Research article Special Issues

Mathematical foundations based statistical modeling of software source code for software system evolution

  • Received: 20 October 2021 Revised: 19 January 2022 Accepted: 26 January 2022 Published: 09 February 2022
  • Source code is the heart of the software systems; it holds a wealth of knowledge that can be tapped for intelligent software systems and leverage the possibilities of reuse of the software. In this work, exploration revolves around making use of the pattern hidden in various software development processes and artifacts. This module is part of the smart requirements management system that is intended to be built. This system will have multiple modules to make the software requirements management phase more secure from vulnerabilities. Some of the critical challenges bothering the software development community are discussed. The background of Machine Learning approaches and their application in software development practices are explored. Some of the work done around modeling the source code and approaches used for vulnerabilities understanding in software systems are reviewed. Program representation is explored to understand some of the principles that would help in understanding the subject well. Further deeper dive into source code modeling possibilities are explored. Machine learning best practices are explored inline with the software source code modeling.

    Citation: Raghavendra Rao Althar, Abdulrahman Alahmadi, Debabrata Samanta, Mohammad Zubair Khan, Ahmed H. Alahmadi. Mathematical foundations based statistical modeling of software source code for software system evolution[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 3701-3719. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022170

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  • Source code is the heart of the software systems; it holds a wealth of knowledge that can be tapped for intelligent software systems and leverage the possibilities of reuse of the software. In this work, exploration revolves around making use of the pattern hidden in various software development processes and artifacts. This module is part of the smart requirements management system that is intended to be built. This system will have multiple modules to make the software requirements management phase more secure from vulnerabilities. Some of the critical challenges bothering the software development community are discussed. The background of Machine Learning approaches and their application in software development practices are explored. Some of the work done around modeling the source code and approaches used for vulnerabilities understanding in software systems are reviewed. Program representation is explored to understand some of the principles that would help in understanding the subject well. Further deeper dive into source code modeling possibilities are explored. Machine learning best practices are explored inline with the software source code modeling.


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