This paper gives several properties and characterization of non-null rectifying curves in dual Lorentzian 3-space $\mathbb{D% }_{1}^{3}$. In considering a causal character of a dual curve we give some parameterization of rectifying dual curves, and a dual differential equation of third order is constructed for every non-null dual curve. Then several well-known characterizations of spherical, normal and rectifying dual curves are consequences of this differential equation.
Citation: Roa Makki. Some characterizations of non-null rectifying curves in dual Lorentzian 3-space $\mathbb{D}_{1}^{3}$[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(3): 2114-2131. doi: 10.3934/math.2021129
This paper gives several properties and characterization of non-null rectifying curves in dual Lorentzian 3-space $\mathbb{D% }_{1}^{3}$. In considering a causal character of a dual curve we give some parameterization of rectifying dual curves, and a dual differential equation of third order is constructed for every non-null dual curve. Then several well-known characterizations of spherical, normal and rectifying dual curves are consequences of this differential equation.
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