Research article

An efficient variant of the greedy block Kaczmarz algorithm for solving large linear systems

  • Received: 06 November 2023 Revised: 11 December 2023 Accepted: 19 December 2023 Published: 25 December 2023
  • MSC : 65F10, 65F20, 15A06

  • By exploiting the concept of row partitioning, we propose an efficient variant of the greedy block Kaczmarz algorithm for solving consistent large linear systems. The number of blocks is determined a priori through numerical experiments. The new algorithm works with a reduced linear system, which dramatically diminishes the computational overhead per iteration. The theoretical result validates that this method converges to the unique least-norm solution of the linear system. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is also justified by comparing it with some block Kaczmarz algorithms in extensive numerical experiments.

    Citation: Ke Zhang, Hong-Yan Yin, Xiang-Long Jiang. An efficient variant of the greedy block Kaczmarz algorithm for solving large linear systems[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(1): 2473-2499. doi: 10.3934/math.2024122

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  • By exploiting the concept of row partitioning, we propose an efficient variant of the greedy block Kaczmarz algorithm for solving consistent large linear systems. The number of blocks is determined a priori through numerical experiments. The new algorithm works with a reduced linear system, which dramatically diminishes the computational overhead per iteration. The theoretical result validates that this method converges to the unique least-norm solution of the linear system. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is also justified by comparing it with some block Kaczmarz algorithms in extensive numerical experiments.


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