Research article

MDKLoss: Medicine domain knowledge loss for skin lesion recognition

  • Received: 29 October 2023 Revised: 27 December 2023 Accepted: 04 January 2024 Published: 22 January 2024
  • Methods based on deep learning have shown good advantages in skin lesion recognition. However, the diversity of lesion shapes and the influence of noise disturbances such as hair, bubbles, and markers leads to large intra-class differences and small inter-class similarities, which existing methods have not yet effectively resolved. In addition, most existing methods enhance the performance of skin lesion recognition by improving deep learning models without considering the guidance of medical knowledge of skin lesions. In this paper, we innovatively construct feature associations between different lesions using medical knowledge, and design a medical domain knowledge loss function (MDKLoss) based on these associations. By expanding the gap between samples of various lesion categories, MDKLoss enhances the capacity of deep learning models to differentiate between different lesions and consequently boosts classification performance. Extensive experiments on ISIC2018 and ISIC2019 datasets show that the proposed method achieves a maximum of 91.6% and 87.6% accuracy. Furthermore, compared with existing state-of-the-art loss functions, the proposed method demonstrates its effectiveness, universality, and superiority.

    Citation: Li Zhang, Xiangling Xiao, Ju Wen, Huihui Li. MDKLoss: Medicine domain knowledge loss for skin lesion recognition[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(2): 2671-2690. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024118

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  • Methods based on deep learning have shown good advantages in skin lesion recognition. However, the diversity of lesion shapes and the influence of noise disturbances such as hair, bubbles, and markers leads to large intra-class differences and small inter-class similarities, which existing methods have not yet effectively resolved. In addition, most existing methods enhance the performance of skin lesion recognition by improving deep learning models without considering the guidance of medical knowledge of skin lesions. In this paper, we innovatively construct feature associations between different lesions using medical knowledge, and design a medical domain knowledge loss function (MDKLoss) based on these associations. By expanding the gap between samples of various lesion categories, MDKLoss enhances the capacity of deep learning models to differentiate between different lesions and consequently boosts classification performance. Extensive experiments on ISIC2018 and ISIC2019 datasets show that the proposed method achieves a maximum of 91.6% and 87.6% accuracy. Furthermore, compared with existing state-of-the-art loss functions, the proposed method demonstrates its effectiveness, universality, and superiority.


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