Research article Special Issues

Application of discrete shape function in absolute nodal coordinate formulation

  • Received: 09 April 2021 Accepted: 25 May 2021 Published: 27 May 2021
  • To solve integrals in the absolute nodal coordinate method and address the difficulty in applying it to an arbitrary-section beam, this paper focuses on two methods involving single integrals:the invariant matrix method and the Gerstmayr method, with cross-section characteristics by applying the interpolation of a discrete function. Such single integrals demonstrate that the nodal coordinate method can be applied to an arbitrary-section beam. The Euler–Bernoulli beam used in engineering structures is characterised by a symmetrical cross-section, small section size, zero odd integrals and negligible high-order even integrals, which simplifies the single integrals of the two methods. Finally, the Gaussian integration is adopted to improve the solving efficiency of elastic force and force Jacobian.

    Citation: Zhicheng Song, Jinbao Chen, Chuanzhi Chen. Application of discrete shape function in absolute nodal coordinate formulation[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(4): 4603-4627. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021234

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  • To solve integrals in the absolute nodal coordinate method and address the difficulty in applying it to an arbitrary-section beam, this paper focuses on two methods involving single integrals:the invariant matrix method and the Gerstmayr method, with cross-section characteristics by applying the interpolation of a discrete function. Such single integrals demonstrate that the nodal coordinate method can be applied to an arbitrary-section beam. The Euler–Bernoulli beam used in engineering structures is characterised by a symmetrical cross-section, small section size, zero odd integrals and negligible high-order even integrals, which simplifies the single integrals of the two methods. Finally, the Gaussian integration is adopted to improve the solving efficiency of elastic force and force Jacobian.


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