Research article

Intermuscular coupling network analysis of upper limbs based on R-vine copula transfer entropy

  • Received: 20 April 2022 Revised: 15 June 2022 Accepted: 20 June 2022 Published: 28 June 2022
  • In the field of neuroscience, it is very important to evaluate the causal coupling characteristics between bioelectrical signals accurately and effectively. Transfer entropy is commonly used to analyze complex data, especially the causal relationship between data with non-linear, multidimensional characteristics. However, traditional transfer entropy needs to estimate the probability density function of the variable, which is computationally complex and unstable. In this paper, a new and effective method for entropy transfer is proposed, by means of applying R-vine copula function estimation. The effectiveness of R-vine copula transfer entropy is first verified on several simulations, and then applied to intermuscular coupling analysis to explore the characteristics of the intermuscular coupling network of muscles in non-fatigue and fatigue conditions. The experiment results show that as the muscle group enters the fatigue state, the community structure can be adjusted and the muscle nodes participating in the exercise are fully activated, enabling the two-way interaction between different communities. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that the proposed method can make accurate inferences about complex causal coupling. Moreover, the characteristics of the intermuscular coupling network in both non-fatigue and fatigue states can provide a new theoretical perspective for the diagnosis of neuromuscular fatigue and sports rehabilitation, which has good application value.

    Citation: Shaojun Zhu, Jinhui Zhao, Yating Wu, Qingshan She. Intermuscular coupling network analysis of upper limbs based on R-vine copula transfer entropy[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(9): 9437-9456. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022439

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  • In the field of neuroscience, it is very important to evaluate the causal coupling characteristics between bioelectrical signals accurately and effectively. Transfer entropy is commonly used to analyze complex data, especially the causal relationship between data with non-linear, multidimensional characteristics. However, traditional transfer entropy needs to estimate the probability density function of the variable, which is computationally complex and unstable. In this paper, a new and effective method for entropy transfer is proposed, by means of applying R-vine copula function estimation. The effectiveness of R-vine copula transfer entropy is first verified on several simulations, and then applied to intermuscular coupling analysis to explore the characteristics of the intermuscular coupling network of muscles in non-fatigue and fatigue conditions. The experiment results show that as the muscle group enters the fatigue state, the community structure can be adjusted and the muscle nodes participating in the exercise are fully activated, enabling the two-way interaction between different communities. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that the proposed method can make accurate inferences about complex causal coupling. Moreover, the characteristics of the intermuscular coupling network in both non-fatigue and fatigue states can provide a new theoretical perspective for the diagnosis of neuromuscular fatigue and sports rehabilitation, which has good application value.


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