Research article

Asymptotic symmetry and asymptotic solutions to Ito stochastic differential equations

  • Received: 02 August 2021 Accepted: 13 September 2021 Published: 08 October 2021
  • We consider several aspects of conjugating symmetry methods, including the method of invariants, with an asymptotic approach. In particular we consider how to extend to the stochastic setting several ideas which are well established in the deterministic one, such as conditional, partial and asymptotic symmetries. A number of explicit examples are presented.

    Citation: Giuseppe Gaeta, Roma Kozlov, Francesco Spadaro. Asymptotic symmetry and asymptotic solutions to Ito stochastic differential equations[J]. Mathematics in Engineering, 2022, 4(5): 1-52. doi: 10.3934/mine.2022038

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  • We consider several aspects of conjugating symmetry methods, including the method of invariants, with an asymptotic approach. In particular we consider how to extend to the stochastic setting several ideas which are well established in the deterministic one, such as conditional, partial and asymptotic symmetries. A number of explicit examples are presented.


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