Collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm is one of the most widely used recommendation algorithms in recommender systems. However, there is a data sparsity problem in the traditional CF algorithm, which may reduce the recommended efficiency of recommender systems. This paper proposes an improved collaborative filtering personalized recommendation (ICF) algorithm, which can effectively improve the data sparsity problem by reducing item space. By using the k-means clustering method to secondarily extract the similarity information, ICF algorithm can obtain the similarity information of users more accurately, thus improving the accuracy of recommender systems. The experiments using MovieLens and Netflix data set show that the ICF algorithm has a significant improvement in the accuracy and quality of recommendation.
Citation: Jiaquan Huang, Zhen Jia, Peng Zuo. Improved collaborative filtering personalized recommendation algorithm based on k-means clustering and weighted similarity on the reduced item space[J]. Mathematical Modelling and Control, 2023, 3(1): 39-49. doi: 10.3934/mmc.2023004
Collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm is one of the most widely used recommendation algorithms in recommender systems. However, there is a data sparsity problem in the traditional CF algorithm, which may reduce the recommended efficiency of recommender systems. This paper proposes an improved collaborative filtering personalized recommendation (ICF) algorithm, which can effectively improve the data sparsity problem by reducing item space. By using the k-means clustering method to secondarily extract the similarity information, ICF algorithm can obtain the similarity information of users more accurately, thus improving the accuracy of recommender systems. The experiments using MovieLens and Netflix data set show that the ICF algorithm has a significant improvement in the accuracy and quality of recommendation.
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