Research article Special Issues

Spectrum of prism graph and relation with network related quantities

  • Received: 16 August 2022 Revised: 20 October 2022 Accepted: 24 October 2022 Published: 08 November 2022
  • MSC : 05C10, 05C82, 68R10

  • Spectra of network related graphs have numerous applications in computer sciences, electrical networks and complex networks to explore structural characterization like stability and strength of these different real-world networks. In present article, our consideration is to compute spectrum based results of generalized prism graph which is well-known planar and polyhedral graph family belongs to the generalized Petersen graphs. Then obtained results are applied to compute some network related quantities like global mean-first passage time, average path length, number of spanning trees, graph energies and spectral radius.

    Citation: Ali Raza, Mobeen Munir, Tasawar Abbas, Sayed M Eldin, Ilyas Khan. Spectrum of prism graph and relation with network related quantities[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(2): 2634-2647. doi: 10.3934/math.2023137

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  • Spectra of network related graphs have numerous applications in computer sciences, electrical networks and complex networks to explore structural characterization like stability and strength of these different real-world networks. In present article, our consideration is to compute spectrum based results of generalized prism graph which is well-known planar and polyhedral graph family belongs to the generalized Petersen graphs. Then obtained results are applied to compute some network related quantities like global mean-first passage time, average path length, number of spanning trees, graph energies and spectral radius.


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