Research article Special Issues

Research on a lightweight electronic component detection method based on knowledge distillation

  • Received: 18 September 2023 Revised: 14 November 2023 Accepted: 17 November 2023 Published: 22 November 2023
  • As an essential part of electronic component assembly, it is crucial to rapidly and accurately detect electronic components. Therefore, a lightweight electronic component detection method based on knowledge distillation is proposed in this study. First, a lightweight student model was constructed. Then, we consider issues like the teacher and student's differing expressions. A knowledge distillation method based on the combination of feature and channel is proposed to learn the teacher's rich class-related and inter-class difference features. Finally, comparative experiments were analyzed for the dataset. The results show that the student model Params (13.32 M) are reduced by 55%, and FLOPs (28.7 GMac) are reduced by 35% compared to the teacher model. The knowledge distillation method based on the combination of feature and channel improves the student model's mAP by 3.91% and 1.13% on the Pascal VOC and electronic components detection datasets, respectively. As a result of the knowledge distillation, the constructed student model strikes a superior balance between model precision and complexity, allowing for fast and accurate detection of electronic components with a detection precision (mAP) of 97.81% and a speed of 79 FPS.

    Citation: Zilin Xia, Jinan Gu, Wenbo Wang, Zedong Huang. Research on a lightweight electronic component detection method based on knowledge distillation[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(12): 20971-20994. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023928

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  • As an essential part of electronic component assembly, it is crucial to rapidly and accurately detect electronic components. Therefore, a lightweight electronic component detection method based on knowledge distillation is proposed in this study. First, a lightweight student model was constructed. Then, we consider issues like the teacher and student's differing expressions. A knowledge distillation method based on the combination of feature and channel is proposed to learn the teacher's rich class-related and inter-class difference features. Finally, comparative experiments were analyzed for the dataset. The results show that the student model Params (13.32 M) are reduced by 55%, and FLOPs (28.7 GMac) are reduced by 35% compared to the teacher model. The knowledge distillation method based on the combination of feature and channel improves the student model's mAP by 3.91% and 1.13% on the Pascal VOC and electronic components detection datasets, respectively. As a result of the knowledge distillation, the constructed student model strikes a superior balance between model precision and complexity, allowing for fast and accurate detection of electronic components with a detection precision (mAP) of 97.81% and a speed of 79 FPS.


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