Research article Special Issues

To investigate a class of multi-singular pointwise defined fractional $ q $–integro-differential equation with applications

  • Received: 06 November 2021 Revised: 03 February 2022 Accepted: 14 February 2022 Published: 17 February 2022
  • MSC : 34A08, 34B16, 39A13

  • In the research work, we discuss a multi-singular pointwise defined fractional $ q $–integro-differential equation under some boundary conditions via the Riemann-Liouville $ q $–integral and Caputo fractional $ q $–derivatives. New existence results rely on the $ \alpha $-admissible map and fixed point theorem for $ \alpha $-$ \mathtt{ψ} $-contraction map. At the end, we present an example with application and some algorithms to illustrate the primary effects.

    Citation: Mohammad Esmael Samei, Lotfollah Karimi, Mohammed K. A. Kaabar. To investigate a class of multi-singular pointwise defined fractional $ q $–integro-differential equation with applications[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(5): 7781-7816. doi: 10.3934/math.2022437

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  • In the research work, we discuss a multi-singular pointwise defined fractional $ q $–integro-differential equation under some boundary conditions via the Riemann-Liouville $ q $–integral and Caputo fractional $ q $–derivatives. New existence results rely on the $ \alpha $-admissible map and fixed point theorem for $ \alpha $-$ \mathtt{ψ} $-contraction map. At the end, we present an example with application and some algorithms to illustrate the primary effects.


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