Research article Special Issues

An efficient and flexible multiplicity adjustment for chi-square endpoints

  • Received: 24 February 2021 Accepted: 19 May 2021 Published: 07 June 2021
  • This manuscript proposes a fast and efficient multiplicity adjustment that strictly controls the type I error for a family of high-dimensional chi-square distributed endpoints. The method is flexible and may be efficiently applied to chi-square distributed endpoints with any positive definite correlation structure. Controlling the family-wise error rate ensures that the results have a high standard of credulity due to the strict limitation of type I errors. Numerical results confirm that this procedure is effective at controlling familywise error, is far more powerful than utilizing a Bonferroni adjustment, is more computationally feasible in high-dimensional settings than existing methods, and, except for highly correlated data, performs similarly to less accessible simulation-based methods. Additionally, since this method controls the family-wise error rate, it provides protection against reproducibility issues. An application illustrates the use of the proposed multiplicity adjustment to a large scale testing example.

    Citation: Amy Wagler, Melinda McCann. An efficient and flexible multiplicity adjustment for chi-square endpoints[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(5): 4971-4986. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021253

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  • This manuscript proposes a fast and efficient multiplicity adjustment that strictly controls the type I error for a family of high-dimensional chi-square distributed endpoints. The method is flexible and may be efficiently applied to chi-square distributed endpoints with any positive definite correlation structure. Controlling the family-wise error rate ensures that the results have a high standard of credulity due to the strict limitation of type I errors. Numerical results confirm that this procedure is effective at controlling familywise error, is far more powerful than utilizing a Bonferroni adjustment, is more computationally feasible in high-dimensional settings than existing methods, and, except for highly correlated data, performs similarly to less accessible simulation-based methods. Additionally, since this method controls the family-wise error rate, it provides protection against reproducibility issues. An application illustrates the use of the proposed multiplicity adjustment to a large scale testing example.


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