This paper is concerned with the spreading properties for a reaction-diffusion equation with free boundary condition. We obtained a complete description of the long-time dynamical behavior of this problem. By introducing a parameter σ in the initial data, we revealed a threshold value σ∗ such that spreading happens when σ>σ∗ and vanishing happens when σ≤σ∗. There exists a unique L∗>0 independent of the initial data such that σ∗=0 if and only if the length of initial occupying interval is no smaller than 2L∗. These theoretical results may have important implications for prediction and prevention of biological invasions.
Citation: Di Zhang, Ningkui Sun, Xuemei Han. Dynamical behavior of solutions of a free boundary problem[J]. Mathematical Modelling and Control, 2024, 4(1): 1-8. doi: 10.3934/mmc.2024001
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This paper is concerned with the spreading properties for a reaction-diffusion equation with free boundary condition. We obtained a complete description of the long-time dynamical behavior of this problem. By introducing a parameter σ in the initial data, we revealed a threshold value σ∗ such that spreading happens when σ>σ∗ and vanishing happens when σ≤σ∗. There exists a unique L∗>0 independent of the initial data such that σ∗=0 if and only if the length of initial occupying interval is no smaller than 2L∗. These theoretical results may have important implications for prediction and prevention of biological invasions.
In this paper, we consider the following free boundary problem:
{ut=uxx+F(x,u), k(t)<x<h(t), t>0,u(t,x)=0, h′(t)=−μ1ux(t,x), t>0, x=h(t),u(t,x)=0, k′(t)=−μ2ux(t,x), t>0, x=k(t),−k(0)=h(0)=h0, u(0,x)=u0(x), −h0≤x≤h0, | (P) |
where u(t,x) denotes the population density of a species over a one dimensional space, the free boundaries x=k(t) and x=h(t) represent the spreading fronts, and μ1, μ2 are two given positive constants (see [1,2] on more background of such free boundary conditions). For some h0>0, the initial function u0 belongs to X(h0), where
X(h0):={ϕ∈C2([−h0,h0]):ϕ(−h0)=ϕ(h0)=0,ϕ(x)>0 in (−h0,h0)}. |
When x>0, the nonlinear reaction term F(x,u)≡f(u), where f is globally Lipschitz, satisfies
{f(0)=f(1)=0<f′(0), f′(1)<0,(1−u)f(u)>0,∀u>0,u≠1, | (1.1) |
and when x<0, the nonlinear reaction term F(x,u)≡g(u), where g is globally Lipschitz, satisfies
{g(0)=g(θ)=g(1)=0, g′(0)<0, g′(1)<0,g(u)<0 in (0,θ),g(u)>0 in (1,∞), | (1.2) |
for some θ∈(0,1), and ∫10g(s)ds>0. These two types of nonlinearities have been studied in [3,4].
We assume that the population density is continuous and population flux is conserved at x=0. Then, the interface conditions at x=0 are given by
{u(t,0−0)=u(t,0+0),t>0,ux(t,0−0)=ux(t,0+0),t>0. | (1.3) |
Throughout the paper, in addition to conditions (1.1) and (1.2) on f and g, we further assume that
(H) g(u)<f(u) for all 0<u<1 and μ2≤μ1.
Problem (P) with F(x,u)≡f(u) or F(x,u)≡g(u) for x∈R was studied in [1,5]. It is shown that there are a spreading-vanishing dichotomy for F(x,u)≡f(u) and a spreading-transition-vanishing trichotomy for F(x,u)≡g(u). Relevant works on the dynamics of free boundary problems in a spatial heterogeneity environment can be found in [6,7,8,9,10,11]. The study of the corresponding problems in bounded or unbounded intervals can be found, for example, in [12,13,14].
Our primary goal in this paper is to study the dynamics of the reaction-diffusion model (P) with (1.3). By a similar argument as in [1,9], we have the following basic results:
(ⅰ) For any given u0∈X(h0) for h0>0, problem (P) admits a unique positive solution (u,k,h) with
u∈C1,2((0,∞)×([k(t),h(t)]/{0})∩Cα/2,1+α((0,∞)×[k(t),h(t)]) |
and k,h∈C1+α2([0,∞)) for any α∈(0,1).
(ⅱ) There exist two positive constants C1 and C2 such that
{0<u(t,x)≤C1 for t>0, x∈[k(t),h(t)],0<−k′(t), h′(t)≤C2 for t>0. |
Let us define
k∞:=limt→∞k(t) and h∞:=limt→∞h(t). |
We are now in a position to give a description of the long-time dynamical behavior of problem (P) with (1.3), which is stated as follows.
Theorem 1.1. Assume that (H) holds. Let (u,k,h) be a time-global solution of (P) with (1.3) and u0=σϕ for some ϕ∈X(h0), h0>0 and σ≥0. Then, there is σ∗∈[0,∞] such that:
(i) Vanishing happens when 0≤σ≤σ∗ in the sense that [k∞,h∞] is a bounded interval and
limt→∞‖u(t,⋅)‖L∞([k(t),h(t)])=0. |
(ii) Spreading happens when σ>σ∗ in the sense that (k∞,h∞)=R and
limt→∞u(t,x)=1 locally uniformly inR. |
(iii) σ∗=0 if and only if h0≥L∗, where L∗ is given in Lemma 2.2.
Theorem 1.1 indicates that if h0≥L∗, the species will survive regardless of the choice of the initial data; if h0<L∗, the species will survive only for large initial data. Based on the comparison principle, the proof of this theorem is given in Section 2.
This section covers the long-time dynamical behavior of (P) with (1.3) and the proof of Theorem 1.1. In the first subsection, we show some properties of the principal eigenvalues of two linear eigenvalue problems. In Subsection 2.2, we give a general convergence theorem. We give some conditions for vanishing and spreading in Subsection 2.3. Subsection 2.4 is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1.
First, for any given L>0, let us consider the following eigenvalue problem:
{−φ″−f′(0)φ=λφ,0<x<L,−φ″−g′(0)φ=λφ,−∞<x<0,φ(−∞)=φ(L)=0,φ(0−0)=φ(0+0),φ′(0−0)=φ′(0+0), | (2.1) |
and obtain the following result on the properties of its principal eigenvalue.
Lemma 2.1. For any given L>0, let λ1(L) be the principal eigenvalue of (2.1). Then, λ1(L)∈(−f′(0),−g′(0)) for any L>0, and λ1(L) is decreasing with respect to L>0. There exists
L∗=1√f′(0)(arctan√−g′(0)f′(0)+π2), | (2.2) |
such that λ1(L) is negative (resp. 0, or positive) when L>L∗ (resp. L=L∗, or L<L∗).
Proof. To simplify, we write λ1=λ1(L). Let φ(x) be the corresponding positive eigenfunction. It follows from [15] that λ1∈(−f′(0),−g′(0)) for any L>0. As φ(−∞)=0<φ(x) for x<0, by the second equation of (2.1), we see that there is a constant C1>0 such that
φ(x)=C1e√−(λ1+g′(0))x for x<0. |
It is direct to check that φ′(0−0)>0 and
φ′(0−0)φ(0−0)=√−(λ1+g′(0))>0. | (2.3) |
It follows from the first equation of (2.1) that φ″<0 in [0,L]. Combining this with
φ′(0+0)=φ′(0−0)>0>φ′(L), |
we find a unique constant a∗∈(0,L) such that φ′(a∗)=0. Thanks to this, we can find a constant C2>0 such that
φ(x)=C2cos√λ1+f′(0)(x−a∗) in [0,L], |
which implies that
φ′(0+0)φ(0+0)=√λ1+f′(0)tan√λ1+f′(0)a∗. |
This, together with (2.3), produces that
a∗=1√λ1+f′(0)arctan√−λ1+g′(0)λ1+f′(0). | (2.4) |
Moreover, it follows from φ(L)=0 that
L−a∗=π2√λ1+f′(0). |
Combining with (2.4), we can have
L=1√λ1+f′(0)(arctan√−λ1+g′(0)λ1+f′(0)+π2). |
It is obvious that λ1 is decreasing in L>0. Moreover, we can check that when L=L∗, then λ1=0. Thanks to the monotonicity of λ1 in L, all the other assertions follows.
For our purpose, we consider the following eigenvalue problem:
{−φ″−f′(0)φ=λφ,0<x<L,−φ″−g′(0)φ=λφ,−l<x<0,φ(−l)=φ(L)=0,φ(0−0)=φ(0+0),φ′(0−0)=φ′(0+0), | (2.5) |
where l and L are two positive constants. We can obtain the following lemma.
Lemma 2.2. Let L∗ be given in Lemma 2.1. For any given L>0, the principal eigenvalue λ1(L,l) of (2.5) is decreasing with respect to l>0. When
L∈(L∗,π√f′(0)), |
then there exists
l∗(L)=ln[1+2√−g′(0)√f′(0)tan(√f′(0)L−π2)−√−g′(0)]2√−g′(0), | (2.6) |
such that λ1(L,l) is negative (resp. 0, or positive) when l>l∗(L) (resp. l=l∗(L), or l<l∗(L)). Moreover, there exists
L∗∈(L∗,π√f′(0)), |
such that l∗(L∗)=L∗.
Proof. It is direct to see that for any given L>0, λ1(L,l) is decreasing in l>0. We check that if
L≥π√f′(0),λ1(L,l)<0 |
for all l>0; if L≤L∗, λ1(L,l)>0 for all l>0; and if
L∈(L∗,π√f′(0)),λ1(L,∞)<0<λ1(L,0). |
Combined with the monotonicity of λ1(L,l) in l, we obtain the existence and uniqueness of l∗(L). Let us give the calculation of (2.6). When l=l∗(L), it follows that
{−φ″(x)−f′(0)φ=0,0<x<L,−φ″(x)−g′(0)φ=0,−l∗(L)<x<0,φ(−l∗(L))=0=φ(L),φ(0−0)=φ(0+0),φ′(0−0)=φ′(0+0). | (2.7) |
Inspired by [15], since
φ(−l∗(L))=0<φin(−l∗(L),0), |
we can find a constant ˜C1>0 such that
φ(x)=˜C1e−√−g′(0)x(e2√−g′(0)(x+l∗(L))−1) in (−l∗(L),0), |
which implies that
φ′(0−0)=˜C1√−g′(0)(1+e2√−g′(0)l∗(L))>0 |
φ′(0−0)φ(0−0)=√−g′(0)⋅e2√−g′(0)l∗(L)+1e2√−g′(0)l∗(L)−1. | (2.8) |
By the second equation of (2.7), we have φ″(x)<0 for x∈(0,L). Combined with
φ′(0+0)=φ′(0−0)>0>φ′(L), |
we find a unique a∗∈(0,L) satisfying φ′(a∗)=0. Thus, there is a constant ˜C2>0 such that
φ(x)=˜C2cos[√f′(0)(x−a∗)] for x∈(0,L]. |
A direct calculation yields that
φ′(0+0)φ(0+0)=√f′(0)tan√f′(0)a∗ |
L−a∗=π2√f′(0). |
Combined with (2.8), we obtain that
L−1√f′(0)arctan(√−g′(0)f′(0)⋅e2√−g′(0)l∗(L)+1e2√−g′(0)l∗(L)−1)=π2√f′(0). | (2.9) |
Thus, (2.6) follows. Moreover, it is direct to check that l∗(L) is decreasing in
L∈(L∗,π√f′(0)) |
limL→L∗l∗(L)=∞ |
limL→π√f′(0)l∗(L)=0, |
which implies the existence and uniqueness of L∗. The proof is complete now.
Let us consider the following problem
{U″+f(U)=0,0<x<h∞,U″+g(U)=0,k∞<x<0,U(0−0)=U(0+0),U′(0−0)=U′(0+0),U(k∞)=0=U(h∞). | (2.10) |
By a phase plane analysis, as in [15], we have the following result.
Lemma 2.3. Assume that (H) holds, then all solutions U of (2.10) with (k∞,h∞)=R are 0 and 1.
Now, by similar analysis to that in [5,9], we can present the following general convergence result.
Theorem 2.4. Assume that (H) holds and (u,k,h) is a solution of (P) with u0∈X(h0) for h0>0. Then, u converges to a solution U of (2.10) as t→∞ locally uniformly in (k∞,h∞). When (k∞,h∞)=R, U is one of the following types: 0, 1; when h∞<∞ or k∞>−∞, then U≡0.
Let us start with the following condition for vanishing.
Lemma 2.5. Assume that (H) holds. Let (u,k,h) be a solution of (P) with (1.3) and u0∈X(h0) for h0>0. If h∞<∞, we have k∞>−∞ and
limt→∞‖u‖L∞([k(t),h(t)])=0. |
Proof. Thanks to (H), it follows from [5, Lemma 2.8] and the comparison principle that
k∞>−∞. |
This, together with Theorem 2.4, yields that u→0 locally uniformly in [k∞,h∞]. Let us show that the convergence of u to 0 is uniform in [k(t),h(t)]. Set
C:=1+θ+‖u0‖L∞([−h0,h0]), |
then there is C1>0 depending on C such that
f(u), g(u)≤C1 for u∈[0,C]. |
w(t,x):=C[2M(x−k(t))−M2(x−k(t))2] |
for (t,x)∈DM, where
DM:={(t,x):t>0,k(t)≤x≤k(t)+M−1} |
M:=max{h−10, √C12C, 4‖u0‖C1([−h0,h0])3C}. |
It follows from the proof of [1, Lemma 2.2] that u≤w in DM. For any given ϵ>0, let
δ:=min{ϵ2MC, 1M}, |
then there is T1>0 such that
k∞<k(t)<k∞+δ≤k∞+M−1 for t>T1. |
Thus, we have that for t>T1 and x∈[k(t),k∞+δ],
u(t,x)≤w(t,x)≤w(t,k∞+δ)≤C(2Mδ−M2δ2)<ϵ. |
Similarly, we can prove that there exists T2>0 such that
u(t,x)<ϵ for t>T2, x∈[h∞−δ,h(t)]. |
Moreover, u converges to 0 uniformly for x∈[k∞+δ,h∞−δ] as t→∞, and there is T≥T1+T2 such that
u(t,x)<ϵ for t>T, x∈[k∞+δ,h∞+δ]. |
Let ϵ→0, then, by standard theory for parabolic equations, we have that the convergence of u to 0 is uniform in [k(t),h(t)], which ends the proof.
Next we give the following condition for vanishing.
Lemma 2.6. Let L∗ be given in Lemma 2.2 and (u,k,h) be a solution of (P) with (1.3) and u0∈X(h0) for h0>0. If h0<L∗ and ‖u0‖L∞ is sufficiently small, then vanishing happens, that is h∞−k∞≤2L∗ and
limt→∞‖u(t,⋅)‖L∞([k(t),h(t)])=0. |
Proof. For any given h∗∈(h0,L∗), it follows from Lemma 2.2 that problem (2.5) with L=l=h∗, admits a positive principal eigenvalue λ∗, whose corresponding positive eigenfunction φ, can be normalized by ‖φ‖L∞=1. Let x0 and x1 be the leftmost and rightmost local maximum point of φ(⋅). Set
δ:=min{λ∗2, h∗h0−1, 1}, η:=max{−x0, x1, h0, h∗−δ4h0}, |
ε0:=min{φ(η), φ(−η)}≤1, |
and there exists ε1=ε1(δ)>0 small such that
−2(μ1+μ2)ε1[φ′(h∗)−φ′(−h∗)]<δ2h0 |
f(s)≤(f′(0)+δ)s, g(s)≤(g′(0)+δ)s, s∈[0,ε1]. |
w(t,x):=ε0ε1e−δtφ(x) for (t,x)∈[0,∞)×(−h∗,h∗). |
A direct calculation shows that
wx(t,0−0)=wx(t,0+0), w(t,0−0)=w(t,0+0) |
for t>0, and
{wt−wxx−f(w)≥(λ∗−2δ)w≥0,t>0, 0<x<h∗,wt−wxx−g(w)≥(λ∗−2δ)w≥0,t>0, −h∗<x<0. |
If u0 is chosen to be sufficiently small such that
u0(x)≤ε0ε1φ(x)=w(0,x) for x∈[−h0,h0], |
it follows from the comparison theorem that u(t,x)≤w(t,x) for (t,x)∈[0,τ)×[k(t),h(t)], where
τ:=sup{t>0:k(t)>−h∗ and h(t)<h∗}. |
We claim that τ=∞. Once this claim is proved, we have
[k(t),h(t)]⊂[−h∗,h∗] |
for all t>0, and so vanishing happens by Lemma 2.5.
Let us prove τ=∞ by contradiction, and assume that τ<∞. Without loss of generality we may assume that h(τ)=h∗. We define
ξ(t):=h0(1+δ−δ2e−δt), ¯u(t,x):=ε1e−δtφ(x−ξ(t)+h∗) |
for t≥0,
x∈I(t):=[η+ξ(t)−h∗,ξ(t)]. |
It follows from the choice of η that
x−ξ(t)+h∗≥x1 and η+ξ(t)−h∗>h0 for t≥0, x∈I(t). |
A direct calculation implies that for t≥0,x∈I(t),
ˉut−ˉuxx−f(ˉu)≥(λ∗−2δ)ˉu−ε1e−δtξ′(t)φ′(x−ξ(t)+h∗)≥0, |
where we have used
ξ′(t)>0 and φ′(x−ξ(t)+h∗)≤0 |
for t≥0 and x∈I(t). Moreover, we can check that, for t>0,
ξ′(t)=δ2h02e−δt≥−μ1ε1e−δtφ′(h∗)=−μˉux(t,ξ(t)). |
Now we prove that h(t)≤ξ(t) for t∈[0,τ]. The conclusion is true when
h(t)≤η+ξ(t)−h∗. |
Consider the case where
Ψ:={0≤t≤τ:h(t)>η+ξ(t)−h∗}≠∅ |
consists of some intervals and [τ1,τ2] is one of them. As
η+ξ(0)−h∗>h0, |
τ1>0 and h(τi)=η+ξ(τi)−h∗ for i=1, 2. |
It is direct to check that
u(t,η+ξ(t)−h∗)≤w(t,η+ξ(t)−h∗)≤ε0ε1e−δt≤ˉu(t,η+ξ(t)−h∗),t∈[τ1,τ2]. |
Hence, (ˉu,ξ) is an upper solution in [τ1,τ2]×[η+k(t)−h∗,h(t)] and by comparison we have h(t)≤ξ(t) for t∈[τ1,τ2]. Thus, we have proved that h(t)≤ξ(t) for t∈[0,τ], which yields that
h(τ)≤ξ(τ)<ξ(∞)≤h∗, |
contradicting our assumption h(τ)=h∗. This proves τ=∞, which completes the proof of this lemma.
Later we show the following condition for spreading.
Lemma 2.7. Assume that (H) holds. Let L∗ be given in Lemma 2.2 and (u,k,h) be a solution of (P) with (1.3) and u0∈X(h0) for h0>0. If h0≥L∗, then spreading happens in the sense that
(k∞,h∞)=Randlimt→∞u(t,x)=1 |
locally uniformly in R.
Proof. As h0≥L∗ and h′(t)>0>k′(t) for t>0, then
[−L∗,L∗]⊂[k(1),h(1)]. |
It follows from Lemma 2.2 that problem (2.5) with L=h(1) and l=−k(1), admits a negative principal eigenvalue λ1, whose corresponding eigenfunction φ1, can be chosen positive and normalized by ‖φ1‖L∞=1. Set
u_(x)={ρφ1(x),x∈[k(1),h(1)],0,x∉[k(1),h(1)], |
where the constant ρ>0 can be chosen to be small such that
f(s)≥(f′(0)+λ1)s and g(s)≥(g′(0)+λ1)s for s∈[0,ρ]. |
A direct calculation shows that
u_(0−0)=u_(0+0),u_x(0−0)=u_x(0+0) |
{u_t−u_xx−f(u_)≤0,t>0, 0<x<h(1),u_t−u_xx−g(u_)≤0,t>0, k(1)<x<0. |
Since u(2,⋅)>0 in [k(1),h(1)], we can choose ρ to be smaller if necessary satisfying
u(2,⋅)>u_(⋅) in [k(1),h(1)]. |
Thus u_(x) is a subsolution of (P), and by comparison we have
u(t+2,x)>u_(x) for t>0, x∈(k(1),h(1)). |
This, together with Lemma 2.5, implies that h∞=∞ and u↛0. Combined with Theorem 2.4, we have k∞=−∞ and u→1 locally uniformly in R, which means that spreading happens.
It is easy to see that there are two possibilities: (ⅰ) h∞<∞; (ⅱ) h∞=∞. In case (ⅰ), it follows from Lemma 2.5 that vanishing happens. For case (ⅱ), it follows from Lemma 2.7 and its proof that spreading happens. Thus, we can obtain the spreading-vanishing dichotomy.
In the rest of this proof, let us show the sharp threshold behaviors. Define
σ∗:=sup{σ0: vanishing happens for σ∈(0,σ0]}. |
When h0≥L∗, it follows from Lemma 2.7 that σ∗=0. When h0<L∗, by Lemma 2.6, we see that vanishing happens for small σ>0. So, σ∗∈(0,+∞]. If σ∗=∞, vanishing happens for all σ>0, which ends the proof. Let us consider the case that σ∗<∞. We claim that vanishing happens for σ=σ∗. Otherwise it follows that spreading must happen for σ=σ∗, which yields that there is t0>0 such that
(k(t0),h(t0))⊃[−L∗−1,L∗+1]. |
Due to the continuous dependence of the solution on the initial values, there is ϵ>0 sufficiently small such that (uϵ,kϵ,hϵ), the solution of (1.1) with u0=(σ∗−ϵ)ϕ, satisfies
[kϵ(t0),hϵ(t0)]⊃[−L∗,L∗]. |
Combined with Lemma 2.7, we see that spreading happens to (uϵ,kϵ,hϵ), which is a contradiction. Thanks to this, we can use the comparison principle and the spreading-vanishing dichotomy to obtain that spreading happens for σ>σ∗ and vanishing happens for σ≤σ∗ in this case, which completes the whole proof of Theorem 1.1.
In this paper, we have studied the population dynamics of a single species in a one-dimensional environment which is modeled by the equation ut=uxx+F(x,u) in the domain
{(t,x)∈R2:t≥0, x∈(k(t),h(t)]}, |
where k(t) and h(t) are the free boundaries. By choosing the initial data σϕ for some ϕ∈X(h0), h0>0 and σ≥0, we find that there exists a critical value σ∗ such that spreading happens when σ>σ∗ and vanishing happens when σ≤σ∗.
In the current paper, we have assumed that the species live in the domain
{(t,x)∈R2:t≥0, x∈(k(t),h(t)]}. |
Nevertheless, the habitat of a biological population, in general, can be rather complicated. For example, natural river systems are often in a spatial network structure such as dendritic trees. The network topology (i.e., the topological structure of a river network) can greatly influence the species persistence and extinction. It would be interesting to consider the population dynamics of a single species in a general river habitat. We plan to study this problem in future work.
The authors declare they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the creation of this article.
This research was partly supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11801330), Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. ZR2023YQ002), and the Support Plan for Outstanding Youth Innovation Team in Shandong Higher Education Institutions (No. 2021KJ037).
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest in this paper.
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