Research article

Blockchain-based multi-authority revocable data sharing scheme in smart grid

  • Received: 26 February 2023 Revised: 09 April 2023 Accepted: 23 April 2023 Published: 12 May 2023
  • In view of the problems of inefficient data encryption, non-support of malicious user revocation and data integrity checking in current smart grid data sharing schemes, this paper proposes a blockchain-based multi-authority revocable data sharing scheme in the smart grid. Using online/offline encryption technology with hybrid encryption technology enhances the encryption performance for the data owner. The use of user binary tree technology enables the traceability and revocability of malicious users. The introduction of multiple attribute authorization authorities eliminates the threat of collusive attacks that exist in traditional data-sharing schemes. In addition, the semi-honest problem of third-party servers is solved by uploading data verification credentials to the blockchain. The security analysis results show that the scheme can resist selective plaintext attacks and collusion attacks. The performance analysis results show that the proposed scheme has lower computational overhead and better functionality than similar schemes, which is suitable for secure data sharing in smart grids.

    Citation: Xiao-Dong Yang, Ze-Fan Liao, Bin Shu, Ai-Jia Chen. Blockchain-based multi-authority revocable data sharing scheme in smart grid[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(7): 11957-11977. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023531

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  • In view of the problems of inefficient data encryption, non-support of malicious user revocation and data integrity checking in current smart grid data sharing schemes, this paper proposes a blockchain-based multi-authority revocable data sharing scheme in the smart grid. Using online/offline encryption technology with hybrid encryption technology enhances the encryption performance for the data owner. The use of user binary tree technology enables the traceability and revocability of malicious users. The introduction of multiple attribute authorization authorities eliminates the threat of collusive attacks that exist in traditional data-sharing schemes. In addition, the semi-honest problem of third-party servers is solved by uploading data verification credentials to the blockchain. The security analysis results show that the scheme can resist selective plaintext attacks and collusion attacks. The performance analysis results show that the proposed scheme has lower computational overhead and better functionality than similar schemes, which is suitable for secure data sharing in smart grids.


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