We examined the role of top exporters in sub-national export specialization using Spanish firm-level export data at the province (NUTS 3) level. Our results show that, on average, 28% of aggregate exports in each province are in sectors where the top exporter determines the revealed comparative advantage (RCA). Moreover, provinces with sectors where the top exporter determines the RCA exhibit a more unstable pattern of export specialization over time. This result suggests that the characteristics and strategies of large firms may affect regional specialization patterns.
Citation: Juan De Lucio, Raúl Mínguez, Asier Minondo, Francisco Requena. Top exporters and regional export specialization[J]. National Accounting Review, 2024, 6(4): 564-572. doi: 10.3934/NAR.2024026
We examined the role of top exporters in sub-national export specialization using Spanish firm-level export data at the province (NUTS 3) level. Our results show that, on average, 28% of aggregate exports in each province are in sectors where the top exporter determines the revealed comparative advantage (RCA). Moreover, provinces with sectors where the top exporter determines the RCA exhibit a more unstable pattern of export specialization over time. This result suggests that the characteristics and strategies of large firms may affect regional specialization patterns.
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