Research article Special Issues

Onset of triple-diffusive convective stability in the presence of a heat source and temperature gradients: An exact method

  • Received: 05 January 2023 Revised: 17 February 2023 Accepted: 01 March 2023 Published: 06 April 2023
  • MSC : 76Rxx, 76R05, 80M30

  • In the current work, in the presence of a heat source and temperature gradients, the onset of triple-diffusive convective stability is studied for a fluid, and a fluid-saturated porous layer confined vertically by adiabatic limits for the Darcy model is thoroughly analyzed. With consistent heat sources in both layers, this composite layer is subjected to three temperature profiles with Marangoni effects. The fluid-saturated porous region's lower boundary is a rigid surface, while the fluid region's upper boundary is a free surface. For the system of ordinary differential equations, the thermal surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) number, which also happens to be the Eigenvalue, is solved in closed form. The three different temperature profiles are investigated, the thermal surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) numbers are calculated analytically, and the effects of the heat source/sink are studied in terms of corrected internal Rayleigh numbers. Graphs are used to show how different parameters have an impact on the onset of triple-diffusive convection. The study's parameters have a greater influence on porous layer dominant composite layer systems than on fluid layer dominant composite layer systems. Finally, porous parameters and corrected internal Rayleigh numbers are stabilize the system, and solute1 Marangoni number and ratio of solute2 diffusivity to thermal diffusivity of fluid are destabilize the system.

    Citation: Yellamma, N. Manjunatha, Umair Khan, Samia Elattar, Sayed M. Eldin, Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan, R. Sumithra, K. Sarada. Onset of triple-diffusive convective stability in the presence of a heat source and temperature gradients: An exact method[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(6): 13432-13453. doi: 10.3934/math.2023681

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  • In the current work, in the presence of a heat source and temperature gradients, the onset of triple-diffusive convective stability is studied for a fluid, and a fluid-saturated porous layer confined vertically by adiabatic limits for the Darcy model is thoroughly analyzed. With consistent heat sources in both layers, this composite layer is subjected to three temperature profiles with Marangoni effects. The fluid-saturated porous region's lower boundary is a rigid surface, while the fluid region's upper boundary is a free surface. For the system of ordinary differential equations, the thermal surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) number, which also happens to be the Eigenvalue, is solved in closed form. The three different temperature profiles are investigated, the thermal surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) numbers are calculated analytically, and the effects of the heat source/sink are studied in terms of corrected internal Rayleigh numbers. Graphs are used to show how different parameters have an impact on the onset of triple-diffusive convection. The study's parameters have a greater influence on porous layer dominant composite layer systems than on fluid layer dominant composite layer systems. Finally, porous parameters and corrected internal Rayleigh numbers are stabilize the system, and solute1 Marangoni number and ratio of solute2 diffusivity to thermal diffusivity of fluid are destabilize the system.


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