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A chaos-based adaptive equilibrium optimizer algorithm for solving global optimization problems

  • Received: 12 June 2023 Revised: 19 July 2023 Accepted: 02 August 2023 Published: 04 September 2023
  • The equilibrium optimizer (EO) algorithm is a newly developed physics-based optimization algorithm, which inspired by a mixed dynamic mass balance equation on a controlled fixed volume. The EO algorithm has a number of strengths, such as simple structure, easy implementation, few parameters and its effectiveness has been demonstrated on numerical optimization problems. However, the canonical EO still presents some drawbacks, such as poor balance between exploration and exploitation operation, tendency to get stuck in local optima and low convergence accuracy. To tackle these limitations, this paper proposes a new EO-based approach with an adaptive gbest-guided search mechanism and a chaos mechanism (called a chaos-based adaptive equilibrium optimizer algorithm (ACEO)). Firstly, an adaptive gbest-guided mechanism is injected to enrich the population diversity and expand the search range. Next, the chaos mechanism is incorporated to enable the algorithm to escape from the local optima. The effectiveness of the developed ACEO is demonstrated on 23 classical benchmark functions, and compared with the canonical EO, EO variants and other frontier metaheuristic approaches. The experimental results reveal that the developed ACEO method remarkably outperforms the canonical EO and other competitors. In addition, ACEO is implemented to solve a mobile robot path planning (MRPP) task, and compared with other typical metaheuristic techniques. The comparison indicates that ACEO beats its competitors, and the ACEO algorithm can provide high-quality feasible solutions for MRPP.

    Citation: Yuting Liu, Hongwei Ding, Zongshan Wang, Gushen Jin, Bo Li, Zhijun Yang, Gaurav Dhiman. A chaos-based adaptive equilibrium optimizer algorithm for solving global optimization problems[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(9): 17242-17271. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023768

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  • The equilibrium optimizer (EO) algorithm is a newly developed physics-based optimization algorithm, which inspired by a mixed dynamic mass balance equation on a controlled fixed volume. The EO algorithm has a number of strengths, such as simple structure, easy implementation, few parameters and its effectiveness has been demonstrated on numerical optimization problems. However, the canonical EO still presents some drawbacks, such as poor balance between exploration and exploitation operation, tendency to get stuck in local optima and low convergence accuracy. To tackle these limitations, this paper proposes a new EO-based approach with an adaptive gbest-guided search mechanism and a chaos mechanism (called a chaos-based adaptive equilibrium optimizer algorithm (ACEO)). Firstly, an adaptive gbest-guided mechanism is injected to enrich the population diversity and expand the search range. Next, the chaos mechanism is incorporated to enable the algorithm to escape from the local optima. The effectiveness of the developed ACEO is demonstrated on 23 classical benchmark functions, and compared with the canonical EO, EO variants and other frontier metaheuristic approaches. The experimental results reveal that the developed ACEO method remarkably outperforms the canonical EO and other competitors. In addition, ACEO is implemented to solve a mobile robot path planning (MRPP) task, and compared with other typical metaheuristic techniques. The comparison indicates that ACEO beats its competitors, and the ACEO algorithm can provide high-quality feasible solutions for MRPP.


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