Limited access to financial services is considered as a vital bottleneck for curbing poverty in Bangladesh. Digital technology such as mobile banking can contribute to accelerate people's access to finance but did not receive proper attention before COVID-19. This study intends to explore the use of mobile banking services to accelerate people's financial access in Bangladesh due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic by using secondary data. Mainly documentation techniques and descriptive statistical methods are used to collect and analyze the data. The study reveals that the number of registered mobile banking customers has escalated during the COVID-19 era. Mainly government policies regarding different mobile banking transactions such as cash in, cash out, person to person (P2P) transaction, salary and utility bill payments etc., have significantly contributed to rise the people's digital financial access during this pandemic. People's changing habit towards digital transactions has also contributed to increasing their financial access. The government should provide a convenient financial access platform to create a cashless society in the country.
Citation: Most Nilufa Khatun, Sandip Mitra, Md Nazirul Islam Sarker. Mobile banking during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A novel mechanism to change and accelerate people's financial access[J]. Green Finance, 2021, 3(3): 253-267. doi: 10.3934/GF.2021013
Limited access to financial services is considered as a vital bottleneck for curbing poverty in Bangladesh. Digital technology such as mobile banking can contribute to accelerate people's access to finance but did not receive proper attention before COVID-19. This study intends to explore the use of mobile banking services to accelerate people's financial access in Bangladesh due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic by using secondary data. Mainly documentation techniques and descriptive statistical methods are used to collect and analyze the data. The study reveals that the number of registered mobile banking customers has escalated during the COVID-19 era. Mainly government policies regarding different mobile banking transactions such as cash in, cash out, person to person (P2P) transaction, salary and utility bill payments etc., have significantly contributed to rise the people's digital financial access during this pandemic. People's changing habit towards digital transactions has also contributed to increasing their financial access. The government should provide a convenient financial access platform to create a cashless society in the country.
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