Research article

Optimal time two-mesh mixed finite element method for a nonlinear fractional hyperbolic wave model

  • Received: 17 October 2023 Revised: 23 November 2023 Accepted: 02 January 2024 Published: 09 January 2024
  • 65N30, 65M60

  • In this article, a second-order time discrete algorithm with a shifted parameter $ \theta $ combined with a fast time two-mesh (TT-M) mixed finite element (MFE) scheme was considered to look for the numerical solution of the nonlinear fractional hyperbolic wave model. The second-order backward difference formula including a shifted parameter $ \theta $ (BDF2-$ \theta $) with the weighted and shifted Grünwald difference (WSGD) approximation for fractional derivative was used to discretize time direction at time $ t_{n-\theta} $, the $ H^1 $-Galerkin MFE method was applied to approximate the spatial direction, and the fast TT-M method was used to save computing time of the developed MFE system. A priori error estimates for the fully discrete TT-M MFE system were analyzed and proved in detail, where the second-order space-time convergence rate in both $ L^2 $-norm and $ H^1 $-norm were derived. Detailed numerical algorithms with smooth and weakly regular solutions were provided. Finally, some numerical examples were provided to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness for our scheme.

    Citation: Yining Yang, Cao Wen, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Jinfeng Wang. Optimal time two-mesh mixed finite element method for a nonlinear fractional hyperbolic wave model[J]. Communications in Analysis and Mechanics, 2024, 16(1): 24-52. doi: 10.3934/cam.2024002

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  • In this article, a second-order time discrete algorithm with a shifted parameter $ \theta $ combined with a fast time two-mesh (TT-M) mixed finite element (MFE) scheme was considered to look for the numerical solution of the nonlinear fractional hyperbolic wave model. The second-order backward difference formula including a shifted parameter $ \theta $ (BDF2-$ \theta $) with the weighted and shifted Grünwald difference (WSGD) approximation for fractional derivative was used to discretize time direction at time $ t_{n-\theta} $, the $ H^1 $-Galerkin MFE method was applied to approximate the spatial direction, and the fast TT-M method was used to save computing time of the developed MFE system. A priori error estimates for the fully discrete TT-M MFE system were analyzed and proved in detail, where the second-order space-time convergence rate in both $ L^2 $-norm and $ H^1 $-norm were derived. Detailed numerical algorithms with smooth and weakly regular solutions were provided. Finally, some numerical examples were provided to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness for our scheme.


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