Research article Special Issues

Bioenergy potential of agricultural crop residues and municipal solid waste in Cameroon

  • Received: 22 July 2022 Revised: 18 December 2022 Accepted: 22 December 2022 Published: 10 January 2023
  • Biomass has emerged as an important and promising energy source, particularly in developing countries, owing to continuous research for sustainable energy sources that do not interfere with food, water or land needs. This study introduces the surplus availability factor (SAF), minimum, average and maximum biogas production technique in the assessment of crop production data in 2020 to provide a more precise and current estimate of Cameroon's crop residue and municipal solid waste (MSW) bioenergy potential. Crop residues contributed roughly 96% while MSW contributed the remaining 4% of the total bioenergy potential of 606 PJ per year. The bioenergy potential was calculated using crop production statistics derived from the FAOSTAT database of the Food and Agriculture Organization, while the residue-to-product ratio (RPR) and surplus availability factors (SAF) were found from related studies. The study concludes that crop residues and MSW have significant energy potential capable of meeting the country's electricity, transport fuel and biogas demand while simultaneously mitigating climate change through the capture of about 1.6 billion kg of CO2 through biogas recovery. It also highlights the lack of accurate and up-to-date data on the country's biomass potential and recommends ground data collection and geospatial mapping of areas with enormous potential for these resources to guide policymakers and investment plans.

    Citation: Robinson J. Tanyi, Muyiwa S Adaramola. Bioenergy potential of agricultural crop residues and municipal solid waste in Cameroon[J]. AIMS Energy, 2023, 11(1): 31-46. doi: 10.3934/energy.2023002

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  • Biomass has emerged as an important and promising energy source, particularly in developing countries, owing to continuous research for sustainable energy sources that do not interfere with food, water or land needs. This study introduces the surplus availability factor (SAF), minimum, average and maximum biogas production technique in the assessment of crop production data in 2020 to provide a more precise and current estimate of Cameroon's crop residue and municipal solid waste (MSW) bioenergy potential. Crop residues contributed roughly 96% while MSW contributed the remaining 4% of the total bioenergy potential of 606 PJ per year. The bioenergy potential was calculated using crop production statistics derived from the FAOSTAT database of the Food and Agriculture Organization, while the residue-to-product ratio (RPR) and surplus availability factors (SAF) were found from related studies. The study concludes that crop residues and MSW have significant energy potential capable of meeting the country's electricity, transport fuel and biogas demand while simultaneously mitigating climate change through the capture of about 1.6 billion kg of CO2 through biogas recovery. It also highlights the lack of accurate and up-to-date data on the country's biomass potential and recommends ground data collection and geospatial mapping of areas with enormous potential for these resources to guide policymakers and investment plans.


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