essential role in the theory of stochastic systems and their applications because, in many fields of analysis, they constitute an effective way to control a complicated stochastic system by using a simpler one. These types of theorems are used in a wide range of practical problems in fields such as finance, economics, biology, and mathematics; see also [3,4,5,6,7,8]. Consequently, we focus on establishing order preservation for neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite memory with jumps and obtaining the well-posedness for these stochastic systems under non-Lipschitz conditions.

    The pioneering work on order preservation for stochastic differential equations is detailed in [9], and was later generalized in [10]. Since their works, the order preservation for two stochastic differential equations driven by continuous noise processes has been investigated extensively. With regard to the order preservation under various settings, we can refer to, for example, [11] for one-dimensional stochastic differential equations, [12] for one-dimensional stochastic hybrid delay systems, and [13] for multidimensional stochastic functional differential equations.

    Meanwhile, the order preservation for two stochastic differential equations subject to the discontinuous case has also garnered much attention. For example, applying criteria of a "viability condition", the authors of [14] showed a comparison theorem of stochastic differential equations with jumps under Lipschitz and linear growth conditions; using a Tanaka-type formula, [15] further established a comparison theorem for one-dimensional stochastic differential delay equations with jumps, where the coefficients satisfy local Lipschitz and linear growth conditions; adopting an approximation argument, the work in [16] extends the results on one-dimensional equations to multidimensional stochastic functional differential equations with jumps, where the coefficients satisfy a non-Lipschitz condition.

    It is worth pointing out that [13,15,17,18] focus on order preservation for stochastic functional differential equations with Lipschitz coefficients, which rules out the case of non-Lipschitz conditions. On the other hand, few studies have focused on stochastic functional differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients, and, in the existing literature, most have focused on stochastic functional differential equations of finite delay. Yet, the corresponding issue for stochastic functional differential equations with infinite memory is rarely addressed in the literature. Moreover, the multidimensional order preservation theorem affords a further widening of the field of application, especially for those processes whose dynamics are influenced by each other. Based on the above motivations, in this work, we aimed to develop an approximation method to investigate order preservation for multidimensional neutral type stochastic functional differential equations, which allow the coefficients to be non-Lipschitz and depend on the whole history of the system. Compared to the existing results on order preservation, the innovations of our work can be described as follows:

    (i) We introduce the truncated Euler-Maruyama scheme method into the analysis of the well-posedness problem of neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps, and we establish the existence of the solutions;

    (ii) Our model is more applicable and practical, as we deal with neutral-type stochastic differential equations under non-Lipschitz conditions.

    The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some notations and present the framework of our paper; Section 3 is devoted to the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a class of neutral stochastic functional differential equations of infinite delay for pure jumps; Section 4 focuses on the order preservation for this system.

    For d,mN, i.e., the set of all positive integers, let (Rd,<,>,||) be the d-dimensional Euclidean space with the inner product <,> inducing the norm || and RdRm denote the collection of all d×m matrixes with real entries, which is endowed with the Hilbert-Schmidt norm . D:=D([,0];Rd) denotes the family of all càdlàg functions f:[,0]Rd. For a càdlàg map f:[,)Rd and t0, let ftD be such that ft(θ)=f((t+θ))=limst+θf(s) for θ[,0], and (ft)t0 is called the segment process of (f(t))t>.

    For a fixed number r>0, set


    Then, (Dr,r) is a Banach space. Under the uniform norm r, the space Dr is complete but not separable. Let (W(t))t0 be an m-dimensional Brownian motion and N(dt,du) a Poisson counting process with characteristic measure λ on a measurable subset Y defined on the probability space (Ω,F,P) with the filtration (Ft)t0 satisfying the usual condition (i.e., F0 contains all P-null sets and Ft=Ft+:=s>tFs). We assume that W(t) and N(dt,du) are independent.

    Consider the following neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay on (Rd,<,>,||):

    {d{X(t)G(Xt)}=b(t,Xt)dt+σ(t,Xt)dW(t)+Yγ(t,Xt,u)N(dt,du),t0,X0=ξDr, (2.1)
    {d{ˉX(t)G(ˉXt)}=ˉb(t,ˉXt)dt+ˉσ(t,ˉXt)dW(t)+Yˉγ(t,ˉXt,u)N(dt,du),t0,ˉX0=ˉξDr, (2.2)

    where G:DrRd, b,ˉb:R×DrRd, σ,ˉσ:R×DrRd×Rd, and γ,ˉγ:R×Dr×YRd are progressively measurable.

    Set Λ(t):=X(t)G(Xt), ˉΛ(t):=ˉX(t)G(ˉXt), Z(t):=X(t)ˉX(t), and ˜Z(t):=Λ(t)ˉΛ(t). In order to derive the well-posedness of solutions, we assume the following

    (A1)G(0)=0 and there exists a constant α(0,12) such that |G(ξ)G(η)|αξηr for ξ,ηDr.

    (A2) There exist some functions K([0,]) and uU such that P-a.s.


    where U is a class of control functions and

    U={uC1((0,);[1,)):10dssu(s)=,ssu(s)is increasing and concave}.

    (A3) For any T>0, there exists a constant C(T) such that P-a.s.


    (A4)G(ξ)G(η) for ξη and there exists a constant α(0,12) such that


    Under (A1)–(A3), (2.1) admits a unique strong solution (X(t))t0; see Theorem 3.1 below for more details. For the existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay, we refer the reader to [1,19,20] and the references therein. In particular, using the Picard approximation, Ren and Chen [19] studied the existence and uniqueness for a class of neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with Poisson jumps in an abstract space under non-Lipschitz. We remark that we provide an alternative method to establishing the well-posedness of neutral type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps. The Lipschitz coefficient α in (A1) is set to less than one-half rather than 140, as detailed in [19]. So, in some sense, our result is more general. Assumption (A4) is just imposed for the sake of the monotonicity principle of the solution process; see Theorem 4.1 below for more details.

    Meanwhile, to establish the order preservation for multidimensional neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay, in view of [21], we introduce the partial orders on Rd and Cr as follows: for x=(x1,,xn),y=(y1,,yn)Rd,


    and, for ξ=(ξ1,,ξn),η=(η1,,ηn)Dr,


    In this section, we finally recall the definition of D-order preservation (see, e.g., [21, Definition 4.1]).

    Definition 2.1. Equations (2.1) and (2.2) represent D-order preservation, if, for any ξ,ˉξDr with P(ξDˉξ)=1, one has


    In the case that G=0 and N=0, the existence and uniqueness of solutions to (2.1) with weak one-sided local Lipschitz conditions has been studied in [2]. On the other hand, under the same conditions the authors of [1] has extended the result to neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay. Compared with these, we point out that the following result is included in [1,2]. In contrast to the assumptions put forward in [1,2], the assumptions (A1)–(A3) are more general. Moreover, in [16], where order preservation of a stochastic functional differential equation with non-Lipschitz coefficients is given, a tried-and-true method shows that we can approximate the non-Lipschitz stochastic functional differential equations by using those with Lipschitz coefficients to prove the existence of solutions. It is worth pointing out that the Bismut formula for stochastic functional differential equations of finite delay plays a crucial role in the analysis of the existence of those with non-Lipschitz coefficients. Alternatively, for the neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay, this method is no longer valid. To prove the well-posedness of solutions, we adopt a truncated Euler-Maruyama approximation argument (see, e.g., [1,2]), where the essential ingredient is to construct the associated segment process and introduce an approximate function in a good way.

    For any k1, let ψk:R[0,) such that ψk(s)=ψk(s)=0 for s(,0] and


    Then, one has

    0ψkI(0,)and0ψk(s)s+,sψk(s)I(0,1k)(s)0,ask. (3.1)

    Theorem 3.1. Let (A1)–(A3) hold with ˉb=0, ˉσ=0, and ˉγ=0. Then, for any t0 and ξDr, (2.1) has a unique solution such that


    Proof. In what follows, we write Xt in lieu of Xξt for brevity.

    (a) First, we shall show that EXt2rCe2rt<,t0. Let X(t) be a solution to (2.1). Define


    Then, by (A1), one infers that

    e2rtXt2r11αξ2r+1(1α)2sup0st(e2rs|Λ(s)|2). (3.2)

    Combining the Itô formula with the assumption (A1), one has, for any 0tT,


    By taking the Young inequality into consideration, one gets


    The Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality, together with the assumptions (A2) and (A3), implies that


    It follows from the assumptions (A2) and (A3) that


    The Young inequality implies that


    Therefore, from the above inequalities, we obtain

    E(sup0stτne2rs|Λ(s)|2)8ξ2r+C(T)t0e2r(sτn)(1+EXsτn2ru(Xsτn2r))ds+4rt0E(sup0usτne2ru|Λ(u)|2)ds. (3.3)

    Applying the Gronwall inequality leads to


    which, together with (3.2), implies that


    Let G(s)=s11ru(r)dr, s>0. Then, by the Bihari inequality, we have P-a.s.


    where G1 is the inverse function of G. Let n; then, τn. Therefore, we obtain


    due to the arbitrariness of T.

    (b) Second, we aim to derive the uniqueness of the solution. Let X(t) and Y(t) be two solutions to (2.1) with the same initial value X0. Set


    where ΛX,Y(t)=X(t)Y(t)(G(Xt)G(Yt)), and, in the last step we apply the assumption (A1). Then, carrying out the same technique to deduce (3.3), one has


    Due to the fact that the function su(s) is increasing, and by the Gronwall inequality, we have


    Furthermore, using Jensen's inequality, we get


    Since 101ru(r)dr=, s>0. By the Bihari inequality, we have that P-a.s. Eφn(T)=0, t[0,T],n1. Let n; then, E(sup0sTe2rs|X(s)Y(s)|2)=0, which implies that X(s)=Y(s) for any t0P-a.s.

    (c) Finally, we shall divide two cases to show the existence of the solution to (2.1). We shall adopt the truncated Euler-Maruyama scheme approach (see, e.g., [1,2]), where the essential ingredient is to construct an approximation of the segment process in a good way.

    Case 1. In this part, we shall show existence of the solution for bounded b,σ and β:=Y(|γ(,,u)|2+|γ(,,u)|)λ(du). Define


    By the definition of ψk, it is easy to see that ΨkC2(Rd;R+). Let


    A straightforward calculation leads to the following for xRd and i=1,2,,d:


    where δij=1 if i=j, or 0 otherwise. Then, it follows from (3.1) that, for xRd,

    0|(Ψk)x(x)|1,and0Ψk(x)2|x|2,|x|(Ψk)xx(x)2I(0,1k)(|x|)0,ask. (3.4)

    Set N0:={nN:nrlog2} and s:=sup{kZ;ks}, i.e., the integer part of s>0. For any nN0, consider a stochastic differential equation:

    {d{Xn(t)G(ˆXnt)}=b(t,ˆXnt)dt+σ(t,ˆXnt)dW(t)+Yγ(t,ˆXnt,u)N(dt,du),t0,ˆXn0=Xn0=X0=ξDr, (3.5)

    where ˆXnt(θ):=Xn((t+θ)tn), θ(,0], tn:=ntn. In view of a similar technique as in the proof of the uniqueness in (b), (3.5) has a unique solution by piecewise solving piece-wisely using the time step length 1n. And, beyond that, we can find an nN0 satisfying that er/n2; then,

    ˆXntrXntr|Xn(tn)|er(ttn)Xntr2Xntr. (3.6)



    Zn,m(t)=Xn(t)Xm(t), Zn,mt=XntXmt, Λn(t)=Xn(t)G(ˆXnt), Λn,m(t)=Λn(t)Λm(t), and Hnt=XntˆXnt. Using (3.5) and the assumption (A1), the Young inequality leads to the following for any ε>0:


    Set ε>α1α; then, δ:=α(1+1ε)<1. It is easy to see that

    sup0stZn,ms2rκ1sup0st|Λn,m(s)|2+κ2sup0stHnsHms2r, (3.7)



    Moreover, since b and σ are bounded on bounded subsets of [0,)×Dr, then

    |b(t,Xnt)|C(R):=supζrR|b(t,ζ)|<,R(ξr,),t[0,τnR] (3.8)


    |σ(t,Xnt)|C(R):=supζrR|σ(t,ζ)|<,R(ξr,),t[0,τnR]. (3.9)

    It follows from the definition of τnR and (3.6) that, for tτnR,


    In addition, it is easy to see from (3.5) and (A1) that

    Hntr=suptn<s<t(er(st)|Xn(s)Xn(stn)|)ttn|b(s,ˆXns)|ds+suptnst|stnσ(r,ˆXnr)dW(r)|+suptnst|stnYγ(r,ˆXnr,u)N(dr,du)|+αsuptnstˆXnsˆXnstnrttn|b(s,ˆXns)|ds+suptnst|stnσ(r,ˆXnr)dW(r)|+suptnst|stnYγ(r,ˆXnr,u)N(dr,du)|, (3.10)

    where, in the last step, we have used the fact that


    In view of (3.8) and (3.9), besides the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality, we get




    Combining these inequalities with (3.10), one has

    supt[0,T]limnE(Hnt2rI{tτnR})=0. (3.11)

    In what follows, we shall prove that Xn() is a Cauchy sequence. Fix T>0 and set

    D2r={(v(t))t(,T]is a adapted process onDwithv0=ξandE(supt(,T](e2rt|v(t)|2))<}.

    Then, D2r is a complete metric space with


    By the Itô formula, one has the following for any m,nN0:

    Ψk(Λn,m(t))2=2t0{Ψk(Ψk)x}(Λn,m(s)),b(t,ˆXns)b(s,ˆXms)ds+t0trace{(σ(s,ˆXns)σ(s,ˆXms)){(Ψk)2x+Ψk(Ψk)xx}(Λn,m(s))×(σ(s,ˆXns)σ(s,ˆXms))}ds+2t0{Ψk(Ψk)x}(Λn,m(s)),(σ(s,ˆXns)σ(s,ˆXms))dW(s)+t0Y(Ψk(Λn,m(s)+γ(s,ˆXns,u)γ(s,ˆXms,u))2Ψk(Λn,m(s))2)N(ds,du). (3.12)

    By applying the elementary inequality, the assumption (A2) and (3.4) yield that

    2TτnRτmR0{Ψk(Ψk)x}(Λn,m(t)),b(t,ˆXnt)b(t,ˆXmt)dt2TτnRτmR0(|{Ψk(Ψk)x}(Λn,m(t))||b(t,ˆXnt)b(t,ˆXmt)|)dt18sup0tTτnRτmRΨk(Λn,m(t))2+C(T)TτnRτmR0(ˆXntXnt2ru(ˆXntXnt2r)+XntXmt2ru(XntXmt2r)+XmtˆXmt2ru(XmtˆXmt2r))dt (3.13)


    TτnRτmR0trace{(σ(s,ˆXns)σ(s,ˆXms)){(Ψk)2x+Ψk(Ψk)xx}(Λn,m(t))×(σ(s,ˆXns)σ(s,ˆXms))}dsC(T)TτnRτmR0(ˆXntXnt2ru(ˆXntXnt2r)+XntXmt2ru(XntXmt2r)+XmtˆXmt2ru(XmtˆXmt2r))dt+K(T)TτnRτmR02I(0,1k)(|Λn,m(t)|)ˆXntˆXmt2ru(ˆXntˆXmt2r)dtC(T)TτnRτmR0(ˆXntXnt2ru(ˆXntXnt2r)+XntXmt2ru(XntXmt2r)+XmtˆXmt2ru(XmtˆXmt2r))dt+C(T)TτnRτmR0I(0,1k(12α))(|Xn(t)Xm(t)|)2sup0ste2rs|Xn(s)Xm(s)|2u(2sup0ste2rs|Xn(s)Xm(s)|2)dtC(T)TτnRτmR0(ˆXntXnt2ru(ˆXntXnt2r)+XntXmt2ru(XntXmt2r)+XmtˆXmt2ru(XmtˆXmt2r))dt+ϵ(k), (3.14)

    where, in the penultimate inequality, we have used the fact that, for any 0tTτnRτmR,




    by aid of the definition of ˆXnt and (A1). Here,


    because uU. By the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality, (A2), and (3.4), one gets

    E(sup0tTτnRτmR2t0{Ψk(Ψk)x}(Λn,m(s)),(σ(s,ˆXns)σ(s,ˆXms))dW(s)18E(sup0tTτnRτmR|Ψk(Λn,m(t))|2)+C(T)TτnRτmR0(ˆXntXnt2ru(ˆXntXnt2r)+XntXmt2ru(XntXmt2r)+XmtˆXmt2ru(XmtˆXmt2r))dt. (3.15)

    By virtue of (3.4) and a Taylor expansion, one infers that, for t[0,T],


    This and (A2) imply that

    E(sup0tTτnRτmRt0Y(Ψk(Λn,m(s)+γ(s,ˆXns,u)γ(s,ˆXms,u))2Ψk(Λn,m(s))2)N(ds,du))14E(sup0tTτnRτmR|Ψk(Λn,m(t))|2)+3ETτnRτmR0Y|γ(t,ˆXnt,u)γ(t,ˆXmt,u)|2λ(du)dt14E(sup0tTτnRτmR|Ψk(Λn,m(t))|2)+C(T)ETτnRτmR0(ˆXntXnt2ru(ˆXntXnt2r)+XntXmt2ru(XntXmt2r)+XmtˆXmt2ru(XmtˆXmt2r))dt. (3.16)

    Substituting (3.13)–(3.16) into (3.12), we infer that, for any k1 and m,nN0,


    Let k; using Jensen's inequality and noting (3.7), we get the following for any n,mN0:




    Let G(s)=s11ru(r)dr,s>0. Since 101ru(r)dr=, by the Bihari inequality, we have

    limn,mE(sup0tTτnRτmRZn,m(t)2r)G1()=0, (3.17)

    because of (3.11). Thus, to prove that Xn converges in probability to a solution of (2.1), it is sufficient to show that

    limRlim supnP(τnRT)=0. (3.18)

    Indeed, this and (3.17) yield that, for any ε>0,


    This implies that Xn(t) is a Cauchy sequence in D2r with the norm ρ and has a unique limit X(t) on D2r due to the completeness of (D2r,ρ). Then, by using a standard argument, we can show that (X(t))t[0,T] is the unique solution to (2.1). So, to achieve the desired assertion, it is sufficient to show that (3.18) holds true. By a simple calculation, and using the assumption (A1), we have

    e2rtXnt2r11αξ2r+1(1α)2sup0st(e2rs|Λn(s)|2). (3.19)

    By Itô's formula, the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality, and Gronwall's inequality, together with (A2), (3.8), and (3.9), one has

    E(sup0stτnRe2rs|Λn(s)|2)Cξ2r+C(R)t+Ct0e2rsEHns2rI{sτnR}ds,t0. (3.20)

    Noting that for the definition τnR, one has {τnRT,sup0tTτnR|Xn(t)|<R4}=, it follows from (3.11), (3.19), and (3.20) that


    where, in the second step, we have used the Chebyshev inequality. Therefore, (3.18) holds.

    Case 2. Next, we present the existence of the solution for unbounded b,σ and β. For any n1, let n=(n,n,,n)Rd. Set




    Then, bn,σn, and βn:=Y(|γn(,,u)|2+|γn(,,u)|)λ(du) are locally bounded. Therefore, according to (a), (b), and {Case 1},


    has a unique solution Xn(t), t0. For any mn1 and ξDr with ξrn, one has


    Then it follows that Xn(t)=Xm(t) for tˉτn, where ˉτn:=ninf{t0:Xntrn}. Let n; then, ˉτn. So, for t<ˉτn, X(t):=Xn(t) is a solution of (2.1).

    In this section, we first show the D-order preservation problems for a class of neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with pure jump processes.

    Theorem 4.1. Let (A1)–(A4) hold. The solutions of (2.1) and (2.2) are D-order-preserving if the following conditions are satisfied:

    (i) The drift b=(b1,b2,,bd) and ˉb=(ˉb1,ˉb2,,ˉbd) satisfy that bi(t,ξ)ˉbi(t,ˉξ) for any 1id if ξ,ˉξDr with ξDˉξ and ξi(0)Gi(ξ)=ˉξi(0)Gi(ˉξ).

    (ii) The diffusion σ=(σij), and ˉσ=(ˉσij) satisfy that σ=ˉσ for any 1id, 1jm and ξ,ˉξDr. Moreover,


    In other words, σij(t,ξ) only depends on t and ξi(0)Gi(ξ).

    (iii) The jump diffusion term γ=(γ1,γ2,,γd) satisfies that ξi(0)Gi(ξ)+γi(t,ξ,)ˉξi(0)Gi(ˉξ)+γi(t,ˉξ,) for any 1id if ξ,ˉξDr with ξDˉξ.

    Proof. For any T>0 and the initial values ξ,ˉξDr with ξDˉξ, we first seek to prove that

    Esup0tT(Λi(t)ˉΛi(t))+=0,1id, (4.1)

    where Λi(t)=Xi(t)Gi(Xt) and ˉΛi(t)=ˉXi(t)Gi(ˉXt). Define a stopping time


    By the definition of ψn and ξDˉξ, it follows that


    Then, it follows from the Itô formula and the condition (ii) that

    e2r(tτk)ψn(Λi(tτk)ˉΛi(tτk))22rtτk0e2rsψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2ds+2tτk0e2rs(bi(s,Xs)ˉbi(s,ˉXs)){ψnψn}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))ds+mj=1tτk0e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,ˉXs))2{ψnψn+ψ2n}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))ds+2mj=1tτk0e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,ˉXs)){ψnψn}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))dBj(s)+tτk0Ye2rs{ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)+γi(s,Xs,u)ˉγi(s,ˉXs,u))2ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2}N(ds,du). (4.2)

    Set Λi(t)ˉΛi(t)=(Xi(t)Gi(Xt))(ˉXi(t)Gi(ˉXt))=:Yi(t)Di(Yt), i=1,,d. Then, it is easy to see that YtDˉXt because Yi(t)Di(Yt)ˉXi(t)Gi(ˉXt), i=1,,d. Due to the fact that 0ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))I{Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)}, and when Λi(s)>ˉΛi(s), one has that Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)=ˉΛi(s), that is, Yi(s)Di(Ys)=ˉXi(s)Gi(ˉXs). It follows from the condition (ii) that


    This and the assumption (A2), for t[0,T],n,k1, imply that

    2tτk0e2rs(bi(s,Xs)ˉbi(s,ˉXs)){ψnψn}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))ds=2tτk0e2rs(bi(s,Xs)bi(s,Ys)+bi(s,Ys)ˉbi(s,ˉXs)){ψnψn}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))ds2tτk0e2rs(bi(s,Xs)bi(s,Ys)){ψnψn}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))dstτk0e2rs(8T|bi(s,Xs)bi(s,Ys)|2+18Tψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2)dsC(T)tτk0e2rsXsYs2ru(XsYs2r)ds+18(1α)sup0stτke2rsψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2, (4.3)

    where, in the third step, we have used the fact that 0ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))I{Λi(s)>ˉΛi(s)}. Meanwhile, the condition (ii) implies that σij(s,Xs)=σij(s,Xs) depends only on Xi(s)Gi(Xs). Then, it follows from (A2) and (3.1) that, for some constant C(T)>0,

    mj=1e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,ˉXs))2{ψnψn+ψ2n}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))=mj=1e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,ˉXs))2ψnψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))+mj=1e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,ˉXs))2ψ2n(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))mj=1e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,ˉXs))2I{Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)(0,1n)}+mj=1e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,Ys)+σij(s,Ys)σij(s,ˉXs))2I{Λi(s)>ˉΛi(s)}C(T)I{Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)(0,1n)}e2rs|Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)|2u(|Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)|2)+C(T)e2rsXsYs2ru(XsYs2r)ϵ(n)+C(T)e2rsXsYs2ru(XsYs2r), (4.4)



    because uU. Moreover, the assumption (A2), (3.1), and the condition (ii) imply that, for any n1 and 0sT,


    which, together with the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality, leads to

    Esup0st2mj=1tτk0e2rs(σij(s,Xs)σij(s,ˉXs)){ψnψn}(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))dBj(s)C(T)E(tτk0e2rsXsYs2ru(XsYs2r)e2rsψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2ds)12C(T)Etτk0e2rsXsYs2ru(XsYs2r)ds+18Esup0stτke2rsψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2. (4.5)

    At last, the condition (iii) implies that

    Yi(s)Gi(Ys)+γi(s,Ys,)ˉΛi(s)+γi(s,ˉXs,),λ×P-a.e. (4.6)

    If Λi(s)ˉΛi(s), then (4.6) becomes


    This, by the notion of ψn, and (3.1) leads to


    If Λi(s)ˉΛi(s), then (4.6) becomes


    This, by the notion of ψn and (3.1) leads to


    Therefore, it is easy to see that


    This, together with (A2) and (3.1), implies that

    Esup0stsτk0Ye2rv{ψn(Λi(v)ˉΛi(v)+γi(v,Xv,u)ˉγi(v,ˉXv,u))2ψn(Λi(v)ˉΛi(v))2}+N(dv,du)=Etτk0Ye2rs{ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)+γi(s,Xs,u)ˉγi(s,ˉXs,u))2ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2}+N(ds,du)=Etτk0Ye2rs{ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s)+γi(s,Xs,u)ˉγi(s,ˉXs,u))2ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2}+λ(du)ds2Etτk0Ye2rs(|γi(s,Xs,)γi(s,Ys,)|2+2ψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))|γi(s,Xs,)γi(s,Ys,)|)λ(du)dsC(T)Etτk0e2rsXsYs2ru(XsYs2r)ds+14(1α)Esup0stτke2rsψn(Λi(s)ˉΛi(s))2. (4.7)

    Substituting (4.3)–(4.5) and (4.7) into (4.2), one has the following for 1id:


    where ϕk(s)=11αsup<vsτke2rv|Λ(v)Λ(v)ˉΛ(v)|2, s0. This further implies that, for any n,k1 and 0tT,


    It now follows by Gronwall's inequality that


    which leads to


    Let n, and, by Jensen's inequality, one has


    Let G(s)=s11ru(r)dr,s>0. Since 101ru(r)dr=, by the Bihari inequality, we have


    Let k; then, (4.1) holds. Thus,


    Moreover, under condition (A4) and Proposition 4.3 in [21], one has


    which yields the desired assertion.

    Next, we aim to study the order preservation for neutral-type stochastic differential equations with compensatory jump processes. Consider two multidimensional neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps for any t[0,T]:

    {d{X(t)G(Xt)}=b(t,Xt)dt+σ(t,Xt)dW(t)+Yγ(t,Xt,u)˜N(dt,du),X(t)=ξ(t),t(,0], (4.8)


    {d{ˉX(t)G(ˉXt)}=ˉb(t,ˉXt)dt+ˉσ(t,ˉXt)dW(t)+Yˉγ(t,ˉXt,u)˜N(dt,du),ˉX(t)=ˉξ(t),t(,0]. (4.9)

    Then, (4.8) and (4.9) are respectively equivalent to




    According to Theorem 4.1, and together with the method of [15, Theorem 3.1], we can infer the following D-order preservation result for multidimensional neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with compensatory jump processes.

    Theorem 4.2. Let (A1)–(A4) hold. The solutions of (4.8) and (4.9) are D-order-preserving if the following conditions are satisfied:

    (i) For any 1id and t0, if ξ,ˉξDr with ξDˉξ and ξi(0)Gi(ξ)=ˉξi(0)Gi(ˉξ), it holds that bi(t,ξ)Yγi(t,ξ,u)λ(du)ˉbi(t,ˉξ)Yˉγi(t,ˉξ,u)λ(du).

    (ii) The diffusion σ=(σij) and ˉσ=(ˉσij) satisfy that σ=ˉσ for any 1id, 1jm, and ξ,ˉξDr. Moreover,


    (iii) The jump diffusion term γ=(γ1,γ2,,γd) satisfies that ξi(0)Gi(ξ)+γi(t,ξ,)ˉξi(0)Gi(ˉξ)+γi(t,ˉξ,) for any 1id, t0 if ξ,ˉξDr with ξDˉξ.

    Remark 4.1. In Theorems 4.1 and 4.2, it is easy to find that D-order preservation theorems hold in when the diffusion term does not contain a segment process. However, the jump-diffusion coefficient can contain a delay term. It is consistent with the result for one-dimensional stochastic differential delay equations in [15].

    In the following part inspired by [15, Examples 2.2 and 2.3], we will also establish two examples to support the above two opinions respectively.

    Example 4.3. Consider the following two one-dimensional neutral-type stochastic differential equations only as a matter of convenience:




    where c<0 is a constant, N is a Poisson process and there is independence of Brownian motion W. Due to the infiniteness of the length of memory, for any t[0,T(θ)], Y(t)0 while X(t)=c(1+W(t)N(t)). On the other side, the following relation is obvious:




    This implies that


    Therefore, it holds that D-order preservation need not hold if the diffusion coefficient includes a delay term. However, the following example shows that the jump diffusion can conclude a delay function.

    Example 4.4. Consider a pair of neutral stochastic functional differential equations of infinite delay with jumps described by the following for fixed T>0:




    where c<0 is a constant and ˜N is a compensated Poisson random measure on [0,] with parameter λ(du)dt such that T0γ(u)λ(du)<1 for γ(u)>0,u(0,). Assume, moreover, that γ(u)>0,u(0,). Then, for any t[0,T(θ)],


    while Y(t)0.

    In this work, we established the well-posedness of neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps under non-Lipschitz conditions. We presented the order preservation for this system. We also gave some examples to support our results. It would be interesting to continue the study of neutral-type stochastic differential equations of infinite delay with jumps. For instance, [1] studied the stability in distribution of numerical solutions of neutral stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay. A natural question is to ask whether it is possible to extend these results in [1] to the model established in our work.

    The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    This work was supported by the National Key R & D Program of China under grant 2021YFF0501101.

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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