Research article Special Issues

TEP2MP: A text-emotion prediction model oriented to multi-participant text-conversation scenario with hybrid attention enhancement

  • Received: 19 October 2021 Revised: 01 January 2021 Accepted: 04 January 2021 Published: 10 January 2022
  • With the rapid development of online social networks, text-communication has become an indispensable part of daily life. Mining the emotion hidden behind the conversation-text is of prime significance and application value when it comes to the government public-opinion supervision, enterprise decision-making, etc. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a text emotion prediction model in a multi-participant text-conversation scenario, which aims to effectively predict the emotion of the text to be posted by target speaker in the future. Specifically, first, an affective space mapping is constructed, which represents the original conversation-text as an n-dimensional affective vector so as to obtain the text representation on different emotion categories. Second, a similar scene search mechanism is adopted to seek several sub-sequences which contain similar tendency on emotion shift to that of the current conversation scene. Finally, the text emotion prediction model is constructed in a two-layer encoder-decoder structure with the emotion fusion and hybrid attention mechanism introduced at the encoder and decoder side respectively. According to the experimental results, our proposed model can achieve an overall best performance on emotion prediction due to the auxiliary features extracted from similar scenes and the adoption of emotion fusion as well as the hybrid attention mechanism. At the same time, the prediction efficiency can still be controlled at an acceptable level.

    Citation: Huan Rong, Tinghuai Ma, Xinyu Cao, Xin Yu, Gongchi Chen. TEP2MP: A text-emotion prediction model oriented to multi-participant text-conversation scenario with hybrid attention enhancement[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(3): 2671-2699. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022122

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  • With the rapid development of online social networks, text-communication has become an indispensable part of daily life. Mining the emotion hidden behind the conversation-text is of prime significance and application value when it comes to the government public-opinion supervision, enterprise decision-making, etc. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a text emotion prediction model in a multi-participant text-conversation scenario, which aims to effectively predict the emotion of the text to be posted by target speaker in the future. Specifically, first, an affective space mapping is constructed, which represents the original conversation-text as an n-dimensional affective vector so as to obtain the text representation on different emotion categories. Second, a similar scene search mechanism is adopted to seek several sub-sequences which contain similar tendency on emotion shift to that of the current conversation scene. Finally, the text emotion prediction model is constructed in a two-layer encoder-decoder structure with the emotion fusion and hybrid attention mechanism introduced at the encoder and decoder side respectively. According to the experimental results, our proposed model can achieve an overall best performance on emotion prediction due to the auxiliary features extracted from similar scenes and the adoption of emotion fusion as well as the hybrid attention mechanism. At the same time, the prediction efficiency can still be controlled at an acceptable level.


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