Research article

Location selection criteria for a military base in border region using N-AHP method

  • Received: 18 December 2023 Revised: 16 January 2024 Accepted: 16 January 2024 Published: 21 February 2024
  • MSC : 03E75, 20F10, 90B50

  • The existence of natural gas and rare mineral reserves, energy transmission lines, and sacred places within its borders makes that geography a target for other countries, whether neighboring or not. These countries spend most of their budgets on war technologies and good defense. There are many factors to consider when choosing the location of a military base, which is vital in terms of both defense and logistic support. This study aimed to determine the criteria that should be taken into account in determining the borderline security and selecting the location of military bases of great strategic importance by getting rid of the disadvantages of classical decision-making processes. For this purpose, a solution to the problem was sought with the method obtained by combining the AHP method, one of the latest approaches in the decision-making process, with neutrosophic logic. In order to enable the experts to cope with uncertain information and to prevent errors in preference values due to differences in individual approaches, three expert opinions were obtained and the Delphi method was used to increase the advantages of the neutrosophic analytic hierarchy process (N-AHP) method by utilizing the degree of consensus. Expert opinions were received to determine, prioritize, and group the criteria using the Delphi method, and after these criteria were analyzed, their importance levels were determined by weighting the criteria using the N-AHP method. Thus, an important study in which these two compatible methods were used together for the establishment of a military base was presented to researchers. When the criteria weights of the 12 sub-criteria are analyzed, it was concluded that ease of logistics access is the most important criterion for base location selection.

    Citation: Nazmiye Gonul Bilgin, Gurel Bozma, Muhammad Riaz. Location selection criteria for a military base in border region using N-AHP method[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(3): 7529-7551. doi: 10.3934/math.2024365

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  • The existence of natural gas and rare mineral reserves, energy transmission lines, and sacred places within its borders makes that geography a target for other countries, whether neighboring or not. These countries spend most of their budgets on war technologies and good defense. There are many factors to consider when choosing the location of a military base, which is vital in terms of both defense and logistic support. This study aimed to determine the criteria that should be taken into account in determining the borderline security and selecting the location of military bases of great strategic importance by getting rid of the disadvantages of classical decision-making processes. For this purpose, a solution to the problem was sought with the method obtained by combining the AHP method, one of the latest approaches in the decision-making process, with neutrosophic logic. In order to enable the experts to cope with uncertain information and to prevent errors in preference values due to differences in individual approaches, three expert opinions were obtained and the Delphi method was used to increase the advantages of the neutrosophic analytic hierarchy process (N-AHP) method by utilizing the degree of consensus. Expert opinions were received to determine, prioritize, and group the criteria using the Delphi method, and after these criteria were analyzed, their importance levels were determined by weighting the criteria using the N-AHP method. Thus, an important study in which these two compatible methods were used together for the establishment of a military base was presented to researchers. When the criteria weights of the 12 sub-criteria are analyzed, it was concluded that ease of logistics access is the most important criterion for base location selection.


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