Research article Special Issues

Clustering algorithm with strength of connectedness for $ m $-polar fuzzy network models

  • Received: 11 September 2021 Accepted: 05 November 2021 Published: 16 November 2021
  • In this research study, we first define the strong degree of a vertex in an $ m $-polar fuzzy graph. Then we present various useful properties and prove some results concerning this new concept, in the case of complete $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs. Further, we introduce the concept of $ m $-polar fuzzy strength sequence of vertices, and we also investigate it in the particular instance of complete $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs. We discuss connectivity parameters in $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs with precise examples, and we investigate the $ m $-polar fuzzy analogue of Whitney's theorem. Furthermore, we present a clustering method for vertices in an $ m $-polar fuzzy graph based on the strength of connectedness between pairs of vertices. In order to formulate this method, we introduce terminologies such as $ \epsilon_A $-reachable vertices in $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs, $ \epsilon_A $-connected $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs, or $ \epsilon_A $-connected $ m $-polar fuzzy subgraphs (in case the $ m $-polar fuzzy graph itself is not $ \epsilon_A $-connected). Moreover, we discuss an application for clustering different companies in consideration of their multi-polar uncertain information. We then provide an algorithm to clearly understand the clustering methodology that we use in our application. Finally, we present a comparative analysis of our research work with existing techniques to prove its applicability and effectiveness.

    Citation: Muhammad Akram, Saba Siddique, Majed G. Alharbi. Clustering algorithm with strength of connectedness for $ m $-polar fuzzy network models[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(1): 420-455. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022021

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  • In this research study, we first define the strong degree of a vertex in an $ m $-polar fuzzy graph. Then we present various useful properties and prove some results concerning this new concept, in the case of complete $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs. Further, we introduce the concept of $ m $-polar fuzzy strength sequence of vertices, and we also investigate it in the particular instance of complete $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs. We discuss connectivity parameters in $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs with precise examples, and we investigate the $ m $-polar fuzzy analogue of Whitney's theorem. Furthermore, we present a clustering method for vertices in an $ m $-polar fuzzy graph based on the strength of connectedness between pairs of vertices. In order to formulate this method, we introduce terminologies such as $ \epsilon_A $-reachable vertices in $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs, $ \epsilon_A $-connected $ m $-polar fuzzy graphs, or $ \epsilon_A $-connected $ m $-polar fuzzy subgraphs (in case the $ m $-polar fuzzy graph itself is not $ \epsilon_A $-connected). Moreover, we discuss an application for clustering different companies in consideration of their multi-polar uncertain information. We then provide an algorithm to clearly understand the clustering methodology that we use in our application. Finally, we present a comparative analysis of our research work with existing techniques to prove its applicability and effectiveness.


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