Research article Special Issues

Determination of transmission reliability margin for brownout

  • Received: 23 May 2021 Accepted: 25 August 2021 Published: 02 September 2021
  • Power shortage is a severe problem in developing countries that are rolling to blackout, but today smart grids have the scope to avoid entire blackouts by transforming them into brownouts. A brownout is an under-voltage condition where the AC supply drops below the nominal value (120 V or 220 V) by about 10%. In a power system network, power shortages or disturbances can occur at any time, and the reliability margin analysis is essential to maintain the stability of the system. Transmission reliability margin (TRM) is a margin that keeps the network secure during any occurrence of disturbance. This paper presents a new approach to compute TRM in the case of brownout. The detailed assessment of TRM largely depends on the estimation of the available transfer power (ATC). In this method, the ATC of the system is calculated considering the effect of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) reactive power (Q) flow (DCQF). The entire procedure is carried out for the multi-transaction IEEE-6 bus system, and the results are compared to the current efficiency justification method. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed technique is an effective alternative for calculating the TRM and is valid compared to the existing technique.

    Citation: Awatif Nadia, Md. Sanwar Hossain, Md. Mehedi Hasan, Sinthia Afrin, Md Shafiullah, Md. Biplob Hossain, Khondoker Ziaul Islam. Determination of transmission reliability margin for brownout[J]. AIMS Energy, 2021, 9(5): 1009-1026. doi: 10.3934/energy.2021046

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  • Power shortage is a severe problem in developing countries that are rolling to blackout, but today smart grids have the scope to avoid entire blackouts by transforming them into brownouts. A brownout is an under-voltage condition where the AC supply drops below the nominal value (120 V or 220 V) by about 10%. In a power system network, power shortages or disturbances can occur at any time, and the reliability margin analysis is essential to maintain the stability of the system. Transmission reliability margin (TRM) is a margin that keeps the network secure during any occurrence of disturbance. This paper presents a new approach to compute TRM in the case of brownout. The detailed assessment of TRM largely depends on the estimation of the available transfer power (ATC). In this method, the ATC of the system is calculated considering the effect of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) reactive power (Q) flow (DCQF). The entire procedure is carried out for the multi-transaction IEEE-6 bus system, and the results are compared to the current efficiency justification method. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed technique is an effective alternative for calculating the TRM and is valid compared to the existing technique.


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