Research article Special Issues

A wireless controlled intelligent healthcare system for diplegia patients

  • academic editor: Sandeep Pirbhulal
  • Received: 04 October 2021 Accepted: 06 November 2021 Published: 16 November 2021
  • Rehabilitation engineering is playing a more vital role in the field of healthcare for humanity. It is providing many assistive devices to diplegia patients (The patients whose conditions are weak in terms of muscle mobility on both sides of the body and their paralyzing effects are high either in the arms or in the legs). Therefore, in order to rehabilitate such types of patients, an intelligent healthcare system is proposed in this research. The electric sticks and chairs are also a type of this system which was used previously to facilitate the diplegia patients. It is worth noting that a voice recognition system along with wireless control feature has been integrated intelligently in the proposed healthcare system in order to replace the common and conventional assistive tools for diplegia patients. These features will make the proposed system more user friendly, convenient and comfortable. The voice recognition system has been used for movements of system in any desired direction along with the ultrasonic sensor and light detecting technology. These sensors detect the obstacles and low light environment intelligently during the movement of the wheelchair and then take the necessary actions accordingly.

    Citation: Muhammad Tanveer Riaz, Abeer Abdulaziz AlSanad, Saeed Ahmad, Muhammad Azeem Akbar, Lulwah AlSuwaidan, Halah Abdulaziz AL-ALShaikh, Hatoon S AlSagri. A wireless controlled intelligent healthcare system for diplegia patients[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(1): 456-472. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022022

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  • Rehabilitation engineering is playing a more vital role in the field of healthcare for humanity. It is providing many assistive devices to diplegia patients (The patients whose conditions are weak in terms of muscle mobility on both sides of the body and their paralyzing effects are high either in the arms or in the legs). Therefore, in order to rehabilitate such types of patients, an intelligent healthcare system is proposed in this research. The electric sticks and chairs are also a type of this system which was used previously to facilitate the diplegia patients. It is worth noting that a voice recognition system along with wireless control feature has been integrated intelligently in the proposed healthcare system in order to replace the common and conventional assistive tools for diplegia patients. These features will make the proposed system more user friendly, convenient and comfortable. The voice recognition system has been used for movements of system in any desired direction along with the ultrasonic sensor and light detecting technology. These sensors detect the obstacles and low light environment intelligently during the movement of the wheelchair and then take the necessary actions accordingly.


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