
A review of the application of machine learning in adult obesity studies

  • Received: 24 January 2022 Revised: 30 March 2022 Accepted: 31 March 2022 Published: 31 March 2022
  • In obesity studies, several researchers have been applying machine learning tools to identify factors affecting human body weight. However, a proper review of strength, limitations and evaluation metrics of machine learning algorithms in obesity is lacking. This study reviews the status of application of machine learning algorithms in obesity studies and to identify strength and weaknesses of these methods. A scoping review of paper focusing on obesity was conducted. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched for the application of machine learning in obesity using different keywords. Only English papers in adult obesity between 2014 and 2019 were included. Also, only papers that focused on controllable factors (e.g., nutrition intake, dietary pattern and/or physical activity) were reviewed in depth. Papers on genetic or childhood obesity were excluded. Twenty reviewed papers used machine learning algorithms to identify the relationship between the contributing factors and obesity. Regression algorithms were widely applied. Other algorithms such as neural network, random forest and deep learning were less exploited. Limitations regarding data priori assumptions, overfitting and hyperparameter optimization were discussed. Performance metrics and validation techniques were identified. Machine learning applications are positively impacting obesity research. The nature and objective of a study and available data are key factors to consider in selecting the appropriate algorithms. The future research direction is to further explore and take advantage of the modern methods, i.e., neural network and deep learning, in obesity studies.

    Citation: Mohammad Alkhalaf, Ping Yu, Jun Shen, Chao Deng. A review of the application of machine learning in adult obesity studies[J]. Applied Computing and Intelligence, 2022, 2(1): 32-48. doi: 10.3934/aci.2022002

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  • In obesity studies, several researchers have been applying machine learning tools to identify factors affecting human body weight. However, a proper review of strength, limitations and evaluation metrics of machine learning algorithms in obesity is lacking. This study reviews the status of application of machine learning algorithms in obesity studies and to identify strength and weaknesses of these methods. A scoping review of paper focusing on obesity was conducted. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched for the application of machine learning in obesity using different keywords. Only English papers in adult obesity between 2014 and 2019 were included. Also, only papers that focused on controllable factors (e.g., nutrition intake, dietary pattern and/or physical activity) were reviewed in depth. Papers on genetic or childhood obesity were excluded. Twenty reviewed papers used machine learning algorithms to identify the relationship between the contributing factors and obesity. Regression algorithms were widely applied. Other algorithms such as neural network, random forest and deep learning were less exploited. Limitations regarding data priori assumptions, overfitting and hyperparameter optimization were discussed. Performance metrics and validation techniques were identified. Machine learning applications are positively impacting obesity research. The nature and objective of a study and available data are key factors to consider in selecting the appropriate algorithms. The future research direction is to further explore and take advantage of the modern methods, i.e., neural network and deep learning, in obesity studies.


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