Material databases are important tools to provide and store information from material research. Rising concerns about supply-chain risks to raw materials presents a need to incorporate raw-material market and end-use application data, beyond basic chemical and physical properties, into a material database. One key challenge for researchers working on critical materials is information scarcity and inconsistency. This paper introduces, as a result of a two-year project, a critical-material commodity database (CMCD) incorporated with a low-code web-based platform that allows easy access for users and simple updates for the authors. The main goal of this project was to educate material scientists on the applications having the most impact on the supply chain and current industrial specifications/markets for each application. The objective was to provide material researchers with harmonized information so that they could gain a better understanding of the market, focus their technologies on an application with a high potential for commercialization, and better contribute to supply-chain risk reduction. While the goal was met with high receptivity, several limitations stemmed from query design, distribution platform, and quality of data source. To overcome some of these limitations and expand on CMCD's potential, we are building a public webpage with an improved interface, better data organization, and higher extensibility.
Citation: Ruby T. Nguyen, Ange-Lionel Toba, Michael H. Severson, Ethan M. Woodbury, Austin R. Carey, D. Devin Imholte. A market-oriented database design for critical material research[J]. Clean Technologies and Recycling, 2021, 1(1): 34-49. doi: 10.3934/ctr.2021002
Material databases are important tools to provide and store information from material research. Rising concerns about supply-chain risks to raw materials presents a need to incorporate raw-material market and end-use application data, beyond basic chemical and physical properties, into a material database. One key challenge for researchers working on critical materials is information scarcity and inconsistency. This paper introduces, as a result of a two-year project, a critical-material commodity database (CMCD) incorporated with a low-code web-based platform that allows easy access for users and simple updates for the authors. The main goal of this project was to educate material scientists on the applications having the most impact on the supply chain and current industrial specifications/markets for each application. The objective was to provide material researchers with harmonized information so that they could gain a better understanding of the market, focus their technologies on an application with a high potential for commercialization, and better contribute to supply-chain risk reduction. While the goal was met with high receptivity, several limitations stemmed from query design, distribution platform, and quality of data source. To overcome some of these limitations and expand on CMCD's potential, we are building a public webpage with an improved interface, better data organization, and higher extensibility.
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