Research article

Nash equilibria in risk-sensitive Markov stopping games under communication conditions

  • Received: 19 April 2024 Revised: 28 July 2024 Accepted: 05 August 2024 Published: 13 August 2024
  • MSC : 91A05, 91A30, 93C55, 93E20

  • This paper analyzes the existence of Nash equilibrium in a discrete-time Markov stopping game with two players. At each decision point, Player Ⅱ is faced with the choice of either ending the game and thus granting Player Ⅰ a final reward or letting the game continue. In the latter case, Player Ⅰ performs an action that affects transitions and receives a running reward from Player Ⅱ. We assume that Player Ⅰ has a constant and non-zero risk sensitivity coefficient, while Player Ⅱ strives to minimize the utility of Player Ⅰ. The effectiveness of decision strategies was measured by the risk-sensitive expected total reward of Player Ⅰ. Exploiting mild continuity-compactness conditions and communication-ergodicity properties, we found that the value function of the game is described as a single fixed point of the equilibrium operator, determining a Nash equilibrium. In addition, we provide an illustrative example in which our assumptions hold.

    Citation: Jaicer López-Rivero, Hugo Cruz-Suárez, Carlos Camilo-Garay. Nash equilibria in risk-sensitive Markov stopping games under communication conditions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(9): 23997-24017. doi: 10.3934/math.20241167

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  • This paper analyzes the existence of Nash equilibrium in a discrete-time Markov stopping game with two players. At each decision point, Player Ⅱ is faced with the choice of either ending the game and thus granting Player Ⅰ a final reward or letting the game continue. In the latter case, Player Ⅰ performs an action that affects transitions and receives a running reward from Player Ⅱ. We assume that Player Ⅰ has a constant and non-zero risk sensitivity coefficient, while Player Ⅱ strives to minimize the utility of Player Ⅰ. The effectiveness of decision strategies was measured by the risk-sensitive expected total reward of Player Ⅰ. Exploiting mild continuity-compactness conditions and communication-ergodicity properties, we found that the value function of the game is described as a single fixed point of the equilibrium operator, determining a Nash equilibrium. In addition, we provide an illustrative example in which our assumptions hold.


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