Research article Special Issues

Data-driven control of hydraulic servo actuator: An event-triggered adaptive dynamic programming approach

  • Received: 31 October 2022 Revised: 30 December 2022 Accepted: 21 February 2023 Published: 03 March 2023
  • Hydraulic servo actuators (HSAs) are often used in the industry in tasks that request great power, high accuracy and dynamic motion. It is well known that an HSA is a highly complex nonlinear system, and that the system parameters cannot be accurately determined due to various uncertainties, an inability to measure some parameters and disturbances. This paper considers an event-triggered learning control problem of the HSA with unknown dynamics based on adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) via output feedback. Due to increasing practical application of the control algorithm, a linear discrete model of HSA is considered and an online learning data driven controller is used, which is based on measured input and output data instead of unmeasurable states and unknown system parameters. Hence, the ADP-based data driven controller in this paper requires neither the knowledge of the HSA dynamics nor exosystem dynamics. Then, an event-based feedback strategy is introduced to the closed-loop system to save the communication resources and reduce the number of control updates. The convergence of the ADP-based control algorithm is also theoretically shown. Simulation results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach in solving the optimal control problem of HSAs.

    Citation: Vladimir Djordjevic, Hongfeng Tao, Xiaona Song, Shuping He, Weinan Gao, Vladimir Stojanovic. Data-driven control of hydraulic servo actuator: An event-triggered adaptive dynamic programming approach[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(5): 8561-8582. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023376

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  • Hydraulic servo actuators (HSAs) are often used in the industry in tasks that request great power, high accuracy and dynamic motion. It is well known that an HSA is a highly complex nonlinear system, and that the system parameters cannot be accurately determined due to various uncertainties, an inability to measure some parameters and disturbances. This paper considers an event-triggered learning control problem of the HSA with unknown dynamics based on adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) via output feedback. Due to increasing practical application of the control algorithm, a linear discrete model of HSA is considered and an online learning data driven controller is used, which is based on measured input and output data instead of unmeasurable states and unknown system parameters. Hence, the ADP-based data driven controller in this paper requires neither the knowledge of the HSA dynamics nor exosystem dynamics. Then, an event-based feedback strategy is introduced to the closed-loop system to save the communication resources and reduce the number of control updates. The convergence of the ADP-based control algorithm is also theoretically shown. Simulation results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach in solving the optimal control problem of HSAs.


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