Research article Special Issues

Hyperbolastic type-III diffusion process: Obtaining from the generalized Weibull diffusion process

  • Received: 29 July 2019 Accepted: 11 October 2019 Published: 04 November 2019
  • The modeling of growth phenomena has become a matter of great interest in many different fields of application and research. New stochastic models have been developed, and others have been updated to this end. The present paper introduces a diffusion process whose main characteristic is that its mean function belongs to a wide family of curves derived from the classic Weibull curve. The main characteristics of the process are described and, as a particular case, a diffusion process is considered whose mean function is the hyperbolastic curve of type Ⅲ, which has proven useful in the study of cell growth phenomena. By studying its estimation we are able to describe the behavior of such growth patterns. This work considers the problem of the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the process, including strategies to obtain initial solutions for the system of equations that must be solved. Some examples are provided based on simulated sample paths and real data to illustrate the development carried out.

    Citation: Antonio Barrera, Patricia Román-Roán, Francisco Torres-Ruiz. Hyperbolastic type-III diffusion process: Obtaining from the generalized Weibull diffusion process[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(1): 814-833. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020043

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  • The modeling of growth phenomena has become a matter of great interest in many different fields of application and research. New stochastic models have been developed, and others have been updated to this end. The present paper introduces a diffusion process whose main characteristic is that its mean function belongs to a wide family of curves derived from the classic Weibull curve. The main characteristics of the process are described and, as a particular case, a diffusion process is considered whose mean function is the hyperbolastic curve of type Ⅲ, which has proven useful in the study of cell growth phenomena. By studying its estimation we are able to describe the behavior of such growth patterns. This work considers the problem of the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the process, including strategies to obtain initial solutions for the system of equations that must be solved. Some examples are provided based on simulated sample paths and real data to illustrate the development carried out.


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