The first objective of this article is to discuss the local existence of the solution to an initial value problem involving a non-linear differential equation in the sense of Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order $ \sigma\in(1, 2), $ when the nonlinear term has a singularity at zero of its independent argument. Hereafter, by using some tools of Lebesgue spaces such as Hölder inequality, we obtain Nagumo-type, Krasnoselskii-Krein-type and Osgood-type uniqueness theorems for the problem.
Citation: Sinan Serkan Bilgici, Müfit ŞAN. Existence and uniqueness results for a nonlinear singular fractional differential equation of order $ \sigma\in(1, 2) $[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(12): 13041-13056. doi: 10.3934/math.2021754
The first objective of this article is to discuss the local existence of the solution to an initial value problem involving a non-linear differential equation in the sense of Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative of order $ \sigma\in(1, 2), $ when the nonlinear term has a singularity at zero of its independent argument. Hereafter, by using some tools of Lebesgue spaces such as Hölder inequality, we obtain Nagumo-type, Krasnoselskii-Krein-type and Osgood-type uniqueness theorems for the problem.
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