Research article

Honeybee wings hold antibiofouling and antimicrobial clues for improved applications in health care and industries

  • Received: 02 February 2023 Revised: 16 March 2023 Accepted: 28 March 2023 Published: 03 April 2023
  • Natural surfaces with remarkable properties and functionality have become the focus of intense research. Heretofore, the natural antimicrobial properties of insect wings have inspired research into their applications. The wings of cicadas, butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies have evolved phenomenal anti-biofouling and antimicrobial properties. These wings are covered by periodic topography ranging from highly ordered hexagonal arrays of nanopillars to intricate “Christmas-tree” like structures with the ability to kill microbes by physically rupturing the cell membrane. In contrast, the topography of honeybee wings has received less attention. The role topography plays in antibiofouling, and antimicrobial activity of honeybee wings has never been investigated. Here, through antimicrobial and electron microscopy studies, we showed that pristine honeybee wings displayed no microbes on the wing surface. Also, the wings displayed antimicrobial properties that disrupt microbial cells and inhibit their growth. The antimicrobial activities of the wings were extremely effective at inhibiting the growth of Gram-negative bacterial cells when compared to Gram-positive bacterial cells. The fore wing was effective at inhibiting the growth of Gram-negative bacteria compared to Gram-positive samples. Electron microscopy revealed that the wings were studded with an array of rough, sharp, and pointed pillars that were distributed on both the dorsal and ventral sides, which enhanced anti-biofouling and antimicrobial effects. Our findings demonstrate the potential benefits of incorporating honeybee wings nanopatterns into the design of antibacterial nanomaterials which can be translated into countless applications in healthcare and industry.

    Citation: Akamu J. Ewunkem, A'lyiha F. Beard, Brittany L. Justice, Sabrina L. Peoples, Jeffery A. Meixner, Watson Kemper, Uchenna B. Iloghalu. Honeybee wings hold antibiofouling and antimicrobial clues for improved applications in health care and industries[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2023, 9(2): 332-345. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2023018

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  • Natural surfaces with remarkable properties and functionality have become the focus of intense research. Heretofore, the natural antimicrobial properties of insect wings have inspired research into their applications. The wings of cicadas, butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies have evolved phenomenal anti-biofouling and antimicrobial properties. These wings are covered by periodic topography ranging from highly ordered hexagonal arrays of nanopillars to intricate “Christmas-tree” like structures with the ability to kill microbes by physically rupturing the cell membrane. In contrast, the topography of honeybee wings has received less attention. The role topography plays in antibiofouling, and antimicrobial activity of honeybee wings has never been investigated. Here, through antimicrobial and electron microscopy studies, we showed that pristine honeybee wings displayed no microbes on the wing surface. Also, the wings displayed antimicrobial properties that disrupt microbial cells and inhibit their growth. The antimicrobial activities of the wings were extremely effective at inhibiting the growth of Gram-negative bacterial cells when compared to Gram-positive bacterial cells. The fore wing was effective at inhibiting the growth of Gram-negative bacteria compared to Gram-positive samples. Electron microscopy revealed that the wings were studded with an array of rough, sharp, and pointed pillars that were distributed on both the dorsal and ventral sides, which enhanced anti-biofouling and antimicrobial effects. Our findings demonstrate the potential benefits of incorporating honeybee wings nanopatterns into the design of antibacterial nanomaterials which can be translated into countless applications in healthcare and industry.



    Authors acknowledge the Department of Biological Sciences and Department of Clinical Science, Winston Salem State University for suggestions.

    Declarations of funding

    We acknowledged funds from DC Research Grant (The PDC fund number is 211444) Winston Salem State University.

    Conflicts of interest

    The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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