Research article

Parametric study on a Bouc-Wen model with degradation features for the study of cyclic behavior of a reinforced concrete frame

  • Received: 27 September 2021 Accepted: 18 November 2021 Published: 16 December 2021
  • Non-linear behavior in building frame structures is inevitable and expected in moderate to severe seismic events. This behavior tends to be concentrated at the ends of beams and columns of moment-resisting frames. These critical regions, where plastic hinges form, are important for the global stability of the structural system. Depending on the available ductility, these mechanisms are responsible for the permanent deformations that the structure undergoes, leaving the remaining parts of the structural elements in the elastic regime, and hence in the safe zone. The importance of these mechanisms led to the search for an adequate model capable of well-capturing the non-linearity phenomena involved. The development of versatile hysteresis models with degradation features has been the aim of different studies. Hence, this paper presents a parametric study based on a smooth hysteresis model, a further modification to the well-known Bouc-Wen model, developed by Sivaselvan and Reinhorn, with a physical interpretation appropriate to the study of the non-linear behavior of civil engineering structures, particularly, building structures. Furthermore, an optimization procedure is implemented to calibrate the mentioned model's parameters, attempting to replicate the actual cyclic response of a reinforced concrete frame structure. The effect of each parameter in the hysteresis response will help on the understanding and on the possibilities of this kind of model in simulating different types of structural systems or different materials.

    Citation: Pedro Folhento, Rui Barros, Manuel Braz-Césa. Parametric study on a Bouc-Wen model with degradation features for the study of cyclic behavior of a reinforced concrete frame[J]. AIMS Materials Science, 2021, 8(6): 899-916. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2021055

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  • Non-linear behavior in building frame structures is inevitable and expected in moderate to severe seismic events. This behavior tends to be concentrated at the ends of beams and columns of moment-resisting frames. These critical regions, where plastic hinges form, are important for the global stability of the structural system. Depending on the available ductility, these mechanisms are responsible for the permanent deformations that the structure undergoes, leaving the remaining parts of the structural elements in the elastic regime, and hence in the safe zone. The importance of these mechanisms led to the search for an adequate model capable of well-capturing the non-linearity phenomena involved. The development of versatile hysteresis models with degradation features has been the aim of different studies. Hence, this paper presents a parametric study based on a smooth hysteresis model, a further modification to the well-known Bouc-Wen model, developed by Sivaselvan and Reinhorn, with a physical interpretation appropriate to the study of the non-linear behavior of civil engineering structures, particularly, building structures. Furthermore, an optimization procedure is implemented to calibrate the mentioned model's parameters, attempting to replicate the actual cyclic response of a reinforced concrete frame structure. The effect of each parameter in the hysteresis response will help on the understanding and on the possibilities of this kind of model in simulating different types of structural systems or different materials.


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