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Soft rough fuzzy sets based on covering

  • Soft rough fuzzy sets (SRFSs) represent a powerful paradigm that integrates soft computing, rough set theory, and fuzzy logic. This research aimed to comprehensively investigate the various dimensions of SRFSs within the domain of approximation structures. The study encompassed a wide spectrum of concepts, ranging from covering approximation structures and soft rough coverings to soft neighborhoods, fuzzy covering approximation operators, and soft fuzzy covering approximation operators. We introduced three models of SRFSs based on covering via the core of soft neighborhood. We discussed and analyzed our models' characteristics and properties. The relations between our models for soft fuzzy covering sets and Zhan's model for soft rough fuzzy covering were presented.

    Citation: R. Mareay, Radwan Abu-Gdairi, M. Badr. Soft rough fuzzy sets based on covering[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(5): 11180-11193. doi: 10.3934/math.2024548

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  • Soft rough fuzzy sets (SRFSs) represent a powerful paradigm that integrates soft computing, rough set theory, and fuzzy logic. This research aimed to comprehensively investigate the various dimensions of SRFSs within the domain of approximation structures. The study encompassed a wide spectrum of concepts, ranging from covering approximation structures and soft rough coverings to soft neighborhoods, fuzzy covering approximation operators, and soft fuzzy covering approximation operators. We introduced three models of SRFSs based on covering via the core of soft neighborhood. We discussed and analyzed our models' characteristics and properties. The relations between our models for soft fuzzy covering sets and Zhan's model for soft rough fuzzy covering were presented.

    Pawlak introduced the rough set theory [1,2] as a conceptual framework designed to address the challenges posed by vagueness and uncertainty inherent in data analysis and information systems. Atef et al. [3] discussed the generalization of three types of rough set models based on j-neighborhood structure and explored some of their basic properties. Alcantud et al. [4] introduced a new model that combines multi-granularity, soft set, and rough set-based overlays. It strives to provide a hybrid model that captures the strengths of each theory and can be applied to a variety of industries. Another approximation space based on topological near open sets and the properties of these spaces is presented by Mareay et al. [5]. It also includes an algorithm to detect the side effects of the COVID-19 infection. Azzam et al. [6] discussed a proposed reduction method based on similarity relations and pretopology concepts, as well as new pretopological structures for creating information systems. Hu et al. [7] discussed the combination of kernel methods and rough sets in machine learning. It also proposes a fuzzy rough set model and a Gaussian kernel approximation algorithm for feature ranking and reduction. Rough sets and their applications have attracted many researchers in different fields. Stefania Boffa discussed "Sequences of Refinements of Rough Sets". The idea discussed in the thesis is known as "sequences of orthopairs" within the generalized hard set theory. This notion aims to establish operations between sequences of orthopairs and explore methods for generating them based on operations related to common rough sets [8]. The writer demonstrates multiple representation theorems for the class of finite centered Kleene algebras [9].

    Covering based rough set involves the utilization of sets to approximate other sets [10,11,12]. Bonikowski et al. [13] put forth a new model of covering sets via minimal description concepts. Many other models of covering rough set depending on the neighborhood and the complementary neighborhood are proposed in [14,15,16]. An intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) on the structure of rough sets based on covering is introduced by using the notion of the neighborhood in [17]. It defines three models of IFS approximation structure based on covering. Interestingly, any covering can be linked to a tolerance relation, and vice versa. This technique leaves the upper approximations in rough set theory unchanged. An axiomatic description of the second type of covering higher approximations is also given. Tolerance relations and coverings are powerful tools for comprehending the structure and interactions within sets. Partitions and overlapping covers are mathematical constructions that assist in understanding similarity and discernment [18].

    In 1990, Dubois and Prade [19] introduced rough fuzzy sets and fuzzy rough sets, which marked a significant development in the field. Scholars have extensively explored these concepts, as evidenced by studies conducted by various researchers [20,21,22,23,24,25]. Deng et al. [22] introduced fuzzy covering based on fuzzy relations in 2007, while Ma [23] devised two categories of fuzzy covering rough sets in 2016 using fuzzy β-neighborhood. In 2017, Yang and Hu [24] established various types of fuzzy covering-based rough sets through fuzzy β-neighborhood. Hu [26] conducted a comprehensive study in 2019, investigating four types of fuzzy neighborhood operators and their properties by introducing the concept of fuzzy β-minimal description. Deer et al. [27] delved into fuzzy neighborhoods based on fuzzy covering.

    In the realm of soft computing, the synergy of soft sets, rough sets, and fuzzy sets has emerged as a pivotal area of research, providing a nuanced framework for handling uncertainties in diverse domains. The foundational principles of soft set theory were initially formulated by Molodtsov [28] as a versatile mathematical framework tailored to address vagueness and uncertainty. Subsequently, an expanding body of research has explored the properties and advantages of soft set theory [29,30].

    SRFSs incorporate elements from three distinct mathematical frameworks: Rough sets, fuzzy sets, and soft sets. In this hybrid model, we examine uncertainty, ambiguity, and indiscernibility at the same time. SRFS enables us to manage imprecise data and make more flexible decisions. Researchers investigated many algebraic structures and operations within this paradigm [31]. The SRFS model builds on classical rough set theory by including fuzzy membership degrees. It addresses ambiguity and gentle transitions between different granularities. By combining rough set approximations with fuzzy membership functions, this paradigm improves our capacity to analyze complex data. Applications include data mining, pattern recognition, and decision-making [32]. Zhan [33] introduced the concept of soft fuzzy rough set-based covering through the notion of soft neighborhoods. Zhan's model for soft rough fuzzy coverings stands at the forefront of this convergence, offering a distinctive perspective on the interplay between soft, rough, and fuzzy characteristics. The relations between models for soft rough fuzzy covering sets and Zhan's model for SRF covering must be investigated in order to comprehend their synergy. These relations shed light on how various mathematical constructs can be combined or related. Researchers explore the implications of these connections and their practical applications in [34].

    Throughout in this paper, we analyze and enhance Zhan's model for soft rough fuzzy coverings, emphasizing the interplay between soft, rough, and fuzzy characteristics and developing mathematical formulations and algorithms for accurate representation and manipulation. For Zhan's model, we increase the lower approximation while simultaneously reducing the upper approximation to make it more accurate. Furthermore, we introduce three novel models of SRFSs, strategically grounded in the concept of covering via the core of the neighborhood concept. These additions are crafted to address specific challenges and intricacies encountered in real-world applications, where the management of uncertainties is paramount.

    First, we present the basic concepts of rough sets and soft sets. Second, a new model of SRFSs based on covering is introduced in Section 3 by using the core of the neighborhood concept. We put forth new other two models of soft rough fuzzy covering SRFC based on neighborhood in Section 4 and established the relations between our models and Zhan's model. The conclusions are presented in Section 5.

    Along this section, consider R as an equivalence relation on a nonempty set U. Hence, U/R={Y1,Y2,Y3,...,Ym} is a partition on U, where R is an equivalence relation that generates the classes of equivalence Y1,Y2,Y3,...,Ym. For the soft set, consider U is a universe set, A is a set of parameters on U, P(U) is the power set of U, and we fix a soft set G=(F,A) over U.

    Definition 2.1. [35] If X1U and Uϕ, then the set of approximation operators lower (upper) is defined as : R_(X1)={YiU/R:YiX1}. ¯R(X1)={YiU/R:YiX1}, respectively.

    Proposition 2.1. [35] If K=(U,R) is an approximation structure, then the following axioms hold for Q1,Q2U :

    (I) R_(Q1)=Q1, ¯R(Q1)=Q1;

    (II) R_()=, ¯R()=;

    (III) R_(Q1)Q1¯R(Q1);

    (IV) R_(Q1Q2)=R_(Q1)R_(Q2);

    (V) ¯R(Q1Q2)=¯R(Q1)¯R(Q2);

    (VI) R_(Qc1)=[¯R(Q1)]c, where (Qc1) is the complement of Q1;

    (VII) R_(R_(Q1))=R_(Q1);

    (VIII) ¯R(¯R(Q1))=¯R(Q1);

    (IX) Q1Q2 R_(Q1)R_(Q2) and ¯R(Q1)¯R(Q2);

    (X) R_(R_(Q1))c=(R_(Q1))c, ¯R(¯R(Q1))c=(¯R(Q1))c;

    (XI) R_(Q1)R_(Q2)R_(Q1Q2);

    (XII) ¯R(Q1Q2)¯R(Y)¯R(Q2).

    Definition 2.2. [13] Consider C is a family of subsets of the universe U. We call C a covering of U if C=U, where no subset in C is empty.

    Definition 2.3. [13,36] Assume that C is a covering of the nonempty set U, so the structure U,C is a rough approximation structure based on covering.

    Definition 2.4. [13,36] Suppose that U,C is covering rough approximation structure and let 1U. Hence, the set family Md(1) is called the minimal description of 1, since Md(1)={ωC:1ω(SC1SSωω=S)}.

    Definition 2.5. [37] Let F:AP(U), so the structure G=≺F,A is called a soft set on U. If eAF(e)=U, then the soft set is full soft set.

    Definition 2.6. [38] Let G=(F,A) be a soft set over U. The structure S=(U,G) is called a soft covering approximation structure (SCAS) based on S.

    Definition 2.7. [33] If S=(U,G) is a soft covering approximation structure, then the soft neighborhood of xU is defined as follows:


    Definition 2.8. [33] If S is a soft covering approximation structure and AF(U), then the two operators:


    +0(A)(x)={A(y):yNs(x)}, for all xU

    are called the soft fuzzy covering lower (upper) approximation structure SFCLA0 (SFCUA0), respectively.

    Clearly, the set A is called a soft rough covering-based fuzzy set (SRCF0) if 0(A)+0(A). Otherwise, the set A is definable.

    During this research, we will express that i(A) (+i(A)) is the i type of SFCLA (SFCUA) as SFCLAi (SFCUAi), and if i(A)+i(A), then the set A is called (SRCFi). Otherwise, the set A is definable.

    In this section, we introduce new models of SRFSs based on covering by the core of soft neighborhood. We present the properties of the new models along with some illustrative examples.

    Definition 3.1. Consider that (U,G) is a soft rough covering approximation structure (SRCAS) where we fix the soft set G=≺F,A, then xU the core of the soft neighborhood is defined as CNs(x)={yU:Ns(x)=Ns(y)}.

    Example 3.1. Consider that (U,G) is a SRCAS where U={1,2,3,4,5,6}, C={{1,2}, {1,2,3},{1,2,4,5}, {3,4,5,6},,{3,5,6}}, and G=≺F,Ais a soft set defined in Table 1.

    Table 1.  Tabular representation of the soft set G=≺F,A.
    U a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
    1 1 1 1 0 0
    2 1 1 1 0 0
    3 0 1 0 1 1
    4 0 0 1 1 0
    5 0 0 1 1 1
    6 0 0 0 1 1

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    From Table 1, the soft neighborhood and the core of the soft neighborhood are computed as follows: Ns(1)={1,2}, Ns(2)={1,2}, Ns(3)={3}, Ns(4)={4,5}, Ns(5)={5}, Ns(6)={3,5,6}. Therefore, CNs(1)={1,2}, CNs(2)={1,2}, CNs(3)={3}, CNs(4)={4}, CNs(5)={5}, CNs(6)={6}.

    Definition 3.2. Assume that S=(U,G) is SCAS and A1F(U). The two operators:

    1(A1)(x)={A1(y):yCNs(x)} for all xU} is called SFCLA1,

    +1(A1)(x)={A1(y):yCNs(x)}, for all xU} is called SFCUA1.

    Clearly, the set A1 is called (SRCF1) if 1(A1)+1(A1). Otherwise the set A1 is definable.

    Example 3.2. If A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}. By using Example 3.1, we get the following:





    Obviously, 0(A1)1(A1) and +1(A1+0(A1).

    Theorem 3.1. Assume that S=(U,G) is (SRCAS) and A1,A2F(U), then 1,2,3U the following properties are satisfied:

    (iL) If A1A2, then 1(A1)1(A2);

    (iH) If A1A2, then +1(A1)+1(A2);

    (iiL) 1(A1A2)=1(A1)1(A2);

    (iiH) +1(A1A2)+1(A1)+1(A2);

    (iiiL) 1(A1)1(A2)1(A1A2);

    (iiiH) +1(A1)+1(A2)=+1(A1A2);

    (ivL) 1(Ac1)=(+1(A1))c;

    (ivH) +1(Ac1)=(1(A1))c;

    (vL) 1(A1)=1(1(A1));

    (vH) +1(A1)=+1(+1(A1));

    (viLH) 1(A1)A1+1(A1).

    Proof. We will prove only iL, iiL, iiiL, ivL and ivL items. The proof of other items is similar:

    (iL) If A1A2 where A1,A2F(U) and 1,2U, hence, we get 1(A1)(1)={A1(2):2CNs(1)}{A2(2):2CNs(1)}=1(A2)(1);

    (iiL) 1(A1A2)(1)={(A1A2)(2):2CNs(1)}= {A1(2):2CNs(1)}{A2(2):2CNs(1)}=1(A1)(1)1(A2)(1);

    (iiiL) Since A1A1A2, A2A1A2, then 1(A1)1(A1A2) and 1(A2)1(A1A2). Therefore, 1(A1)1(A2)1(A1A2);

    (ivL) 1(Ac1)={Ac1(2):2CNs(1)}={1A1(2):2CNs(1)}=1{A1(2):2CNs(1)}=(+1(A1))c;

    (vL) 1(1(A1))(1)={1(Ac1(2)):2CNs(1)}={{Ac1(3):3(CNs(2))}:2CNs(1)}={A1(3):3CNs(2)2CNs(1)}={A1(3):3CNs(2)CNs(1)}={A1(3):3CNs(1)}=1(A1)(1).

    We define the first type of soft measure degree (SMD1) as follows.

    Definition 3.3. Assume that S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and 1,2U, then (SMD1) is defined as:


    Clearly, 0D1s(1,2)1, D1s(1,2)=D1s(2,1), and D1s(1,1)=1.

    Example 3.3. Let us consider Example 3.1. The (SMD1) between each two elements i,jU,i,j=1,2,...,6 is calculated in Table 2.

    Table 2.  Tabular for D1s(i,j)i,j{1,2,...,6}.
    U 1 2 3 4 5 6
    1 1 1 0 0 0 0
    2 1 1 0 0 0 0
    3 0 0 1 0 0 0
    4 0 0 0 1 0 0
    5 0 0 0 0 1 0
    6 0 0 0 0 0 1

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    Based on Definition 3.3, we define the first type of SCRF based on λ-lower (upper) approximation {λSFCLA1, (λSFCUA1)} as follows.

    Definition 3.4. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and D1s(1,2) is (SMD1) for 1,2U, for A1F(U), the λSFCLA1, (λSFCUA1) is defined as follows, respectively:


    +1λ(A1)(1)={A1)(2):D1s(1,2)>λ}, 1,2U.

    If 1λ(A1)+1λ(A1), then A1 is called λSCRF1; otherwise A1 is called definable.

    Example 3.4 Continued from Example 3.3 and A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, for λ=0.5, we have the following approximations operators:



    Theorem 3.2. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS), then for A1,A2F(U), the following properties hold:

    (iL) If A1A2, then 1λ(A1)1λ(A2);

    (iH) If A1A2, then +1λ(A1)+1λ(A2);

    (iiL) 1λ(A1A2)=1λ(A1)1λ(A2);

    (iiH) +1λ(A1A2)+1λ(A1)+1λ(A2);

    (iiiL) 1λ(A1)1λ(A2)1λ(A1A2);

    (iiiH) +1λ(A1)+1λ(A2)=+1λ(A1A2);

    (ivL) 1λ(Ac1)=(+1λ(A1))c;

    (ivH) +1λ(Ac1)=(1λ(A1))c;

    (vL) If α1α2, then 1λ(A1)1λ(1λ(A2));

    (vH) If α1α2, then +1λ(A1)+1λ(+1λ(A2));

    (viLH) 1λ(A1)A1+1λ(A1).

    Proof. Similar to Theorem 3.1.

    Definition 3.5. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and D1s(1,2) is (SMD1) for 1,2U, then for A1F(U), the first type of SFC D-lower (upper) approximation (DSFCLA1), (DSFCUA1) is defined as follows, respectively:


    +1D(A1)(1)=2U{D1s(1,2)A1(2)}, 1U.

    If 1D(A1)+1D(A1), then A1 is called DSCRF1; otherwise, A1 is called definable.

    Example 3.5. Continued from Example 3.3 and A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, then we get the following approximations operators:



    Theorem 3.3. Assume that S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and A1,A2F(U), then 1,2,3U, and the following properties are satisfied:

    (iL) If A1A2, then 1D(A1)1D(A2);

    (iH) If A1A2, then +1D(A1)+1D(A2);

    (iiL) 1D(A1A2)=1D(A1)1D(A2);

    (iiH) +1(A1A2)+1(A1)+1(A2);

    (iiiL) 1D(A1)1D(A2)1D(A1A2);

    (iiiH) +1D(A1)+1D(A2)=+1D(A1A2);

    (ivL) 1D(Ac1)=(+1D(A1))c;

    (ivH) +1D(Ac1)=(1D(A1))c;

    (vL) 1D(A1)=1D(1D(A1));

    (vH) +1D(A1)=+1D(+1D(A1));

    (viLH) 1D(A1)A1+1D(A1).

    Proof. Similar to Theorem 3.1.

    Suppose that U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} is a set of pilots. They are trained with respect to five attributes A={e1,e2,e3,e4,e5}. They had been evaluated by an expert to determine whether they are sufficiently well trained according to these attributes or not, as shown in Table 3.

    Table 3.  Tabular representation of the soft set G.
    U e1 e2 e3 e4 e5
    1 1 0 0 0 1
    2 0 1 1 0 1
    3 0 1 1 0 1
    4 1 0 1 0 0
    5 1 0 0 1 1
    6 0 0 0 1 1
    7 0 1 1 0 0
    8 1 0 0 1 1
    9 0 1 1 0 1
    10 1 0 0 0 1

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    The core of soft neighborhood is: CNs(1)=CNs(10)={1,10}, CNs(2).

    =CNs(3)=CNs(9)={2,3,9}, CNs(4)={4}, CNs(5)=CNs(8)={5,8}, CNs(6)={6}, CNs(7)={7}.

    Suppose A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8), (4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7),(7,0.9),(8,0.3),(9,0.9), (10,0.4)}

    represents evaluation's degrees which are given by the expert. We can check the accuracy of this evaluation by our model which helps in decision making as follows:

    1(A1)={(1,0.1), (2,0.3),(3,0.3),(4,0.2),(5,0.3),(6,0.7),(7,0.9), (8,0.3),(9,0.9),(10,0.1)},

    +1(A1)={(1,0.4),(2,0.9),(3,0.9), (4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7),(7,0.9),(8,0.5),(9,0.9), (10,0.4)}.

    We introduce new two models of SCRF based on merging core soft neighborhoods and soft neighborhoods. The second model of SCRF is denoted by SCRF2 and the third model is denoted by SCRF3.

    Definition 4.1. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS), then for A1F(U)

    2(A1)(1)={A1(2):2(NsCNs)(1)}, 1,2U is called SFCLA2,

    +2(A1)(1)={A1(2):2(NsCNs)(1)}, 1,2U is called SFCUA2.

    If 2(A1)+1(A1), then A1 is called SCRF2; otherwise, A1 is called definable.

    Example 4.1 Continued from Example 3.1, CNs(1)Ns(1)={1,2}, CNs(2)Ns(2)={1,2}, CNs(3)Ns(3)={3}, CNs(4)Ns(4)={4}, CNs(5)Ns(5)={5}, CNs(6)Ns(6)={6}, CNs(1)Ns(1)={1,2}, CNs(2)Ns(2)={1,2}, CNs(3)Ns(3)={3}, CNs(4)Ns(4)={4,5}, CNs(5)Ns(5)={5}, CNs(6)Ns(6)={3,5,6}. Therefore, 2(A1)={(1,0.1),(2,0.1),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, and +2(A1)={(1,0.3),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}.

    Let us define the second type of soft measure degree (SMD2) as follows.

    Definition 4.2. Assume that S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and 1,2U, then the (SMD2) is defined as:


    Clearly, 0D2s(1,2)1, D2s(1,2)=D2s(2,1), and D1s(1,1)=1.

    Example 4.2. According to Example 4.1, the values of SMD2 are shown in the following Table 4

    Table 4.  Tabular for D2s(i,j)i,j{1,2,...,6}.
    U 1 2 3 4 5 6
    1 1 1 0 0 0 0
    2 1 1 0 0 0 0
    3 0 0 1 0 0 0
    4 0 0 0 1 0 0
    5 0 0 0 0 1 0
    6 0 0 0 0 0 1

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    Based on Definition 4.1, we define the second type of SCRF based on λ-lower (upper) approximation (λSFCLA2 (λSFCUA2)) as follows.

    Definition 4.3. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and D2s(1,2) is (SMD2) for 1,2U, then for A1F(U), the λSFCLA2 (λSFCUA2) is defined as follows, respectively:


    +2λ(A1)(1)={A1)(2):D2s(1,2)>λ}, 1,2U.

    If 2λ(A1)+2λ(A1), then A1 is called λSCRF2; otherwise A1 is called definable.

    Example 4.3. Consider Example 4.2 and A1={(1,0.3),(2,0.4),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, then for λ=0.5, we have the following approximations operators:



    Definition 4.4. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and D2s(1,2) is (SMD2) for 1,2U, then for A1F(U), the second type of SFC D-lower (upper) approximation DSFCLA2 (DSFCUA2) is defined as follows, respectively:


    +2D(A1)(1)=2U{D2s(1,2)A1(2)}, 1U.

    Example 4.4. Consider Example 4.2 and A1={(1,0.3),(2,0.4),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, then we have the following approximations operators:



    Definition 4.5. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS), then for A1F(U):

    3(A1)(1)={A1(2):2(NsCNs)(1)}, 1,2U is called SFCLA3,

    +3(A1)(1)={A1(2):2(NsCNs)(1)}, 1,2U is called SFCUA3.

    If 3λ(A1)+3λ(A1), then A1 is called λSCRF3; otherwise, A1 is called definable.

    Example 4.5. From Example 4.1 and A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, we have the following approximations operators:



    We define the third type of soft measure degree (SMD3) as follows.

    Definition 4.6. Assume that S=(U,G) is SCAS and 1,2U, then the (SMD3) is defined as:


    Clearly, 0D3s(1,2)1, D3s(1,2)=D3s(2,1), and D3s(1,1)=1.

    Example 4.6. From Example 4.1, the values of SMD3 are shown in the following Table 5.

    Table 5.  Tabular for D3s(i,j)i,j{1,2,...,6}.
    U 1 2 3 4 5 6
    1 1 1 0 0 0 0
    2 1 1 0 0 0 0
    3 0 0 1 0 0 0
    4 0 0 0 1 12 14
    5 0 0 0 12 1 13
    6 0 0 0 14 13 1

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    Based on Definition 4.6, we define the third type of SFC based on λ-lower(upper) approximation{λSFCLA3(λSFCUA3)} as follows.

    Definition 4.7. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and D3s(1,2) is (SMD3) for 1,2U, then for A1F(U), the {λSFCLA3(λSFCUA3)} is defined as:


    +3λ(A1)(1)={A1)(2):D3s(1,2)>λ}, 1,2U.

    If 3λ(A1)+3λ(A1), then A1 is called λSCRF3; otherwise, A1 is called definable.

    Example 4.7. From Example 4.6 and A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, then for λ=0.2, we have the following approximations operators:



    Definition 4.8. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and D3s(1,2) is (SMD3) for 1,2U, then for A1F(U), the third type of SFC D-lower (upper) approximation ((DSFCLA3), (DSFCUA3)) is defined as follows, respectively:


    +3D(A1)(1)=2U{D3s(1,2)A1(2)}, 1U.

    Example 4.8. Consider Example 4.6 and A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, then, we have the following approximations operators:



    We set forth the relationship between our proposed SCRF-models and Zhan's model for soft rough fuzzy approximation structure.

    Theorem 4.1. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and A1F(U), then the following axioms are satisfied:

    (iL) 3(A1)1(A1)2(A1);

    (iH) 3(A1)0(A1)2(A1);

    (iiL) +2(A1)+1(A1)+3(A1);

    (iiH) +2(A1)+0(A1)+3(A1).

    Proof. The proof comes from Definitions 3.2, 4.1, and 4.5.

    Remark 4.1. From the previous theorem, the lower approximation of our model 2 is bigger than Zhan's model 0 while the upper approximation of our model +2 is less than Zhan's model +0. This leads to decreasing the boundary region and makes the soft rough fuzzy set more accurate in solving the uncertainty issues.

    Example 4.9. If A1={(1,0.1),(2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}, then by Example 3.1, 0(A1)={(1,0.1),(2,0.1), (3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.5)}, +0(A1)={(1,0.3),(2,0.3), (3,0.8),(4,0.5),(5,0.5),(6,0.8)}. 2(A1)={(1,0.1),(2,0.1),(3,0.8),(4,0.2), (5,0.5),(6,0.7)} and +2(A1)={(1,0.3), (2,0.3),(3,0.8),(4,0.2),(5,0.5),(6,0.7)}.

    Theorem 4.2. If S=(U,G) is (SCAS) and A1F(U), then the following properties are satisfied:

    (iL) 2(A1)=0(A1)1(A1);

    (iH) +2(A1)=0(A1)1(A1);

    (iiL) 3(A1)=0(A1)1(A1)

    (iiH) +3(A1)=0(A1)1(A1).

    Proof. The proof is straightforward.

    Zhan's model for soft rough fuzzy covering stands as an innovative approach, though further exploration and refinement are warranted. Similarly, the exploration of soft covering-based rough fuzzy sets opens avenues for the integration of various mathematical structures. We introduced a combination of soft sets, fuzzy sets and rough sets. Three models of the approximation of SRFS- based covering are presented. We deduced that our approximation is more refined than Zhan's model as we decreased the boundary region. The integration of soft sets with fuzzy logic in soft fuzzy covering and the discernment of upper approximation provide additional layers to the SCRF framework, offering a comprehensive solution to complex problem structures.

    The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.

    This research is funded by Zarqa University-Jordan.

    The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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