Since not every problem in optimization theory involves convex functionals, in this study, we introduced new classes of generalized convex functionals. More precisely, under generalized hypotheses, we stated new efficiency conditions associated with a class of multiple-objective optimal control models. To this end, we first defined the Gθ-Fritz John problem and, by considering it, we established a link between the solutions of Gθ-Fritz John problem and efficient solutions of the considered model (P). In addition, we formulated the Gθ-necessary efficiency conditions for a feasible solution in (P). After that, we established a connection between the newly defined concept of Gθ−KT points to (P) and the efficient solutions of (P). Finally, we turned our attention to the Gθ-sufficient efficiency conditions for a feasible solution to (P). More precisely, we established that any feasible solution to (P) will be an efficient solution if the assumption of Gθ-convexity (and/or Gθ-quasiconvexity, Gθ-strictly quasiconvexity, Gθ-monotonic quasiconvexity) is imposed on the involved functionals.
Citation: Savin Treanţă, Cristina-Florentina Marghescu, Laura-Gabriela Matei. Efficiency conditions in multiple-objective optimal control models under generalized hypotheses[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(9): 25184-25204. doi: 10.3934/math.20241228
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Since not every problem in optimization theory involves convex functionals, in this study, we introduced new classes of generalized convex functionals. More precisely, under generalized hypotheses, we stated new efficiency conditions associated with a class of multiple-objective optimal control models. To this end, we first defined the Gθ-Fritz John problem and, by considering it, we established a link between the solutions of Gθ-Fritz John problem and efficient solutions of the considered model (P). In addition, we formulated the Gθ-necessary efficiency conditions for a feasible solution in (P). After that, we established a connection between the newly defined concept of Gθ−KT points to (P) and the efficient solutions of (P). Finally, we turned our attention to the Gθ-sufficient efficiency conditions for a feasible solution to (P). More precisely, we established that any feasible solution to (P) will be an efficient solution if the assumption of Gθ-convexity (and/or Gθ-quasiconvexity, Gθ-strictly quasiconvexity, Gθ-monotonic quasiconvexity) is imposed on the involved functionals.
The importance of convexity in optimization theory has been well established over time. However, as we all know, the concept of convexity is no longer adequate for many mathematical models in engineering, economics, decision sciences, and mechanics. Thus, in this paper, we will consider a multiple-objective optimal control model determined by not necessary convex functionals. The crucial role of multi-objective optimization problems is well-known. Multi-objective programming problems are used to solve a wide range of real-world issues, such as those in engineering, finance, and production planning. These types of problems have become the focus of increasing amounts of research over the years in a variety of mathematical fields, including optimal control theory, game theory, statistics, and finance. Important duality theorems and necessary and sufficient optimality criteria for multi-objective variational problems have been thoroughly studied by a large number of scholars (see, for instance, Bector and Husain [8], Bhatia and Kumar [9], and Gulati and Mehndiratta [11], Arana-Jiménez et al. [6], Yu and Lu [31]). Moreover, necessary and sufficient efficiency criteria for multi-objective fractional control models involving multiple integrals were established by Mititelu and Treanţă [21].
Over time, many researchers have focused on optimization issues including uncertainty, because the empirical mechanisms are highly complex and often entail uncertainty in the original data. Robustness in optimization problems generated by curvilinear integrals with applications in mechanics was examined by Treanţă and Das [27]. Also, Treanţă [28] discussed robust saddle-point criterion in second-order partial differential equations and partial differential equation constrained-control problems. For a given multi-time control problem with data uncertainty, Baranwal et al. [7] constructed two significant dual models in the literature (namely, Mond-Weir and Wolfe-type duals), and established the corresponding robust duality theorems. The necessary and sufficient optimality hypotheses for a variational control problem embracing data uncertainty were recently stated in Treanţă [29].
Controlled optimization problems are fundamental in many fields of operations research, such as control of space structures, light control design, or production control. Several academics have contributed to formulating and investigating the optimality conditions for some classes of controlled optimization models with equality, inequality, or isoperimetric constraints, inspired by the practical viewpoints of the controlled optimization problem (see, for example, Jacobson et al. [15], Urziceanu [30], Jayswal et al. [16], Malanowski [19]). Treanţă [26], under the premise of KT-invexity, established that every Kuhn-Tucker point must be an optimal solution to the considered control model (see de Oliveira et al. [22], Arana-Jiménez et al. [5]). This technique sparked numerous efforts to investigate optimality criteria in the context of optimization problems. For more information in this direction, the reader can consult Mititelu [20], Prusinska and Tretyakov [23], Soolaki et al. [24], Bhushan et al. [10], Almetwally et al. [1], Anchitaalagammai et al. [2], Li and Guo [12,13,17], and references therein.
Since not every problem in optimization theory involves convex functionals, in this study, we introduce new classes of generalized convex functionals. More precisely, in accordance to Antczak [3,4], Linh and Penot [18], and Gupta and Srivastava [14], we formulate the concepts of Gθ-convexity, Gθ-quasiconvexity, Gθ-strictly quasiconvexity, and Gθ-monotonic quasiconvexity associated with multiple integral type functionals. By considering these new theoretical elements, we study through various techniques (by using the newly defined concepts of Gθ-Fritz John problem and Gθ−KT points) the efficiency criteria for a multi-dimensional first-order PDE-constrained optimal control problem. In addition to the novelty elements mentioned above, the authors formulate an illustrative example of a real-valued double integral functional that is Gθ-convex but not convex at a given point. As a consequence, it is evident that every convex functional is Gθ-convex, and in this case, Gθ is taken to be the identity map.
The structure of the article is as follows. Section 2 introduces notations, definitions, problem formulation, and preliminary results. Section 3 contains the Gθ-Fritz John problem and, by considering it, we establish a link between the solutions of Gθ-Fritz John problem and efficient solutions of the considered model (P). In addition, we formulate the Gθ-necessary efficiency conditions for a feasible solution in (P). After that, in Section 4, we establish a connection between the newly defined concept of Gθ−KT points to (P) and the efficient solutions of (P). Finally, in Section 5, we turn our attention to the Gθ-sufficient efficiency conditions for a feasible solution to (P). More precisely, we establish that any feasible solution to (P) will be an efficient solution if the assumption of Gθ-convexity (and/or Gθ-quasiconvexity, Gθ-strictly quasiconvexity, Gθ-monotonic quasiconvexity) is imposed on the involved functionals. Finally, we wrap up the paper in Section 6.
This section consists of some basic notations and notions that will be helpful in the formulation of the problem and set up the main results:
● Consider the three finite dimensional Euclidean spaces Rm,Rn, and Rk; also, let x= (xα),α=¯1,m,g=(gi),i=¯1,n, and f=(fj),j=¯1,k are the local coordinates of Rm,Rn, and Rk, respectively.
● Let K=Kx0,x1⊂Rm be a compact subset [for instance, a hyperparallelepiped fixed by the diagonally opposite points x0=(xα0) and x1=(xα1)] in Rm; also, let dx=dx1dx2⋯dxm be the volume element in Rm⊃K.
● Let G be the space of piecewise smooth state functions g:K↦Rn endowed with norm
‖g‖=‖g‖∞+m∑α=1‖gα‖∞, |
where ‖g‖∞=max(|g1|,|g2|,…,|gn|) and gα=∂g∂xα; also, let F be the space of continuous control functions f:K↦Rk, equipped with the uniform norm.
● For any two points a=(aℓ) and b=(bℓ) in Rl, the following convention will be used in this paper:
a=b⇔aℓ=bℓ,a≤b⇔aℓ≤bℓ,a<b⇔aℓ<bℓ, |
a⪯b⇔a≤b,a≠b,ℓ=¯1,l. |
Definition 2.1. A function h:R↦R is said to be a strictly increasing function if the following implication is satisfied:
u<e⇒h(u)<h(e),∀u,e∈R. |
Considering the above-mentioned mathematical elements, we formulate the following multi-dimensional first-order PDE-constrained control model:
(P)min(g,f){∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx |
=(∫Kθ1(x,g(x),f(x))dx,⋯,∫Kθw(x,g(x),f(x))dx)}, | (1) |
subject to
∂gi∂xα(x)=Uiα(x,g(x),f(x)),α=¯1,m,i=¯1,n, | (2) |
Wβ(x,g(x),f(x))≤0,β∈Q=¯1,q, | (3) |
g(x0)=g0,g(x1)=g1, | (4) |
where x∈K,θ=(θκ):K×G×F↦Rw,κ=¯1,w,Wβ:K×G×F↦R,β∈Q=¯1,q,Uα= (Uiα):K×G ×F↦Rn,α=¯1,m, are continuously differentiable functionals. Also, we assume the constraints Uα satisfy the complete integrability conditions (closeness conditions) DνUα=DαUν,α,ν=¯1,m,α≠ν, where Dν is the total derivative.
Let D={(g,f)∈G×F∣(g,f) satisfying the conditions (2)–(4)} be the set of all feasible solutions to (P). Also, let Q(ˉg,ˉf) denote the set of indices of active constraints at (ˉg,ˉf), that is,
Q(ˉg,ˉf)={β∈Q:Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))=0}. |
Definition 2.2. A point (ˉg,ˉf)∈D is said to be an efficient solution to the multidimensional first-order PDE-constrained control problem (P) if, for all (g,f)∈D, we have
∫Kθ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx⪯∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx. |
Definition 2.3. A point (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F is said to be a stationary point of the vector functional θ if
∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x))=0, |
for all (g,f)∈G×F.
Definition 2.4. Let G×F be a convex set and let θ:K×G×F↦Rw be a continuously differentiable functional. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be convex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following inequality
∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx−∫Kθ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx |
≥∫K[∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x))]dx, |
is satisfied for all (g,f)∈G×F. If the above inequality is satisfied for all (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be convex on G×F.
Definition 2.5. Let G×F be a convex set and let θ:K×G×F↦Rw be a continuously differentiable functional. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be quasiconvex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following inequality
∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx≤∫Kθ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx, |
∫K[∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x))]dx≤0, |
for all (g,f)∈G×F. If the above implication is satisfied for all (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be quasiconvex on G×F.
Definition 2.6. Let G×F be a convex set and let θ:K×G×F↦Rw be a continuously differentiable functional. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be strictly quasiconvex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following inequality
∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx≤∫Kθ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx, |
∫K[∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x))]dx<0, |
for all (g,f)∈G×F. If the above implication is satisfied for all (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be strictly quasiconvex on G×F.
Definition 2.7. Let G×F be a convex set and let θ:K×G×F↦Rw be a continuously differentiable functional. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be monotonic quasiconvex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following equality
∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx=∫Kθ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx, |
∫K[∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x))]dx=0, |
for all (g,f)∈G×F. If the above implication is satisfied for all (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be monotonic quasiconvex on G×F.
Now, on the lines of Antczak [3,4], Linh and Penot [18], and Gupta and Srivastava [14], we introduce the concept of Gθ-convexity for a vector-valued multiple integral functional. In a similar way, we can introduce the concepts of Gθ-quasiconvexity, Gθ-strictly quasiconvexity, or Gθ-monotonic quasiconvexity.
Definition 2.8. Let G×F be a convex set, θ:K×G×F↦Rw a continuously differentiable functional, and Gθ:Iθ↦Rw a strictly increasing vector-valued differentiable function, where Iθ⊂Rw denote the range of θ. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-convex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following inequality
∫KGθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))dx−∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))dx | (5) |
≥∫K[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx,∀(g,f)∈G×F, |
is satisfied, with Gθ=(Gκθ),G′θ=∂Gκθ∂θκ,θ=(θκ),κ=¯1,w. If inequality (5) is satisfied for any (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-convex on G×F.
In the example given below, we consider a real-valued double integral functional and we show that it is Gθ-convex but not convex at a given point. As a consequence, it is evident that every convex functional is Gθ-convex, and in this case, Gθ is taken to be the identity map.
Example 2.1. Let w=1, G={g:Kx0,x1→[−2,2]⊂R},F={f:Kx0,x1→[−1,1]⊂R}, where Kx0,x1 is a square fixed with the diagonally opposite points x0=(x10,x20)=(−2,−2) and x1=(x11,x21)=(2,2) in R2. Now, we consider the real-valued functional θ:Kx0,x1×G×F↦R, defined by θ(x,g(x),f(x))=ln[g(x)+f(x)+5], that generates the real-valued double integral functional
Θ:G×F→R, |
Θ(g,f)=∫Kx0,x1θ(x,g(x),f(x))dx1dx2=∫Kx0,x1ln[g(x)+f(x)+5]dx1dx2. | (6) |
Also, let us define
ˉg(x)=x1+x22,ˉf(x)=2x1+x26,x=(x1,x2)∈Kx0,x1, |
and consider x1=x2=1. We have
∫Kx0,x1θ(x,g(x),f(x))dx1dx2−∫Kx0,x1θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx1dx2−∫Kx0,x1[∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x))]dx1dx2=∫Kx0,x1(ln[g(x)+f(x)+5]−ln132−213[g(x)+f(x)−32])dx1dx2≱0,∀(g,f)∈G×F(see Figure1(a)). |
Thus, the above-mentioned real-valued double integral functional is not convex at (1,12)∈G×F.
On the other hand, if we consider the strictly increasing function Gθ:Iθ↦R defined by Gθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))=e2θ(x,g(x),f(x)), then we obtain
∫Kx0,x1Gθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))dx1dx2−∫Kx0,x1Gθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx1dx2−∫Kx0,x1[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx1dx2=∫Kx0,x1((g(x)+f(x)+5)2−(132)2−13[g(x)+f(x)−32])dx1dx2≥0,∀(g,f)∈G×F(see Figure 1(b)). |
Thus, the real-valued double integral functional given in (6) is Gθ-convex at (1,12)∈G×F. Hence, we have shown that the real-valued double integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kx0,x1θ(x,g(x),f(x))dx1dx2 is Gθ-convex at (1,12)∈G×F, but not convex at (1,12)∈G×F.
Definition 2.9. Let G×F be a convex set, θ:K×G×F↦Rw a continuously differentiable functional, and Gθ:Iθ↦Rw a strictly increasing vector-valued differentiable function, where Iθ⊂Rw denote the range of θ. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-quasiconvex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following inequality
∫KGθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))dx≤∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))dx, |
∫K[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx≤0,∀(g,f)∈G×F, |
with Gθ=(Gκθ),G′θ=∂Gκθ∂θκ,θ=(θκ),κ=¯1,w. If the above inequality is satisfied for any (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-quasiconvex on G×F.
Definition 2.10. Let G×F be a convex set, θ:K×G×F↦Rw a continuously differentiable functional, and Gθ:Iθ↦Rw a strictly increasing vector-valued differentiable function, where Iθ⊂Rw denote the range of θ. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-strictly quasiconvex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following inequality
∫KGθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))dx≤∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))dx, |
∫K[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx<0,∀(g,f)∈G×F, |
with Gθ=(Gκθ),G′θ=∂Gκθ∂θκ,θ=(θκ),κ=¯1,w. If the above inequality is satisfied for any (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-strictly quasiconvex on G×F.
Definition 2.11. Let G×F be a convex set, θ:K×G×F↦Rw a continuously differentiable functional, and Gθ:Iθ↦Rw a strictly increasing vector-valued differentiable function, where Iθ⊂Rw denote the range of θ. Then, the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-monotonic quasiconvex at (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F if the following inequality
∫KGθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))dx=∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))dx, |
∫K[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx=0,∀(g,f)∈G×F, |
with Gθ=(Gκθ),G′θ=∂Gκθ∂θκ,θ=(θκ),κ=¯1,w. If the above inequality is satisfied for any (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F, then the vector-valued multiple integral functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is said to be Gθ-monotonic quasiconvex on G×F.
In the next theorem, we establish a connection between stationary points and minimum points associated with a Gθ-convex vector-valued multiple integral functional.
Theorem 2.1. If the vector-valued multiple integral type functional
Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx, |
is Gθ-convex on G×F, then every stationary point of θ is global minimum in G×F for Θ.
Proof. Let (ˉg,ˉf)∈G×F be a stationary point of the vector functional θ. Then, we have
∫K[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x)) | (7) |
+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx=0,∀(g,f)∈G×F. |
From the assumption that the vector-valued multiple integral type functional Θ(g,f)=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is Gθ-convex on G×F, we have
∫KGθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))dx−∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))dx≥∫K[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx,∀(g,f)∈G×F. |
By using the Eq (7), we get
∫KGθ(θ(x,g(x),f(x)))dx≥∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))dx,∀(g,f)∈G×F. |
Since Gθ is an increasing function, we obtain
∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx≥∫Kθ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx,∀(g,f)∈G×F, |
which concludes that (ˉg,ˉf) is a global minimum of the functional ∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx. This completes the proof.□
In this section, we first define the Gθ-Fritz John problem and, by considering it, we establish a link between the solutions of Gθ-Fritz John problem and the efficient solutions of (P). In addition, we formulate the Gθ-necessary efficiency conditions for a feasible solution in (P).
Gθ-Fritz John problem. If it exists, find the point (ˉg(x),ˉf(x),σ,λ(x),μ(x))∈D×Rw+×Rnm×Rq+ such that (with summation over repeated indices):
σκG′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+∂λαi∂xα=0,i=¯1,n, | (8) |
σκG′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))=0,j=¯1,k, | (9) |
μβ(x)[GWβ(Wβ(x,g(x),f(x)))−GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))]≤0, | (10) |
β∈Q,(g,f)∈D,(G−complementaryslacknesscondition), |
σ≥0,μ(x)≥0,(σ,μ(x))≠(0,0), | (11) |
are satisfied, for all x∈K, except at discontinuity points, where Gθ,GUiα, and GWβ are differentiable increasing functions defined on Iθ (the image set of θ(x,g(x),f(x))), IUiα (the image set of Uiα(x,g(x),f(x))), and IWβ (the image set of Wβ(x,g(x),f(x))), respectively.
Definition 3.1. We say the point (ˉg(x),ˉf(x),σ,λ(x),μ(x))∈D×Rw+×Rnm×Rq+ is a solution of the Gθ-Fritz John problem if it satisfies the conditions (8) to (11).
Lemma 3.1. Let (ˉg,ˉf)∈D and μ(x)∈Rq+ satisfy the classical slackness condition μβ(x)Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))=0. Then, (ˉg,ˉf)∈D and μ(x)∈Rq+ also fulfil the G-complementary slackness condition, for all (g,f)∈D,β∈Q.
Proof. If β∉Q(ˉg,ˉf), then from classical slackness condition it follows that μβ(x)= 0. Thus, the G-complementary slackness condition holds. If μβ(x)>0, then again from classical slackness condition, we have Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))=0, and therefore
Wβ(x,g(x),f(x))≤Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))=0,∀(g,f)∈D. |
Since GWβ with β∈Q is an increasing function on IWβ, from the above inequality we get
GWβ(Wβ(x,g(x),f(x)))≤GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))),∀(g,f)∈D. |
Further, since μβ(x)≥0,β∈Q, we have
μβ(x)GWβ(Wβ(x,g(x),f(x)))≤μβ(x)GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))),∀(g,f)∈D, |
or, equivalently,
μβ(x)[GWβ(Wβ(x,g(x),f(x)))−GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))]≤0,∀(g,f)∈D, |
and this completes the proof. □
In the next theorem, we establish a connection between solutions of the Gθ-Fritz John problem and the efficient solutions of (P).
Theorem 3.1. If (ˉg,ˉf)∈D is an efficient solution to (P), then there exists σ∈Rw+ and piecewise smooth functions λ(x)∈Rnm,μ(x)∈Rq+ such that the point
(ˉg(x),ˉf(x),σ,λ(x),μ(x)), |
is a solution to the Gθ-Fritz John problem.
Proof. The proof given below follows the same line as in Treanţă [29]. Let (g,f)∈D and the vector differentiable functions p(x)∈Rn and q(x)∈Rk, such that p|∂K=q|∂K=0 (where ∂K denotes the boundary of K). For ϵ1>0, ϵ2>0 and for the efficient solution (ˉg,ˉf), we consider the ϵ-neighborhood defined by
Vϵ={(g,f)∣g=ˉg+ϵ1p,f=ˉf+ϵ2q}. |
Now, from the assumption that (ˉg,ˉf) is an efficient solution to (P), we obtain that (ϵ1,ϵ2)= (0,0) is a minimizer to the following problem:
(P1)mins(ϵ1,ϵ2)=∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg+ϵ1p,ˉf+ϵ2q))dx, |
subject to
uiα(ϵ1,ϵ2)=∫K[GUiα(Uiα(x,ˉg+ϵ1p,ˉf+ϵ2q))−∂ˉgi∂xα−ϵ1∂p∂xα]dx=0,hβ(ϵ1,ϵ2)=∫KGWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg+ϵ1p,ˉf+ϵ2q))dx≤0,x∈K,p|∂K=0,q|∂K=0. |
Since (0,0) is a minimizer of (MCP1), then there are the Lagrange multipliers σκ,λαi(ˉg,ˉf) and μβ(ˉg,ˉf) such that the following Fritz John conditions hold at (0,0):
σκ∇s(0,0)+λαi(ˉg,ˉf)∇uiα(0,0)+μβ(ˉg,ˉf)∇hβ(0,0)=0, | (12) |
μβ(ˉg,ˉf)hβ(0,0)=0, | (13) |
σ≥0,μβ(ˉg,ˉf)≥0, | (14) |
∇s(ϵ1,ϵ2)=(∂s∂ϵ1,∂s∂ϵ2)=(∫KG′θ∂θ∂gipdx,∫KG′θ∂θ∂fjqdx), |
∇uiα(ϵ1,ϵ2)=(∂uiα∂ϵ1,∂uiα∂ϵ2)=(∫K(G′Uiα∂Uiα∂gip−∂p∂xα)dx,∫KG′Uiα∂Uiα∂fjqdx), |
∇hβ(ϵ1,ϵ2)=(∂hβ∂ϵ1,∂hβ∂ϵ2)=(∫KG′Wβ∂Wβ∂gipdx,∫KG′Wβ∂Wβ∂fjqdx). |
Then, the relation (12) can be written as follows
σκ∫KG′θ∂θ∂gipdx+λαi(ˉg,ˉf)∫K(G′Uiα∂Uiα∂gip−∂p∂xα)dx+μβ(ˉg,ˉf)∫KG′Wβ∂Wβ∂gipdx=0,σκ∫KG′θ∂θ∂fjqdx+λαi(ˉg,ˉf)∫KG′Uiα∂Uiα∂fjqdx+μβ(ˉg,ˉf)∫KG′Wβ∂Wβ∂fjqdx=0, |
∫KσκG′θ∂θ∂gipdx+∫Kλαi(G′Uiα∂Uiα∂gip−∂p∂xα)dx |
+∫KμβG′Wβ∂Wβ∂gipdx=0, | (15) |
∫KσκG′θ∂θ∂fjqdx+∫KλαiG′Uiα∂Uiα∂fjqdx |
+∫KμβG′Wβ∂Wβ∂fjqdx=0. | (16) |
Since λαi is a differentiable function at x∈K except at discontinuities, we have
∂(λαip)∂xα=∂λαi∂xαp+∂p∂xαλαi, |
involving that
∫Kλαi∂p∂xαdx=∫K∂(λαip)∂xαdx−∫K∂λαi∂xαpdx. |
We obtain, due to the Gauss-Ostrogradsky formula, the following relation
∫K∂(λαip)∂xαdx=∫∂K(λαip)→νdx=0, |
where →ν is the normal unit vector to the boundary ∂K and p|∂K=0, implying that
∫Kλαi∂p∂xαdx=−∫K∂λαi∂xαpdx. |
Using the above equality in Eq (15), we get
∫K[σκG′θ∂θ∂gi+λαiG′Uiα∂Uiα∂gi+μβG′Wβ∂Wβ∂gi+∂λαi∂xα]pdx=0. |
Now, by using a fundamental Lemma of variational calculus, from the above equality it follows
σκG′θ∂θ∂gi+λαiG′Uiα∂Uiα∂gi+μβG′Wβ∂Wβ∂gi+∂λαi∂xα=0. |
Thus, the condition (8) is fulfilled. Proceeding as above, together with Eq (16), we get
σκG′θ∂θ∂fj+λαiG′Uiα∂Uiα∂fj+μβG′Wβ∂Wβ∂fj=0. |
Therefore, the condition (9) is also fulfilled. From the relation (13), we get
∫KμβGWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg,ˉf))dx=0, |
and by taking into account Lemma 3.1, we get
∫Kμβ[GWβ(Wβ(x,g,f))−GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg,ˉf))]dx≤0. |
Hence, we obtain condition (10) and this completes the proof. □
In accordance to Treanţă and Arana-Jiménez [25], we introduce the definition of Gθ-Kuhn-Tucker point (in short, Gθ−KT point) to the problem (P).
Definition 4.1. A point (ˉg,ˉf)∈D is said to be a Gθ−KT point to (P) if there are piecewise smooth functions λ(x)∈Rnm and μ(x)∈Rq+ such that the following conditions
G′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+∂λαi∂xα=0,i=¯1,n, | (17) |
G′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))=0,j=¯1,k, | (18) |
(G-complementary slackness condition)
μβ(x)[GWβ(Wβ(x,g(x),f(x)))−GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))]≤0, (no summation) |
β∈Q,(g,f)∈D,μ(x)≥0, | (19) |
hold for all x∈K, except at discontinuity points.
In the next theorem, we establish a connection between Gθ−KT points to (P) and the efficient solutions of (P). Specifically, we show that conditions formulated in Definition 3.2 are necessary for the efficiency of a feasible point to (P).
Theorem 4.1. (Gθ-necessary efficiency conditions) Let (ˉg,ˉf)∈D be a normal (σ>0) efficient solution to (P), and the constraint conditions (for the existence of multipliers) hold. Then, (ˉg,ˉf) is a Gθ−KT point to the problem (P).
Proof. Supposing that the constraint conditions (for the existence of multipliers) hold, then proceeding on the lines of Treanţă and Arana-Jiménez [25], we can conclude from Theorem 3.1 that if (ˉg,ˉf)∈D is an efficient solution to the problem (P), then there are σ∈Rw+ and piecewise smooth functions λ(x)∈Rnm,μ(x)∈Rq+ satisfying the following conditions (with summation over repeated indices):
σκG′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+∂λαi∂xα=0,i=¯1,n,σκG′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))=0,j=¯1,k, |
(G-complementary slackness condition)
μβ(x)[GWβ(Wβ(x,g(x),f(x)))−GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))]≤0, (no summation) β≥Q,(g,f)∈D,σ≥0,μ(x)≥0,(σ,μ(x))≠(0,0), |
hold for all x∈K, except at discontinuities. Since a normal efficient solution to (P) is an efficient solution (ˉg,ˉf) to (P) that satisfies the conditions (8)–(11) for all σ>0, then we can assume that σ=1=(1,⋯,1)∈Rw (without loss of generality) and the proof is complete. □
In this section, we turn our attention to the Gθ-sufficient efficiency conditions for a feasible solution to (P). More precisely, we will establish that any feasible solution to (P) will be an efficient solution if the assumption of Gθ-convexity (and/or Gθ-quasiconvexity, Gθ-strictly quasiconvexity, Gθ-monotonic quasiconvexity) is imposed on the involved functionals.
Theorem 5.1. Let (ˉg,ˉf)∈D be a Gθ−KT point to (P) such that the Gθ-necessary efficiency conditions (17)–(19) are fulfilled. Also, we assume that the multiple integral functionals
∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx,∫Kμ(x)W(x,g(x),f(x))dx, |
∫Kλ(x)(U(x,g(x),f(x))−∂g(x)∂x)dx, |
are Gθ-convex at (ˉg,ˉf). Then, (ˉg,ˉf) is an efficient solution to (P).
Proof. We proceed by contradiction and assume that (ˉg,ˉf) is not an efficient solution to (P). Then there exists (g0,f0)∈D such that
∫Kθ(x,g0(x),f0(x))dx⪯∫Kθ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))dx, |
Since Gθ:Iθ↦Rw is an increasing function, from the above inequality it follows
∫KGθ(θ(x,g0(x),f0(x)))dx⪯∫KGθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))dx. | (20) |
By hypotheses, the point (ˉg,ˉf) satisfies the conditions (17)–(19), and by multiplying the relations (17) and (18) with (g0−ˉg) and (f0−ˉf), respectively, and then integrating and adding them, we obtain
∫K(g0−ˉg){G′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+∂λαi∂xα}dx |
+∫K(f0−ˉf){G′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))}dx=0, | (21) |
i=¯1,n,j=¯1,k. |
Since the vector-valued multiple integral functional ∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is Gθ-convex at (ˉg,ˉf), we get
∫K{Gθ(θ(x,g0(x),f0(x)))−Gθ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))}dx≥∫KG′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g0(x)−ˉg(x))+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f0(x)−ˉf(x)))dx, |
which in view of the condition (20), yields
∫KG′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g0(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f0(x)−ˉf(x)))dx⪯0. | (22) |
Again, from the assumption that ∫Kμβ(x)Wβ(x,g(x),f(x))dx is Gθ-convex at (ˉg,ˉf), we have
∫K{μβ(x)GWβ(Wβ(x,g0(x),f0(x)))−μβ(x)GWβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))}dx≥∫Kμβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))(∂Wβ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g0(x)−ˉg(x))+∂Wβ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f0(x)−ˉf(x)))dx. |
Since (g0,f0)∈D, by using the condition (19) and the above inequality, it follows
∫Kμβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))(∂Wβ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g0(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂Wβ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f0(x)−ˉf(x)))dx≤0, | (23) |
Similarly, from the assumption that ∫Kλ(x)(U(x,g(x),f(x))−∂g(x)∂t)dx is Gθ-convex at (ˉg,ˉf) and feasibility of (g0,f0) in (P), it results
∫K[(λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+∂λαi∂xα)(g0(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+(λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))(f0(x)−ˉf(x))]dx≤0. | (24) |
By adding the inequalities (22)–(24), we have
∫K(g0−ˉg){G′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+∂λαi∂xα}dx+∫K(f0−ˉf){G′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+μβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Wβ∂fj(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))}dx⪯0, |
which contradicts the relation (21). Hence, the proof is complete. □
The next theorems assert new Gθ-sufficient efficiency conditions under (strictly, monotonic) Gθ-quasiconvexity assumptions.
Theorem 5.2. Let (ˉg,ˉf)∈D be a Gθ−KT point to (P) such that the Gθ-necessary efficiency conditions (17)–(19) are fulfilled. Also, we assume that the multiple integral functionals
Θ(g,f):=∫Kθ(x,g(x),f(x))dx,Y(g,f):=∫Kμ(x)W(x,g(x),f(x))dx, |
are Gθ-quasiconvex and Gθ-stricly quasiconvex, respectively, and
H(g,f):=∫Kλ(x)(U(x,g(x),f(x))−∂g(x)∂x)dx, |
is Gθ-monotonic quasiconvex at (ˉg,ˉf). Then, (ˉg,ˉf) is an efficient solution to (P).
Proof. Let us assume that (ˉg,ˉf) is not an efficient solution to (P), and consider the following non-empty set
S={(g,f)∈D|Θ(g,f)≤Θ(ˉg,ˉf),H(g,f)=H(ˉg,ˉf),Y(g,f)≤Y(ˉg,ˉf)}. |
By hypothesis, for (g,f)∈S, we get
Θ(g,f)≤Θ(ˉg,ˉf), |
and by using the Gθ-quasiconvexity property, it follows
∫K[G′θ(θ(x,¯g(x),¯f(x)))(∂θ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂θ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f(x)−ˉf(x)))]dx≤0. | (25) |
For (g,f)∈S, the equality H(g,f)=H(ˉg,ˉf) holds, and by using the Gθ-monotonic quasiconvexity property, it follows
∫K[(λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))+∂λαi∂xα)(g0(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+(λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))(f0(x)−ˉf(x))]dx=0. | (26) |
Also, for (g,f)∈S, the inequality Y(g,f)≤Y(ˉg,ˉf), and by using the Gθ-strictly quasiconvexity property, it follows
∫Kμβ(x)G′Wβ(Wβ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))(∂Wβ∂g(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(g0(x)−ˉg(x)) |
+∂Wβ∂f(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x))(f0(x)−ˉf(x)))dx<0. | (27) |
By hypotheses, the point (ˉg,ˉf) satisfies the conditions (17)–(19), and by multiplying the relations (17) and (18) with (g0−ˉg) and (f0−ˉf), respectively, and then integrating and adding them, we obtain
∫K(g0−ˉg){G′θ(θ(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂θ∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
+λαi(x)G′Uiα(Uiα(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)))∂Uiα∂gi(x)(x,ˉg(x),ˉf(x)) |
\left.\quad+\mu^{\beta}(x) G_{\mathcal{W}_{\beta}}^{\prime}\left(\mathcal{W}_{\beta}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{W}_{\beta}}{\partial g^{i}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))+\frac{\partial \lambda_{i}^{\alpha}}{\partial x^{\alpha}}\right\} dx |
+\int_{\mathcal{K}}\left(f^{0}-\bar{f}\right)\left\{G_{\theta}^{\prime}(\theta(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))) \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial f^{j}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right. |
+\lambda_{i}^{\alpha}(x) G_{\mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}}^{\prime}\left(\mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}}{\partial f^{j}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x)) |
\begin{align} \left.\quad+\mu^{\beta}(x) G_{\mathcal{W}_{\beta}}^{\prime}\left(\mathcal{W}_{\beta}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{W}_{\beta}}{\partial f^{j}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right\} dx = 0, \end{align} | (28) |
i = \overline{1, n}, j = \overline{1, k}. |
By adding the inequalities (25)–(27), we have
\begin{aligned} & \int_{\mathcal{K}}(\left.g^{0}-\bar{g}\right)\left\{G_{\theta}^{\prime}(\theta(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))) \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial g^{i}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right. \\ & \quad+\lambda_{i}^{\alpha}(x) G_{\mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}}^{\prime}\left(\mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}}{\partial g^{i}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x)) \\ &\left.\quad+\mu^{\beta}(x) G_{\mathcal{W}_{\beta}}^{\prime}\left(\mathcal{W}_{\beta}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{W}_{\beta}}{\partial g^{i}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))+\frac{\partial \lambda_{i}^{\alpha}}{\partial x^{\alpha}}\right\} dx \\ &+\int_{\mathcal{K}}\left(f^{0}-\bar{f}\right)\left\{G_{\theta}^{\prime}(\theta(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))) \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial f^{j}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right. \\ & \quad+\lambda_{i}^{\alpha}(x) G_{\mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}}^{\prime}\left(\mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{U}_{\alpha}^{i}}{\partial f^{j}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x)) \\ &\left.\quad+\mu^{\beta}(x) G_{\mathcal{W}_{\beta}}^{\prime}\left(\mathcal{W}_{\beta}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right) \frac{\partial \mathcal{W}_{\beta}}{\partial f^{j}(x)}(x, \bar{g}(x), \bar{f}(x))\right\} dx < 0, \end{aligned} |
which contradicts the relation (28). Hence, the proof is complete. □
Next, an immediate consequence of the previous theorem can be formulated as follows.
Theorem 5.3. Let (\bar{g}, \bar{f}) \in \mathcal{D} be a G_{\theta}-KT point to (P) such that the G_{\theta} -necessary efficiency conditions (17)–(19) are fulfilled. Also, we assume that the multiple integral functionals
\Theta (g,f): = \int_{\mathcal{K}} \theta(x, g(x), f(x)) dx, \; Y (g,f): = \int_{\mathcal{K}} \mu(x) \mathcal{W}_{\beta}(x, g(x), f(x)) dx, |
are G_{\theta} -strictly quasiconvex and G_{\theta} -quasiconvex, respectively, and
H(g,f): = \int_{\mathcal{K}} \lambda(x)\left(\mathcal{U}(x, g(x), f(x))-\frac{\partial g(x)}{\partial x}\right) dx, |
is G_{\theta} -monotonic quasiconvex at (\bar{g}, \bar{f}) . Then, (\bar{g}, \bar{f}) is an efficient solution to (P) .
Proof. The proof follows in the same manner as in Theorem 5.2 , by replacing the sign " \leq " in (25) with " < ", and the sign " < " in (27) with " \leq ". □
In this study, we have formulated new conditions of efficiency for a class of multiple-objective optimal control models under generalized assumptions. In this regard, we first defined the G_{\theta} -Fritz John problem and, by considering it, we established a link between the solutions of G_{\theta} -Fritz John problem and efficient solutions of the considered model (P) . In addition, we formulated the G_{\theta} -necessary efficiency conditions for a feasible solution in (P) . Also, a connection between the newly defined concept of G_{\theta}-KT points to (P) and the efficient solutions of (P) was formulated. Finally, we turned our attention to the G_{\theta} -sufficient efficiency conditions for a feasible solution to (P) . In this regard, we established that any feasible solution to (P) is an efficient solution if the assumption of G_{\theta} -convexity (and/or G_{\theta} -quasiconvexity, G_{\theta} -strictly quasiconvexity, G_{\theta} -monotonic quasiconvexity) is imposed on the involved functionals.
As further developments associated with this paper, the authors mention the study of well-posedness and generalized well-posedness. Also, a duality theory related to this class of extremization problems could be another interesting topic.
Savin Treanţă, Cristina-Florentina Marghescu, Laura-Gabriela Matei: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Visualisation, Writing- original draft; Savin Treanţă, Cristina-Florentina Marghescu, Laura-Gabriela Matei: Data Curation, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Supervision, Writing-review & editing; Savin Treanţă, Cristina-Florentina Marghescu, Laura-Gabriela Matei: Supervision, Writing- review & editing. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript for publication.
The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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