Research article Special Issues

PMO: A knowledge representation model towards precision medicine

  • These authors contributed to this work equally
  • Received: 31 December 2019 Accepted: 18 May 2020 Published: 08 June 2020
  • With the rapid development of biomedical technology, amounts of data in the field of precision medicine (PM) are growing exponentially. Valuable knowledge is included in scattered data in which meaningful biomedical entities and their semantic relationships are buried. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a knowledge representation model like ontology to formally represent the relationships among diseases, phenotypes, genes, mutations, drugs, etc. and achieve effective integration of heterogeneous data. On basis of existing work, our study focus on solving the following issues: (ⅰ) Selecting the primary entities in PM domain; (ⅱ) collecting and integrating biomedical vocabularies related to the above entities; (ⅲ) defining and normalizing semantic relationships among these entities. We proposed a semi-automated method which improved the original Ontology Development 101 method to build the Precision Medicine Ontology (PMO), including defining the scope of the PMO according to the definition of PM, collecting terms from different biomedical resources, integrating and normalizing the terms by a combination of machine and manual work, defining the annotation properties, reusing existing ontologies and taxonomies, defining semantic relationships, evaluating PMO and creating the PMO website. Finally, the Precision Medicine Vocabulary (PMV) contains 4.53 million terms collected from 62 biomedical vocabularies, and the PMO includes eleven branches of PM concepts such as disease, chemical and drug, phenotype, gene, mutation, gene product and cell, described by 93 semantic relationships among them. PMO is an open, extensible ontology of PM, all of the terms and relationships in which could be obtained from the PMO website ( Compared to existing project, our work has brought a broader and deeper coverage of mutation, gene and gene product, which enriches the semantic type and vocabulary in PM domain and benefits all users in terms of medical literature annotation, text mining and knowledge base construction.

    Citation: Li Hou, Meng Wu, Hongyu Kang, Si Zheng, Liu Shen, Qing Qian, Jiao Li. PMO: A knowledge representation model towards precision medicine[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(4): 4098-4114. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020227

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  • With the rapid development of biomedical technology, amounts of data in the field of precision medicine (PM) are growing exponentially. Valuable knowledge is included in scattered data in which meaningful biomedical entities and their semantic relationships are buried. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a knowledge representation model like ontology to formally represent the relationships among diseases, phenotypes, genes, mutations, drugs, etc. and achieve effective integration of heterogeneous data. On basis of existing work, our study focus on solving the following issues: (ⅰ) Selecting the primary entities in PM domain; (ⅱ) collecting and integrating biomedical vocabularies related to the above entities; (ⅲ) defining and normalizing semantic relationships among these entities. We proposed a semi-automated method which improved the original Ontology Development 101 method to build the Precision Medicine Ontology (PMO), including defining the scope of the PMO according to the definition of PM, collecting terms from different biomedical resources, integrating and normalizing the terms by a combination of machine and manual work, defining the annotation properties, reusing existing ontologies and taxonomies, defining semantic relationships, evaluating PMO and creating the PMO website. Finally, the Precision Medicine Vocabulary (PMV) contains 4.53 million terms collected from 62 biomedical vocabularies, and the PMO includes eleven branches of PM concepts such as disease, chemical and drug, phenotype, gene, mutation, gene product and cell, described by 93 semantic relationships among them. PMO is an open, extensible ontology of PM, all of the terms and relationships in which could be obtained from the PMO website ( Compared to existing project, our work has brought a broader and deeper coverage of mutation, gene and gene product, which enriches the semantic type and vocabulary in PM domain and benefits all users in terms of medical literature annotation, text mining and knowledge base construction.


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