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Advancing document-level event extraction: Integration across texts and reciprocal feedback

  • Received: 17 August 2023 Revised: 16 October 2023 Accepted: 22 October 2023 Published: 03 November 2023
  • The primary objective of document-level event extraction is to extract relevant event information from lengthy texts. However, many existing methods for document-level event extraction fail to fully incorporate the contextual information that spans across sentences. To overcome this limitation, the present study proposes a document-level event extraction model called Integration Across Texts and Reciprocal Feedback (IATRF). The proposed model constructs a heterogeneous graph and employs a graph convolutional network to enhance the connection between document and entity information. This approach facilitates the acquisition of semantic information enriched with document-level context. Additionally, a Transformer classifier is introduced to transform multiple event types into a multi-label classification task. To tackle the challenge of event argument recognition, this paper introduces the Reciprocal Feedback Argument Extraction strategy. Experimental results conducted on both our COSM dataset and the publicly available ChFinAnn dataset demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms previous methods in terms of F1 value, thus confirming its effectiveness. The IATRF model effectively solves the problems of long-distance document context-aware representation and cross-sentence argument dispersion.

    Citation: Min Zuo, Jiaqi Li, Di Wu, Yingjun Wang, Wei Dong, Jianlei Kong, Kang Hu. Advancing document-level event extraction: Integration across texts and reciprocal feedback[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(11): 20050-20072. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023888

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  • The primary objective of document-level event extraction is to extract relevant event information from lengthy texts. However, many existing methods for document-level event extraction fail to fully incorporate the contextual information that spans across sentences. To overcome this limitation, the present study proposes a document-level event extraction model called Integration Across Texts and Reciprocal Feedback (IATRF). The proposed model constructs a heterogeneous graph and employs a graph convolutional network to enhance the connection between document and entity information. This approach facilitates the acquisition of semantic information enriched with document-level context. Additionally, a Transformer classifier is introduced to transform multiple event types into a multi-label classification task. To tackle the challenge of event argument recognition, this paper introduces the Reciprocal Feedback Argument Extraction strategy. Experimental results conducted on both our COSM dataset and the publicly available ChFinAnn dataset demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms previous methods in terms of F1 value, thus confirming its effectiveness. The IATRF model effectively solves the problems of long-distance document context-aware representation and cross-sentence argument dispersion.


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